View Full Version : Cooling it a bit

12-04-2004, 05:30 AM
Was getting so burned out last week. Get home about 12:30 am and was getting dressed right away, going to bed as Christine, getting up putting on my make up dressing again until about 1:00 quickly changing then going to work, coming home repeating. It was like work when I got home to frantically
get in every moment as Christine as I could.
This week I decided to give it a bit of a rest. Got home from work and just relaxed as R. Read a bit, ate, relaxed went to bed, slept in later and went to work much more rested. Had a much better week. Christine should be a pleasant relaxing side of life, not a frantic effort to get every moment in, after all I still work and socialize mostly as a male. Now that it's Friday night I'm dressed and will stay as Christine until tomorrow afernoon. Have to take cae of some business I have been neglecting because of Christine. I enjoy being Christine, why not enjoy being R as well?
Hugs, Christine


12-04-2004, 05:46 AM
I agree Christine.
I never refer to my male clothes as "drab".
Because I like being in male clothes as well as female.

I am with you in the sense, that many times I found myself being frantic to change to "Marlene".
But realized that this was a chore, and should not be.

Since then I have enjoyed having to be either, no matter, and no anxiety was at my doorstep. Therefore found relief in just letting things happen naturally.

You are right. It works.


12-04-2004, 08:59 AM
It's all about balance -- knowing when you need or don't need to dress one way or the other. Glad to see you and Charlie Chair back again!
No -- "Charlie's" not right. Give me time, I'll think of a good name. :)

12-04-2004, 10:55 AM
I agree with that Christine< I too am going to have to cool it for awhile if you read my latest I'm in trouble. Yes I do like male clothes and will probably stay in them for a few weeks as I have to mend some fences around here now.LOL