View Full Version : Would it be as exciting if it were not forbidden

Lovely Rita
07-14-2006, 11:32 AM

Do you think the fact that CDing is so unacceptable and taboo in most cultures enhances the excitement.

We are the sexy outlaws

tekla west
07-14-2006, 11:35 AM
I think the outlaw thing has a lot to do with it. Forbidden Fruit and all that.

07-14-2006, 11:44 AM
I think, at least for me, it would not make any difference. Frankly the thought of it being "taboo" has never really crossed my mind. When I firsat dressed as a teen it was all for excitement. Really got off on it. The first few years of my adult years also were for the sexual excitement of "being the woman" I wanted to be with. Over time it just became a part of who I was. I got enjoyment of just dressing and doing things as a woman. Typing, relaxing, watching TV, playing games with my wife. It felt so natural and so wonderful. By then I was fullt dressed and made up. Yes, there is still certainly a sexual part of dressing but I can also spend completre days dressed and sex doesn't enter into the equation at all. I feel that I am Dawn 24/7 as far as outlook, feelings and personality goes and would love to be Dawn in apperarance as well. It is in my thoughts of how people close to me (family) would react to this that stops me from taking this step. Society can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned. Most of it seems to be attempting that anyway.

connie rotten
07-14-2006, 11:47 AM
I am sure the naughtiness of it is the first thrill. every time I step out of my vehicle when dressed up my heart races, I think you have hit the nail on the head as to why.

tekla west
07-14-2006, 11:54 AM
I don't know about the rest, but your right about society. Its seems more lemming based all the time. Ignoring basic threats to our environment, a huge government that can't govern anything, not even itself, economy out of control, politics stuck on stupid (yeah, we really needed to debate flag burning with all that is going on right now, great choice), nation split down teh middle....

I feel like I've spend the last 4 years or so riding with Thelma and Louise, pedal to the metal, and the cliff in plain view, and no one even suggusting that anyone as much as tap the breaks.

Stephenie S
07-14-2006, 11:58 AM
Well, the answer is clearly yes for some of us.

However, while I can remember sexual excitement being a part of this when I was much younger, it seems to have been lost entirely with age and familiarity. It has been a LONG time since I have had any excitement, sexual or otherwise in conection with my CDing. These days it just seems RIGHT. For me, it's the pleasure and satisfaction due to my feeling of completeness. A feeling that my outward apearance more closely matches how I feel inside.
I can understand and remember the excitement aspect of it, these clothes are pretty and more sensual than mens clothes. We get to smell better too. But excitement is a feeling I no longer associate with my CDing.


Karren H
07-14-2006, 12:13 PM
Well don't know about outlaws!! Hehe. But there is that excitement of doing something and getting away with it in public!! And although it wouldn't be as exciting if it were full embraced I'd say I wouldn't quite and go join the foreigh legion or something adventureous!! :D

Love Karren

07-14-2006, 12:58 PM
When I first started, it was very very exciting, but it was also to explore some feelings I could not, at the time, understand. The excitment still comes and goes, first time out driving, first time going to a club, etc. But now it just makes me feel so much more of a complete person, and finding out all these things that have been kept inside me for soooo long. From the instant I slip into my panties to start my (almost) daily transformation, I feel a like a great weight is lifted from me, and I become such a relaxed and laid back person, it just feels soo right inside myself.
There is still so much more for me to do as Terri, such as shopping enfemme ( still never tried that yet), and being and making new friends who understand. The area I live in, as I have discovered, has many other girls like me, but circumstances force us to guard this side of us so jealously, that it can be hard to find others.


07-14-2006, 01:08 PM
I think that's part of the thrill and why we do it.

07-14-2006, 01:20 PM
I think it would be just as exciting to wear *whatever* I want to wear without issues... Imagine all of the choices!

tekla west
07-14-2006, 01:22 PM
If not outlaw, how about spy in the house of love

Samantha Lough
07-14-2006, 01:32 PM
I guess I am a weird one cause it has never been a sexual or a thrill for me it has just been a WANT and or a Need

07-14-2006, 01:56 PM
I'm out - hairless, skirts, pigtails, eye shadow and Abba (!) on my iPod - almost every day. It's not forbidden in the least.

Marla S
07-14-2006, 01:59 PM
It would probably less thrilling, but how can a new pair of heels not be exciting ?

