View Full Version : Looking for ideas??

07-10-2006, 01:37 AM
Hey girls, been a while since I posted here. I basicaly am looking for ideas and advice on how to venture out for the first time as sara, I plan on going out at around 2-3am so there is no one really around and I will have the cover of darkness to make me feel a little better at first. i really want to drive around dressed up (never done that) and I would really like to get to a location where I can walk around and just be outside as her. Other than ntrying to go to a club (way to public to start out) I would like somewhere somewhat secluded so I can warm myself up to being "out" any ideas??? I am just really trying to build the courage to go out as sara and see how well I pass as her because I love being her.

07-10-2006, 01:46 AM
at 2 or 3 am, it should be easy to find a 24 hr convenience store that isnt busy. go in and buy something..........where i live, Wal-Mart is open 24 hrs, if so, go in there and just walk around for a few mins (there will only be a handful of people in there at that time).........find a 24 hr fast food resturaunt and go thru the drive thru, that will be a good test for your voice. I've done that several times.

07-10-2006, 01:58 AM
Hi Sara, I've gone to buy gas for my car and left my debit and credit cards at home so I had to go in and pay. It was scary but awesome at the same time. The second time was last week and all I did was go to a gas station and buy a beverage. The woman behind the counter actually thought it was cool that I was dressed. We ended up talking for about twenty minutes as she waited on other customers. It was cool. I'm planning a shopping trip soon and then next month I'm planning a weekend dressed as a woman. Can't wait. Cya, Lacey.

07-10-2006, 02:06 AM
I basicaly am looking for ideas and advice on how to venture out for the first time as sara, I plan on going out at around 2-3am so there is no one really around and I will have the cover of darkness to make me feel a little better at first. ... I am just really trying to build the courage to go out as sara and see how well I pass as her because I love being her.

Yes, an independent stroll late at night is a great maiden voyage ... Got an attractive safe park by any chance? ... Any wee hours bohemian coffee shops? I'd stay away from the flourescent lights at first if I were you ... Good luck, have a blast - and please let us know how it goes.

07-10-2006, 04:22 AM
... and as any girl knows, just be carefull at that time of night.

Karren H
07-10-2006, 05:55 AM
Try a 24 our grocery, or a wallmart......or drive through fast food joint. Depending on where you live, being out at 2 to 3am can make you stick out more than say 8pmish. An you stickout less when in a crowd, at night than alone. So try earlier, and go to a park that is open late (many close at dusk). So have a blast.....once you start you will wonder why you didn't do it years earlier!!! LOL

Love Karren

07-10-2006, 06:55 AM
Got to add my0.02 . Don't dress so that you draw attention to yourself. Today I,m getting my car worked on and I' dressed. Button up blouse, womans jeans and all my lovelys underneath and a hint of perfume. I'm dressed and fell wonderful, but when the guys at the garage see me it's just "Chuck" dropping off his car. Enjoy yourself! Love and xxx, Lily

07-10-2006, 06:59 AM
Sara---the advice you are getting may be fine but I suggest you try to see if there is a TG Support Group in your area. Your public profile doesn't indicate a real geographic area so I suggest you look for or asked on this forum for possible support groups that will allow you to go out but yet will provide a safe haven for you. I live in an area which has two support groups close by and for me was a great beginning but now I venture out to TG friendly restaurants with friends at least once a month. Its worth a look. Sally2

07-10-2006, 07:07 AM
Whatever you do - be safe! I personally wouldn't want to go to a park at 3am.

