View Full Version : My Sunday

07-24-2006, 08:00 AM
I have mentioned before in posts that my wife knows about my dressing but doesn't approve,so I have to share yesterday with all of you.We had the house to ourselves and had planned ahead of time for some bedroom fun.The big story is that she let me do her makeup,then she did mine for me!She allowed me to paint my nails.But best of all,she allowed me to get dressed in lingerie,including lace panties,lace top thigh highs and I also got to wear my favorite pair of heels!!!The only thing close to negative she had to say was when she commented kind of jokingly that my lingerie had better not be prettier than hers!I don't know if this means that she's going to be more open to my dressing now-time will tell-but it certainly made for a great day!:happy:

07-24-2006, 08:13 AM
that sounds like she is opening up a bit. Big thing for you is to not push it. I was guilty of going overboard when my wife ok'd the dressing in front of her. I dressed all the time and it started to push her away in a big way. It sounds like you have taken it slow...just go with the flow....no faster, slower at times and never go against the flow:happy:
Good luck!


07-24-2006, 08:54 AM
I once asked the wife if I could wear my undies which included bra, panties,stockings and garter belt, all in black We never had to make plans as to if when or how we would DO IT, It was alway's mutual cept this time I was curious how shw would react if I was dressed, I knew how I would;)we alway's had beautiful sex but I was soooo curious as if she would feel any different she did, but not like I had hoped.:( but we did it and I enjoyed it more then she did, she said it was like having a woman next to her, I said HOW DO YOU KNOW? ;);)anyway's we never did it again with me dressed:( so it's all up to the person what they want.

07-24-2006, 09:12 AM
Wow - sounds like you (and your wife) enjoyed a real buzz. Congrats!

The only thing close to negative she had to say was when she commented kind of jokingly that my lingerie had better not be prettier than hers!

Heed that and more fun will surely follow.

07-24-2006, 09:18 AM
Offer to go shopping with her and both of you can buy some pretty underthings!

Joy Carter
07-24-2006, 10:52 AM
Allison your a god a veritable god !

Janelle Marshall
07-24-2006, 02:06 PM
mmmmmmm.... Sounds like an open invitation to buy her some Reallllllllllyyyy pretty lingerie! And Quickly!!!

07-24-2006, 02:28 PM

Your situation, including events at the weekend sound almost identical to mine!!

My wife has been very frustrated at our sex life frequency, but she has slowly come to terms with the fact that if she occasionally allowed me to be dressed, she would have sex on tap. This weekend we had the first of what will hopefully many kinky bedroom sessions, where we both wore lingerie and stockings, and I think she enjoyed it very much indeed!!

She has shown acceptance at this level before though, only to swing wildly in the opposite direction. You never know when the rug will be pulled from under you, so I think it's wise not to push your luck too far, and to make sure she really enjoys herself when you have these sessions!!


Angie G
07-24-2006, 03:07 PM
:eek: Allison you little vamp you :thumbsup: rock on babe:hugs:
Angie G.

07-26-2006, 09:20 AM
My wife isn't accepting either....and she's made the very same comment to me before....several times that my stuff better not be prettier than hers..which i didn't understand ,really she's really not into sexy lingerie so my stuff is sexier than hers...so i've never really shown her anything...guess i'd be jealous also if she had a sharper tool box than mine...*s*