Michelle Ellis
07-14-2006, 02:07 PM
I think some of the excitement would be gone for me. But the urge and the satisfaction wouldn't subside, in fact, if it were not a 'forbidden taboo' I would just purge my male self, and finally, I could sit back and enjoy life without my heart racing a million miles an hour :)


Wendy me
07-14-2006, 02:19 PM
well it's not forbidden.... it's misunderstood ...... and that's were it gets messed up....

07-14-2006, 02:48 PM
In my case, I think not. It has always been the feel of the clothing that make it exciting for me.

I do not deny that there is plenty of excitement in going out enfemme. That may be the ultimate thrill of it all but it is a minor issue with me as I do not go out any more.

07-14-2006, 04:03 PM
I don't find being myself exciting, I feel frustrated that I cannot be myself. Excitement has nothing to do with being the person I truly feel that I am.

Frustration is my biggest feeling.

07-14-2006, 04:46 PM
I'd hardly call it exciting. I think what we would find is less macho and society a bit softer as a whole.

Michelle Ellis
07-14-2006, 04:53 PM
I think a lot of the excitement comes from the fact I've always toyed with the idea of coming out. Something that my life just will not permit. So when I'm dressed there's always that small chance that I'll be found out. That's both exciting and scary at the same time, not the actual dressing or state of being dressed I suppose. It's all kind of linked together tho.

So if everyone totally accepted me before I even came out, well that's where some of the excitement would be gone.

Deborah, I feel frustration too, in spades.


07-14-2006, 05:08 PM
I guess this can be the difference between being transgendered and crossdressing, most crossdressers can revert quite readily to the male persona, and therefore there is that frisson of excitement of the "forbidden fruit"

My male persona is a lie - I hate him, I hate those things between my legs - but I don't have the courage to do something about them - so I am frustrated and even hateful towards him and a world that would judge me for being being out of the ordinary.

Dressing as the real me has no excitement, indeed since I finally realised about myself - I actually dress less - although I still buy lots of clothes - and even more shoes! lol

07-14-2006, 05:18 PM
For me I find crossdressing so exciting.
It it was considered "normal" by the wider society would I find it as exciting....probably not. Tasting the forbidden fruit has a lot of appeal to me!

In my mind it all seems a contradiction to me. On one hand I like crossdressing not being "the norm" on the other that can sometimes bring about shame because it isn't considered normal by a lot of people.

Hope that make some sort of sense???:straightface:
Love Paula x

Julie York
07-14-2006, 05:36 PM
For me I find crossdressing so exciting.
It it was considered "normal" by the wider society would I find it as exciting....probably not. Tasting the forbidden fruit has a lot of appeal to me!

In my mind it all seems a contradiction to me. On one hand I like crossdressing not being "the norm" on the other that can sometimes bring about shame because it isn't considered normal by a lot of people.

Hope that make some sort of sense???:straightface:
Love Paula x

Makes sense to me. I did a thread about us being adrenalin junkies once but I can't be bothered finding it.:D It's like.....having an accepting partner when you used to be a secret CD....."This is a roller coaster....there is absolutely no need to worry about anything darling because I've stopped it setting off but we can sit in the seat together and wave our arms in the air because I am so accepting. Why aren't you excited?"


Dee 1062
07-14-2006, 05:39 PM

07-14-2006, 06:17 PM
Makes sense to me. I did a thread about us being adrenalin junkies once but I can't be bothered finding it.:D It's like.....having an accepting partner when you used to be a secret CD....."This is a roller coaster....there is absolutely no need to worry about anything darling because I've stopped it setting off but we can sit in the seat together and wave our arms in the air because I am so accepting. Why aren't you excited?"


Great advice from another northern lass!
Love Paula x

07-14-2006, 06:22 PM
I would love it if it were considered norm. I would love to dress and go where I want and when I want and know that everyone else is as comfortable with it as I would be.

07-15-2006, 12:58 AM
Yes it’s exciting but not because it’s forbidden.

Remember about 2 years ago I found a music CD on ebay of an album that I worn out years ago. When it finally arrived in the mail, I felt the same excitement as I walked that cd home. I knew I was going to absolutely love that cd, that’s what made it exciting. Same with clothes, I know I’m going to love it and I’m really looking forward to it.

Joy Carter
07-15-2006, 01:05 AM
It comes down to preferance I prefer a skirt and top to slacks and a shirt, nothing more to it than that. PS don't forget the heels.:D

Kristen Kelly
07-15-2006, 01:27 AM
I would love it if it were considered norm. I would love to dress and go where I want and when I want and know that everyone else is as comfortable with it as I would be.

