View Full Version : Mr Right - ?

Donna Louise
12-04-2004, 08:04 AM
Hi Ladies

I might have found my Mr Right. I hope anyway. He is caring, sharing and loving. No not that type of loving - :p ! Tall enough so that I can wear 4" heels and still be shorter then he is. Although we have only emailed, he is so sweet.

I tried once before and got Mr WRONG. :mad:

Maybe my luck will be better this time. He wants to take me out dressed to the movies, go for a walk in the park (holding hands). Most importantly he thinks I am pretty. :eek:

Any thoughts about this?

Donna Louise

Sandra H
12-04-2004, 08:24 AM
Hi Donna Louise.

You say you have only emailed him so far. Well in that case be VERY careful you never know who is out there.

Being straight I would not be looking for Mr right, but I wish you well in your quest to find a male friend.

12-04-2004, 08:33 AM
Donna, as you say so far this has only been a cyber relationship which obviously has limitations, even though he might be saying the right things to you and getting you to share with us be careful.

Is your brain and heart sending the same messages?

How long has this been going on?

I suppose there can be no harm in meeting on neutral ground but please be careful.


12-04-2004, 08:35 AM
Congratulations Donna Louise! I hope you continue to feel as grand as you do now.

Donna Louise
12-04-2004, 08:43 AM

I am planning on meeting him "drab" first. We need to talk and see each other before I reveal Donna to him.

Thank you for your kind words. As to which is in charge, heart or head. I hope both. My heart says Yes, but my head says be careful.


Donna Louise
12-04-2004, 08:48 AM

I knew I could count on you. Your collective wisdom will help me keep my feet on the ground and head out of the clouds.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and reply.


12-04-2004, 08:51 AM
Ladies Thank you for your kind words. As to which is in charge, heart or head. I hope both. My heart says Yes, but my head says be careful. Hugs Donna

Then I know you're on top of things, take care Donna.


Sandra H
12-04-2004, 08:52 AM

I knew I could count on you. Your collective wisdom will help me keep my feet on the ground and head out of the clouds.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and reply.


It Ok, that’s what we are here for. To help each other. Glad to hear that you would meet in drab first and in a public area I hope.

Sorry, it’s just aunty Sandra being like a mother hen. :)

12-04-2004, 10:01 AM
And please don't meet him at, or have him come to, your home until you are 100% sure.

Make sure someone else knows all his information, name, email addy, phone number. Let him know you've given this info to a friend, saying something like, "In case something happens and you can't get ahold of me".

12-04-2004, 11:39 AM
Be very careful. I've met more than a few weirdo's on the internet. But good luck!


Donna Louise
12-04-2004, 02:14 PM
Yes, thanks for helping me keep my feet planted and my heart under control.

I would never have him over to my house. My daughter lives 2 streets away and has a habit of popping in. Many have been the times I have had to run for the shower when suddenly she arrives. Yes, she doesn't know I am a cd. Well at least we have never discussed it.

I am not rushing a meeting and neither is he. I have had many emails, as I'm sure lots of girls have from men and so far he has not even come close to the "let's get together line". I have gotten it many times in either the first or second email.

I met with one gentleman, rather I should say jerk. After which he would not even return my emails. I thought I had everything covered but I didn't. That was before I joined this forum. I knew you would all pitch in and let me know what you thought. For that I thank you deeply.

I wish I could hug each one of you for caring. All I can manage is a
"Thank You".


12-04-2004, 03:14 PM
Donna,, also tell him to bring his bankbook. If he wants a lovely girl he is going to have to shower her with gifts.

I know you are a smart girl, but just be safe.
Love Amelie

12-04-2004, 03:59 PM
I do sympathise with your delerium. What girl wouldn't? You do need to be careful though. I haven't had a really bad experience with men, though I think every man I have been with is certifiable. They just seem to disappear after they have gotten what they came for. Even other Cd's have vanished up their own stovepipes after sex, and I know I am nice and not bad looking and completely devoted to making my man feel good. Aftert ten or so men, you get used to the fact that they are MEN and start to discount what they say. Sound familiar? Good luck, sweetcheeks.

Donna Louise
12-04-2004, 06:56 PM
Donna,, also tell him to bring his bankbook. If he wants a lovely girl he is going to have to shower her with gifts.

I know you are a smart girl, but just be safe.
Love Amelie

I don't know about his bank book but he "says" he has a house at the beach that his oldest son stays in part time. So the way I take it he has at least 2 houses. If that is the case, I guess there might be something in the bank book other then zeros. :D

You girls are so much fun. I love to come here. I don't post that often but I do enjoy the banter.

Hugs to you all
Donna Louise

Sandra H
12-04-2004, 07:15 PM
I do sympathise with your delerium. What girl wouldn't? You do need to be careful though. I haven't had a really bad experience with men, though I think every man I have been with is certifiable. They just seem to disappear after they have gotten what they came for. Even other Cd's have vanished up their own stovepipes after sex, and I know I am nice and not bad looking and completely devoted to making my man feel good. Aftert ten or so men, you get used to the fact that they are MEN and start to discount what they say. Sound familiar? Good luck, sweetcheeks.

Well at least we now understand what GG’s have been complaining about for so long. When you understand it better you tend to treat your GG far better and make sure that she gets pleasure out of any lovemaking. ;)

Donna Louise
12-04-2004, 07:24 PM

Most and I repeat most, certainly not all, men are 'Dawgs" after one thing. I have come to realize that after all the emails I have gotten. Most are after one thing - to get into a girls panties.

Now that I am on the other side of the fence, I know how ggs feel. It is heart wrenching to say the least. Most of the time you can see through them. You still hope to find a good one.

I hope that this is it for me. As I said before he has not once eluded to sex. Of course he might be a sly one. I will be careful.

My Heart of Hearts, hopes and prays that this is my Mr Right. Only time will tell. It might be a while before our meeting. After we meet if you like I will post Mr. Right #2 to let you know what I found out and how I was treated.

Donna Louise

12-04-2004, 08:20 PM
you go for it girl,there are so few mr rights in the world you cannot afford to let one slip off the hook(so to speak).as the other girls advised,be careful.play safe,have fun, keep us informed.

12-05-2004, 12:41 AM
There are some guys out there who've cottoned on to the fact that *not* pestering their girl for sex, telling her he'd rather wait until they know each other better, that he respects her too much to just leap straight into bed with her, makes a lot of women more likely to leap into bed with him quicker... :o

Hopefully, this one's a genuine sweetie - do take things slow, don't be tempted to speed things up just because he seems to be being sweet about the taking it slow, and most of all, ENJOY yourself!!! :p