07-10-2006, 12:54 PM
Well I didi drive my car around last night which would be the first official time Sara was in the real world.i did not really have a destination but driving around in full dress was excilerating!!!! I was really wanting to pull up next to somebody at a light just to see there reaction to me, I can pass fairly well so I think I would be percieved as a woman at first anyway. I really want to do it again but with more people around

07-10-2006, 07:57 PM
Just ask any police officer, just about anybody out and about at 2-3AM will draw attention to them. Make it a lone woman and it draws even more attention. It is just not safe for a woman to be out alone after midnight. THINK--What if your car breaks down. Are you prepared? What if you are in an accident at 3 AM. Are you prepared? What if you are followed by a preditor. Are you prepared? There is safety in numbers. When I first began venturing out about 6-7 years ago, I went to local malls early in the evening. There were people around. That makes for a much safer environment. When you look like a woman by herself at a late hour, you can become an easy target for any preditor. Color me cautious. When dressed as a woman, think like a woman. Women have learned to be cautious. You must learn that too. The wee hours of the morning is not a good time to be out and about looking like a woman.


07-10-2006, 08:35 PM
You don't list where you are so I can't say, but there are many GNO groups in the US. Do a search and see if one is near you. The one in Boston is fabulous. They meet at a safe bar and talk for an hour or 2. Then the ones that feel like going head into Boston to one of the TG friendly clubs and dance and mingle for several hours. They don't try to blend in! They're just T-Girls and proud of it. I don't know if the other groups all run the same, but they are there to help young gurls, get out for the first time and build some confidence.

Try it and be safe!


07-10-2006, 08:58 PM
Just ask any police officer, just about anybody out and about at 2-3AM will draw attention to them. Make it a lone woman and it draws even more attention. It is just not safe for a woman to be out alone after midnight. THINK--What if your car breaks down. Are you prepared? What if you are in an accident at 3 AM. Are you prepared? What if you are followed by a preditor. Are you prepared? There is safety in numbers. When I first began venturing out about 6-7 years ago, I went to local malls early in the evening. There were people around. That makes for a much safer environment. When you look like a woman by herself at a late hour, you can become an easy target for any preditor. Color me cautious. When dressed as a woman, think like a woman. Women have learned to be cautious. You must learn that too. The wee hours of the morning is not a good time to be out and about looking like a woman.


Point well taken, you can never be too careful. It does help that I am a mechanic by day and happen to hold a black belt in Tae kwon Do with a mixture of kickboxing and I also wrestled a few years back so I guess that is about as prepared as I can be for a late night stroll. besides, where I was driving was basically small town country area with not alot of traffic for that time of night. I had the itch to drive into downtown Charlotte but I was tired and way to nervous for that. even at that time of night I am very likely to run across somebody I knew, since I lived here all my life that comes with the territory and makes it harder to let Sara out in public. maybe now that I have posted my city maybe somebody has some more "specific" ideas??

07-10-2006, 09:14 PM
Go check out a thrift store somewhere. You get to go out, you get to shop and if you find something, you get some new outfits. And I'm quite sure if you get read, you'll be "just another crossdresser"! Jaie

Thrift stores and coffee shops/convience stores were my first trips out. And not in the middle of the night. Make sure you're ready when the cops ask why you're out riding around in the middle of the night wearing womens clothing. Especially if it's in an area where there have been sex crimes reported. (Oh, OK sir, at least you're not a pervert. Have a nice evening.)

tekla west
07-10-2006, 09:26 PM
One step at a time, one day at a time (or night in your case) either way ... Sara Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelli Taylor
07-10-2006, 10:13 PM
go to a gas station that possibly has a female attendent if you can find one or if he looks like a geek (sorry). Also try and go to a wal mart, most of the time the only people in there are the employees and they have a job to do. Most don't notice. And if they do they may look for a quick look and go about their own business. Just try not to venture overe to the grocery side if you have supercenter where you live, as most of them are working over there. Please let me know how it goes.


07-10-2006, 11:31 PM
Try shopping at a smaller boutique in a strip mall, instead of a big mall. And go to someplace friendly, like Lane Bryant or Avenue. Hit the stores just after opening or just before closing. They are less busy at those times. But above all have fun. And if someone starts harrassing you, just write them off, as a pain in the @$$....BJ