Jennaie total agree with you. At one time I enjoyed the shock value but as I got out more I tried to blend, at times I missed the double takes, now I am as comfortable dressed as in drab. Dressing is not a sexual thing for me it is a form of self expression.

300 and counting, I love all my friends here.

07-15-2006, 01:37 AM
I think some excitement would be lost through it. I don't really do it for that, although being outed by women seems to be different than being outed by men. And that makes sense, because some guys won't want to have anything to do with you, but some women find it cute, and compliment on you. I like getting compliments, although I don't think I've been outed before. I don't know, it's just something in me that makes me feel more comfortable around women

07-15-2006, 05:46 AM
Hi Girls, My0.02 , When I was younger and hiding, and got a real sexual thrill from dressing, the chance of getting caught hightened that thrill. Older and accepting of who I am, my thrill now comes from shopping and looking nice. Yeah, it would be nice if the world understood and accepted us as I could then dress as I like, but I don't see that happening in my life time so I'll go about as I am, and not caring if my nails,shaved body, jewelry, or what that I wear and have 24/7 is noticed. I just have to watch myselfe, and not go over board in an in yur face way, as I think that would cause hasslesfrom the un-understanding that I don't need. Love and xxxx,Lily

07-15-2006, 05:56 AM
It would change some if the excitement for me. But then I would get to enjoy the nice dresses :thumbsup: that I have all that much more.

Lovely Rita
07-15-2006, 04:26 PM
Wow Dawn
You are my hero. Everyone must know about your cding. People at work too I assume. You would not care who knows about it.

Thanks for sharing.

07-15-2006, 05:15 PM
I just do not know.

Stepping out into the street from a door is exciting and with it the forbidden fruit adrenalin.

Being out in the street is different tho', no longer so exciting, more normal, but as someone says a new pair of heels is exciting too, taking them out also, but when they are out, it is again normalish.

07-15-2006, 05:49 PM
There is an outlaw/taboo element to crossdressing. The way I see it, when I'm out on the street dressed I'm saying that I don't care about what your so-called normal society says. I don't ashamed or guilty at all about it.



07-16-2006, 08:15 AM
I myself would love it if it was normal and acceptable to wear what you like .
I do get a thrill out of c/d but It also just feels sooooooooo nice and relaxing to wear womens clothes and styles .
I just love girls jeans ,knickers stockings in fact everything feminine and its not just because its forbidden .
I just feel right wearing feminine clothes ,love looking at clothes in the shops and catalogue's .
In fact if it were all acceptable I might think of going onto some type's of treatment to get the full feminine figure ,boobs etc !!

Love Nishababe :heehee:

07-17-2006, 06:25 AM
we would all be lairs if we denied that at first it was the thrill of
being caught ,and then it becomes a need that will only get stronger .There
must have been a need or curiosity to c/d in the first place.

07-17-2006, 01:14 PM
Dear Janine,

I must gently disagree with you saying that we all do c/d at first for the excitement of maybe getting caught .

You and everyone else must always remember that we cannot with any certainty say that our own personal experiences in life and reasons for enjoying c/d are the same as others peoples .

I wanted to be a girl from a very early age ,in fact too young to remember ,but I think about 3 years old . It was not the thought of wanting to get caught that made me want to wear girls clothes ,it just seemed right for me and as I have written in other threads and posts ,my body tried to develop as a girls in puberty .I went through mental hell and a lot of body pain as I developed a small bust ,nipples got bigger aching all the time and I had a very girly waist and backside.As a young boy of 12 upwards I was very frightened as to what was happening to me and having very old fashioned parents who I could never talk to I kept everything secret ,never letting anyone see my body .

Eventually the male hormones won the day but till I was about 30 years old I never took my shirt off in front of anybody ,by which time my bust had shrunk a lot .

So we all have to remember that the reason why we c/d is not a straightforward matter where we can say with any certainty the reasons why we like and enjoy doing it . As you say some may do it for the excitement of maybe getting caught ,some for the sexual buzz and excitement ,others as myself do it because it feels right and because they feel that they are a girl trapped in a mans body.

It is an instinct within us guiding us to our own individual and personal reasons ,the same instinct as birds knowing the right time to migrate .

Perhaps on a spiritual level some of us were women in a previous lives ,who knows why or if ,all i can say is celibrate being different and enjoy it.

Love Nishababe xx:love: