View Full Version : Divas crossdressing is out of date people

07-15-2006, 01:59 AM
I am a cd i play music oh hold on thats not the cd i'm talking about.
I was wondering why we call men that dress like girls crossdressers why can't we be called divas I like it way better.
Lets live in the future not the past it just ain't cool now days.
what about this we could be called twisted angels we look like girl but we act like men.
Tell me what you think ladies.

07-15-2006, 02:22 AM
But I don't relate at all to Cher, Bette Midler the Divine Miss M, Dolly Parton or any of the others. I may not shine like a cd but I do crossdress.

07-15-2006, 03:13 AM
Hi Crusader Girl, We live wherever we want to, how we want to, and call ourselves what we want to. I am a Crossdresser, and sometimes a tart, verging on a **** avtually. But not really a 'Diva' in the true sense of the word.

tekla west
07-15-2006, 03:17 AM
As someone who has worked with Diva's from time to time I can assure you that you don't want to be one. You think CD are disliked, yeesh.

connie rotten
07-15-2006, 04:40 AM
Me a diva ? I'm not sure if that is a compliment considering the image I so vainly have tried to develope.
Crossdressing is just a name for us guys who dress in women's wear. If you want to be a diva you can. I don't want to be a diva, vickirene has an entire section dedicated to divas .It just isn't me. If it is for you wounderful.

Tamara Croft
07-15-2006, 04:52 AM
Hmm.... I think some of you girls need a dictionary ;)

n., pl. -vas or -ve (-vā).
An operatic prima donna.
A very successful singer of nonoperatic music: a jazz diva.

A diva is a female opera singer, but now the term also refers to a popular female performer of non-operatic works. The term was originally used to describe a woman of rare, outstanding talent, but many believe the word is currently overused, especially in the media, to describe any female performer who has experienced even a modicum of success. The term derives from an ancient Italian word meaning "goddess", which, in turn derives from the feminine form of a Latin word divus, meaning "divine one".

For further reference - http://www.answers.com/diva&r=67

07-15-2006, 05:53 AM
"a woman of rare, outstanding talent". Surely being able to pee while standing up qualifies us as talented? :-)

07-15-2006, 06:09 AM
Me? A diva? Don't think so! Don't like the conatation that word evokes. Me, I'm just a girl trying to get by in the world with all the attendent problems we face being who we are. If you want to cultivate that imagr for yourself, great. You go for it. We goota be who we are, and no two people are alike. Love and xxxx, Lily

Kate Simmons
07-15-2006, 06:10 AM
Just call me a Tomboy, 'cause that's what I am. Ericka

07-15-2006, 07:31 AM
Actually, I try to avoid "labels", or specific terms used to describe myself.
If I were to have to choose one, I would prefer, 'cutie'.:D :D :D

07-15-2006, 07:58 AM
In the transgender universe that we live in, I have always thought that a diva was the female impersonator actress. This universe is a rainbow of different types of people which is constantly growing and changing that it is hard to define who each of us is.

I would define diva as someone who wears lavish costumes has a outrageous, and a party girl personality (and I use these terms in a most positive way). I know diva it is an overused word.

For myself if I need a label it would be that I am a transvestite. It means the same as cross dresser but much more I think. It took me a long time to come to accept that “label” as who I am categorized as, and I am fine with that. If I were to be a performer than I guess I would be know as Diva Lynn the transvestite. I am in no way a performer and my personality (and skill) doesn’t put me in the diva class as I define it.

Crusadergirl looking at your picture on you profile, and without meeting you, I would definitely classify you as a Diva!! I think that is really great. Huggs Lynn

07-15-2006, 07:59 AM
I can't sing even as a guy, so diva is not in the cards for me...

Kristen Kelly
07-15-2006, 08:22 AM
Hmm.... I think some of you girls need a dictionary ;)

n., pl. -vas or -ve (-vā).
A prima donna.

The term was originally used to describe a woman of rare, outstanding talent.The term derives from an ancient Italian word meaning "goddess", which, in turn derives from the feminine form of a Latin word divus, meaning "divine one".

I would rather have some one else call me a Diva than myself call me one. Girls get real I would rather be a Diva than a ****.

Kate Simmons
07-15-2006, 08:28 AM
I can't sing even as a guy, so diva is not in the cards for me...
That's okay Erica, you can pose with the best of them. Looking at your new pics, you are a "cutie". Take care, Ericka

connie rotten
07-15-2006, 08:36 AM
I would rather have some one else call me a Diva than myself call me one. Girls get real I would rather be a Diva than a ****.
Not me.I'm okay with being a ****.

Stephanie Spice
07-15-2006, 08:38 AM
Hey crusadergirl,

Good on you for stirring the pot and getting us to think about our labels. Seems from the replys to this thread that Divas we are not. But, good idea. I must admit that I find the term cross dresser to be a very shallow name for what I am about. It suggets that all I do is put on female clothes and as such is a very concrete and shallow perspective of who I am. [My inner bitch notes it does not even take into account my lipstick (which I have to admit is one of my favourite parts!!)]. I am more then just a bunch of smooth silky lingerie, stunning dresses, stiletos and accessories. When I move from my male self to my female self I make a deeper transition, I embrace my feminine side and become my inner woman. This is cross gendering, not just cross dressing.

