View Full Version : Does my voice sound like a girl?

07-13-2006, 11:12 PM
Here's a clip.


This represents the best I can do right now---I can't speak this well all the time, usually my voice slips lower/less feminine.

Any suggestions for improving my voice?

07-13-2006, 11:36 PM
I couldn't down load the voice clip, something was wrong. BUT, from my observations, I noticed voice is the least part of passing. If you really look the part and sound some what female, you will pull it off. But even if the voice is perfect, if the look isn't right, you failed. JMHO...BJ

07-13-2006, 11:40 PM
It's in a RAR file---you have to unpack it using WinRAR (www.rarlab.com) first.

07-14-2006, 12:40 AM
sounds great jen. :thumbsup:

07-14-2006, 12:43 AM
that's a negative

Kate Simmons
07-14-2006, 05:39 AM
Like BJ says, the voice isn't that important. It not how you sound as much as the way you say things. Women talk differently than men. Take some time and observe some conversations. Ericka

Teresa Amina
07-14-2006, 09:39 AM
Looks like I need to buy that WinRar program! :mad: But until I find a free source for it I'll just say that from what I've read the Voice is the hardest thing to achieve. I've played a bit with the Melanie Speaks program and am close to it but can't get my throat to relax the way she says you need to. If you have some musical talent it is supposed to help but my musical ability is limited to popping a disc into the player!

07-14-2006, 01:05 PM
I'm intending to use this voice in online voice chat actually, so voice is everything---people can't see me.

07-14-2006, 01:19 PM
Hell, I can't even read it! :happy:

07-14-2006, 01:19 PM
Not bad at all! However, to feint a really female voice online, I tried Voice Changer Diamond with very good results. You need to tweak with the options quite a lot before finding a good setup, and an output voice which does not sounds as "fake", but the result can be outstanding! Give it a try.

Here it is an example: to make this, I just talked with my usual male voice, and the result is this:


(scroll down the page, click free, then wait some seconds, enter the three letter code to download)

07-14-2006, 08:18 PM
The actual pitch of the voice is about 10% of giving an impression of a woman. The other 90% is a combination vocal inflection, prosody, mannerisms, gestures, and always talking with a smile. If you have the look correct, the mannerisms correct and use the right gestures, unless you are a low bass, your voice will give you no problems.

In case you doubt what I say, I spent, among other things, 35 years as a certified, licensed Speech/Language Pathologist.


Tina P Hose
07-14-2006, 08:24 PM
Voice is last, looks and how you feel are what is all about, so come on I wanna' see your Legg's !

07-14-2006, 09:36 PM
if you ever need to upload an audio clip for people to play, use www.putfile.com.. it's free, quick, and they give you 25mb of space.

Dee 1062
07-14-2006, 09:44 PM
Forget the voice...I would like to see a pic. of you.....

Rachel Morley
07-14-2006, 10:15 PM
.rar files are zipped audio files and I'm not going to buy or try any software just for this thread. However, I do want to be supportive and I agree with others that the voice is the not the most important thing. Looking and acting feminine is (in my opinion) much more important, especially when en femme in public.

07-14-2006, 10:21 PM
WinRAR are not zipped aduio files. WinRAR is just a better way to compress files than using WinZIP. Most of the things I download are in .rar or .tar format. WinRAR is just another compression program that compresses the files smaller than WinZIP can thats all. I also agree with what the others say. I could never get my voice to sound female I have way to much base in my voice for that. The appearance is the most important part to get down right and the smile :) If you dont smile you look like your upto something hehe.

Rachel Morley
07-14-2006, 10:24 PM
Ok when I said zipped I mean't compressed, and it just happened that the link was audio ...sorry :o

07-15-2006, 09:36 AM
Voice sounded very convincing !!
Love Nishababe xx:tongueout

07-15-2006, 10:20 AM
If you were talking to me on the phone, I would have NO doubts that you were a girl. if I were you, everytime I ordered out for food, I would use that voice and practice because the phone is so faceless that there's no way anyone could tell.

07-15-2006, 12:58 PM
voice is good (8/10 convincing) , but reading from cue cards is weird