View Full Version : Personal Website

12-03-2004, 02:41 PM
As some of you know, I ran a website called Planettgirl.com. Well, that site had promise but wasn't going so well and was taking alot of time. Most people came just to look at the pictures and nothing else. I'm thinking of possibly turning it into a personal site for myself.

I'm looking for some ideas. What kinds of things would you girls like to see on a personall website? The basics are obvious, photos. But what else? I'd like to make it an interactive site so other people can contribute to it.

12-03-2004, 05:21 PM
Thanks Jenny. Stories are a great idea. I'll definately work on that.

For now, I'd love it if everybody could check out the site at www.planettgirl.com (http://www.planettgirl.com) and let me know what you think. You'll have to register to see some of the stuff (don't worry, it's free, fast and easy). This is not an advertisment, I just want to know what kind of stuff would keep people coming back to it. Otherwise, it's not worth it. Also, if any of you would like to contribute stories, articles (such as Gen's makeup tips. mmmm) or anything else, I'd be happy to post them. I'm trying to make this a friendly and informative site.

Oh, what do you think about a Photo Album dedicated to us girls on this site? I'd be happy to make one where each of you can post photos if you want.

As a disclaimer, there ARE some nude photos on my site. Both of me and other girls I have met online. If you are offended by nude photos, please don't view the Photo Albums.

12-03-2004, 09:01 PM
Hun... it seems to be expired :(

12-03-2004, 09:26 PM
It's not expired. There have been people on it all night. I guess the changes are still making their way around the internet. That can take time sometimes. Keep trying, it'll be there.

Rhonda Callahan
12-03-2004, 09:29 PM
I registered and logged in, but nothing happened, I'm sad. :confused:

12-03-2004, 09:32 PM
I registered and logged in, but nothing happened, I'm sad. :confused:

Nothing really "happens" when you log in, but you do have access to some menu items that non-registered users don't see. Look under the "About Me" menu for the photo albums. Also, logging in lets you make comments on the photos and my Blog.

12-03-2004, 09:53 PM
Yea, just so you know it took me a few shots to figure that out, too. I logged in and the log in form was still there, though populated, and when I clicked on photo albulm and stuff I was taken to the same registration page over and over. Then I tried about me... can you create a successful log in page that provides new links, maybe?

Anyway - it was weird. The first time I was taken to a Network Solutions' "this domain expired 11/14" page...

As for ideas... make the forums the main part of the site with photo galleries public and rankable (previews of faces above names). Offer links to approved tg shops online and such - approach these shops and see if you can get a reciprocal link; it creates higher pagerank in Google if you have relevant 2-way links. So, offer a list of approved sites and once you get decent traffic contact the companies and see if they'll swing a sample of such and such a product your way in exchange for a prominent product review. Start off reviewing products that you purchase and then try and get some free shit - like beard cover or fancy gaffs or whatever... To get visitors coming back - offer TG humor ecards that can be sent using a tell a friend form (some offer a means of income - I used to do well with them). They can send it to up to ten friends at a time and that brings their friends to the site. If their friends want to send one themselves, they have to register. To get the cards either create them yourself or pay some one to do them for you - "borrowing" can get you shut down. With a tight niche market like TGs you can get some good humor circulating and create viral traffic growth - need to iron out the site kinks first. Build it and they will come ;)

Great site - good name - lots of potential! Don't give up on it!

12-03-2004, 09:56 PM
somers , what about something for people to meet each other. like meet people in your area. unless you aready have it. i will be back to your site.

12-03-2004, 10:05 PM
Thanks Stephanie. Those are all great suggestions. I've already made it so the login screen dissapears after you log in. I'll work on some of the other useability features tomorrow.

Some of that other stuff may take a while to implement, but I like the ideas.

Sky: There is already a "Personals" area in the forum. I figure that's a good place to start for something like that. I may be able to work on something a little more detailed in the future.

Thanks for the suggestions everybody. Keepem coming!