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07-17-2006, 12:16 PM
Yes gurls! I's still here I always seem to find the time to be here. I keep getting shafted at work with continual afternoon shifts.

And to the matter at hand or question! I've read in many many posts here that some of you girls have stopped dressing for periods of time usually involving a purge somewhere. I ws just wondering to which was the longest period that you have gone without dressing.
Recently I folded and put away my girl cloths and still seem to be OK with it. But this weekend I had a very tear-jerking conversation with my wife and we have problems to deal with. Not all of them involve me and dressing. I've managed to suppress the urges to dress quite abit in the past. I might cave a bit and throw on an article for a moment or two but I really don't consider it dressing. Maybe fetish level?
But now I'm thinking i showed hike up the hose, be a man and lose the hose. So in other words stop dressing altogether. In the recent weeks I've been fighting the nature of my personality of being an introvert. There is some instances of success and some of failure but the key is I'm trying. If I can fight my urges to hide hide my life away in my little art office, can I also fight the urges to dress and be happy.
I don't want to purge because it takes for ever to rebuild the few items I have gained and small towns can suck for shopping.
So girls please let me know your periods of non-dressing happy/not and whether you feel it can be done.
For my Love I will give it all I got.

07-17-2006, 12:29 PM
why dont stop dressing girl no way, thats what makes you who you are, we are all special and should remember this,
I have stopped on occasions and even burnt my clothes and wig at one time which I regretted so much after :sad: but at the end of the day there is no reason to fight your urges you dont maim hor hurt anyone and if it is difficult with the mrs then try to work it out, I know I have this also, but try and concentrate on the positives, make a special time and try and get the mrs to agree and then this gives the added incentive of looking forward to pulling on that skirt!
works for me, hope this works for you

07-17-2006, 01:06 PM
I dressed almost everyday throughout 1986 & '87, then I sort of relaxed into a mild fem thing - hairdo, earring (one side only in the style of the day - but it was a chandelier!) and pink Converse. Then, I don't know, it just organically faded away ... for years ... once in a while I'd lose weight and find myself on the women's side of the Goodwill, getting bright colored jeans ... then, FLASH, 'Honey, I'm home again!' (So you see I'm a kook, I've never really purged as gurls know it.)

If you want my opinion, stop dressing if it's stressing your life, but you might want to be prepared to face the moment when you just might discover ... dressing is what stops the stress.

Karren H
07-17-2006, 01:59 PM
For me it was 10 years, maybe a little more. 93/93-2004. Didn't even think about dressing!! Was wearing my wifes things up until that time and one day just stopped! Then in 2004 something clicked. Don't really know why. I think that I had started to play ice hockey and was loosing big weight, was diagnosed with my brain tumorish pitutary gland problem which BTW was producing a female horemone, started medication and found URNotAlone on the internet. Probably a combo of things but when it clicked I was full steam ahead, driven like a mad lady!! Lol

Love Karren

07-17-2006, 03:40 PM
When I moved to Georgia 4 years ago, I packed most of my fem things in boxes that went to storage until we found a house. I put a few things in boxes that went to the apartment/motel that was temporary housing, but for the first few weeks, did not unpack them. After 2 weeks without fem clothes, and eyeing the wife's bathing suit, I found and unpacked the few things I had brought.

I purged only once, back in 1985, when I moved to California to find a wife. And that is probably the longest I went without fem clothing, not picking anything up again until a couple of years later, after we were married.

carol ann
07-17-2006, 05:46 PM
For me it was twenty years , whilst my children have been growing up. i felt that youngsters and families had enough to deal with without risking that they had to explain away or apologise for their father.

07-17-2006, 07:11 PM
Came and went over the years for me. Even tried to stop , but guess what, Lily's here to stay there's no denying. If you don't feel like it - don't. You'll know when it's time, and that you will not be able to deny. Love and xxxx, Lily

Bobbie cd
07-17-2006, 11:47 PM
I pretty much went underground/suppressed my dressing for the entire 20 years that I was married and raising a family.
(I didn't care to try to explain to a young daughter the mind-scarring sight of "Daddy" in a dress.:-O)
It was pretty much limited to stealing a little "panty" time here and there under my male clothing.

After my wife died, and my daughter eventually got married and moved out of the house, I found myself free to do pretty much as I wanted, but did not really start to fully explore and accept that part of myself until the last couple of years, but I have no plans to stop now!!:D

Michelle Ellis
07-18-2006, 12:16 AM
For me it was only a few months at a time, maybe almost a year at one point. That was only during my early 20's as I was dating and going out with a few different girls. I tried supressing and it never worked, for me, but of course everyone is different.

I would love to be able to give you some good advice, but I have no experience with what you're going thru. I just know how troubling these things (our things) can be at times.

Wish you the best. And yeah don't purge your stuff! :eek:

Yes I am
07-18-2006, 12:23 AM
I suppressed it for a few hours this morning, but eventually caved. :redface:

Teresa Amina
07-18-2006, 06:54 AM
I think suppression leads to what might be called pseudo-fetishism. I suppressed my Teresa-ness from, oh, maybe 10ish till about last year. But it gets out somehow, which I think is why there is such an overwhelmingly autoerotic factor involved when younger. Then all that "wanna be" down inside just builds up and expresses itself through those binge times followed by purges. Now that I no longer fight it (and have the freedom to dress whenever) there is little sexual involved at all. So somehow you need to find a balance between your need to maintain your family relationships and a good relationship with yourself.

07-18-2006, 12:27 PM
I think suppression leads to what might be called pseudo-fetishism. I suppressed my Teresa-ness from, oh, maybe 10ish till about last year. But it gets out somehow, which I think is why there is such an overwhelmingly autoerotic factor involved when younger. Then all that "wanna be" down inside just builds up and expresses itself through those binge times followed by purges. Now that I no longer fight it (and have the freedom to dress whenever) there is little sexual involved at all. So somehow you need to find a balance between your need to maintain your family relationships and a good relationship with yourself.

Teresa don't i know it and actually thought I was almost there. I guess in the end the family is more important. I've stressed this whole year through about either work or improving my situation. Both are up hill battles it seems. I stress needless over work because I can't change the situation. Her I stressed to find a medium that may never be found.
Joy once said "pick your battles" I may just admit defeat on this one.

07-18-2006, 12:29 PM
If you must purge, do it on a temporary basis. STORE your stuff in a storage unit. Pay your "dues" to keep the unit each month, and it'll be there for you when you need it next. Key word: need. As far as suppressing the urge, it only lasts so long, and some emotional or psychological trauma will force you back into it. Meanwhile, denial is not a resolution, nor does it bring you into a better balance with yourself; on the contrary, it can make you pretty miserable. I've been there too many times myself, and you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool the inner YOU indefinitely, no matter how hard you try to glaze it over or distract yourself.

I've often thought that it would be good to have a "safety valve" for those who are on a purge urge. Send a girlfriend your wardrobe, who can store it safely with your name on it until you come to your senses.