I appreciate your attempt to find a more appropriate way to describe who we are. I hope that we can explore this in more detail. While I would love to live my life beyond the label, naming is an essential component of communication. If I must have a label, I want the label to express who I am and how I feel.

Gurrl power to you and to us all.

07-15-2006, 08:47 AM
If you don't like the label crossdresser or transvestite, then, if you need a label, try "weekend princess". Sounds better than "diva", IMO.

07-15-2006, 08:59 AM
Stepanie I agree - as a label - cross dresser does not come close to who I am when I am dressed - something inside comeout - that is why I prefer Transvestite - Lynn

Mellisa S.
07-15-2006, 09:01 AM
I think I'll go with "Fashionly enhanced"

Stephanie Spice
07-15-2006, 09:05 AM
I must admit I like the term PoMoSexual, originally coined to mean PostModernSexual. Now has a hip definition:

pomosexual (poh.moh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. A person who shuns labels such as heterosexual and homosexual that define individuals by their sexual preferences.

Do not define me .... I am who I am!!

07-15-2006, 09:10 AM
From my understanding of the pop music view, diva is over-the-top pampered narcissism melodrama - Streisand (post '68), Mariah Carey, and so on. This seems a misogynist tag - Streisand & Carey are no more histrionic, self-absorbed and 'controlling' than, say, John Lennon or Roger Waters.

connie rotten
07-15-2006, 09:19 AM
If you don't like the label crossdresser or transvestite, then, if you need a label, try "weekend princess". Sounds better than "diva", IMO.
I like that!

07-15-2006, 11:11 AM
From my understanding of the pop music view, diva is over-the-top pampered narcissism melodrama - Streisand (post '68), Mariah Carey, and so on. This seems a misogynist tag - Streisand & Carey are no more histrionic, self-absorbed and 'controlling' than, say, John Lennon or Roger Waters.
You leave Pink Floyd out of this!! (lol)

07-15-2006, 01:53 PM
I was just wondering what you liked being called b/c be called a crossdresser isn't to cool. I like that name weekend princess but i like Dragon Goddess i think its a cool name.
I don't look at my self as a diva but its better then crossdresser i feel fake whwn some says i'm one. But thats just me.

Stephanie Spice
07-15-2006, 07:27 PM
I agree crusadergirl ...... Dragon Godess is way more chick then cross dresser. While I may not be using the term the way many do I think of myself as a Transexual. This is the only term that actual makes sense to me as when I'm en feme I completely identify with my female sexuality and I therefore make a compete sexual transition. While this is captured in the concept of Transgender, I find the term Transgenderist to be very clumsy. I don't like the social conotation that I grew up with about Transvestites. I can understand some gurrls liking this label, but its not for me.

I'd be interested in finding out what other gurrls label themselves.

Teresa Amina
07-15-2006, 07:32 PM
Cool today is Out tomorrow. Language is about making ones self understood by others, and not just by a "cool" peergroup. Crossdresser is understood (if poorly!) by most; describe yourself or another as "Diva" and people won't have a clue.

07-16-2006, 01:08 AM
I'm a bit of an Opera Buff and in that World, many of the "Diva's" are notorious for being impetuous, erratic, and very demanding. In general what most folks would regard as B*****y! I think it can be argued that for many of these ladies being under constant pressure to sing in a voice that is not natural and to be perfect ALL THE TIME, often makes them just a little bit nutty!

My understanding about this recent use of The word "Diva", relates to some of the Drag Show Performers who have been known to behave in a similar manner to their operatic counterparts, maybe for different reasons, maybe for the same reasons.

I have used the term when poking some fun at myself but I'm not fond of it. I try to stay away from something that a lot of people outside our world view as a stereotype.

If I'm writing, I prefer Gurl for girl and can someone suggest something similar for woman and women? Also something that would differentiate and yet be positive for a spoken descriptive term about ourselves.

Otherwise, lets just stick with human beings!

Peace and Love, Joanie

07-16-2006, 08:05 AM
After reading Stephanie's post, I find that for myself, I have to agree. I am both, though my femme side is stronger. Yes I cross dress, but that is a result of who I am, not the cause. If we must put a label, I think for me, mixed gender fits and sounds better, thuogh even that doesn't fit well. I just don't like labels as they are restricting, and narrow. Great post. Really got everyone thinking. Love and xxxx, Lily

07-16-2006, 02:10 PM
As far as labels go, I'll settle for human. A few bad traits and a couple good ones. Someone just trying to make it from the beginning to the end, without too much trouble. But I guess if I have to have a label, it's probably the one most people use every day,,,,BJ