View Full Version : Emotions

07-18-2006, 06:58 PM
Right now I'm feeling a tad emotional, due to something that happened early today.

What I wanted to ask was "When you dress do you find your emotions become more volitile, more sensitive and more accesable?"

One of the reasons I become Nicky Jane is that in male mode I an crap at experiencing emotions, dealing with them and showing them. Once I'm Nicky Jane I find that I can express myself better I can deal with the feelings I suppres in male mode. I tend to cry more when watching movies ( christ I almost done a whole box of tissues when I watched Titanic the other day!). Certain movies I watch in male mode I cant watch as Nicky. Scary movies such as Aliens or comedy such as The life Of Brian just dont fit with me yet in male mode I love them! I cant watch football (Thats soccer to you Americans!)

Oh I dont know. I guess all those years of supressing my emotions are starting to come back and haunt me.

Nicky Jane


07-18-2006, 08:30 PM
Yes, I think it's a big mood shift, it's not 'just clothes.' I'm a much nicer person - more organized, more patient, more observant - kinder. I'm ready for that to move over full time.

Good observation / question.

07-18-2006, 08:33 PM
Welcome Nicky Jane, As you go through the other posts, you will find a wealth of great info. This site has been a tremendous help to me. As to emotions, for me as I came to terms with who I am, and integrated together, I am able to enjoy all my emotions, as well as all of the entertainment you mentioned. Just gotta give time, time. Love and xxxx, Lily

07-18-2006, 09:34 PM
Wow, that's heavy! What I can say is, that when I Re-discovered dressing two years ago, I felt more kinship with the ladies I worked with. Although they still treated me as the guy in the office, lift this, fix that... they also seemed to appreciate that I noticed their new hair styles, stylish shoes, nice handbags, whatever. I can't say that it has made me more sensitive, but I have become more appreciative of great shoes, nice nails, good eyebrows, etc.
You do have to be careful, however. I asked a co-worker who did her brows. She said she did them herself. She seemed a bit nervous. I said they were exceptionally well done, and, as a guy who has been battling unibrow for decades, I certainly appreciated fine craftsmanship. I think she felt complimented. I hope. She is still friendly, smiles.

07-18-2006, 09:52 PM
Nicky, when I am in Jennaie mode I am always more sensitive, more caring, more emotional. Usually I am happy and relaxed as Jennaie, but sometimes I get very emotional and unbalanced, even confused. For every laugh there is a cry, that is what makes life worth living. :hugs:

07-18-2006, 09:59 PM
I definitely find my emotions more accessible when enfemme, but I've also discovered a growth recently and much of it was due to a consious effort to carry those emotions back "to the other side." Another thing that helped me is making my wardrobe more androgynous. When forced to go drab, I incorporate some women's clothes, which helps me stay in touch with those emotions 24/7!

Rachel Morley
07-18-2006, 10:04 PM
I'm just as emotional in boy mode or en femme. I find it less apropriate to express them in public, but in private moments, there's no difference. I find it easy to express all my emotions no matter what they are.