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Kristen Kelly
07-25-2006, 04:28 PM
Continued from http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34731

Week 3......A lot has happened in three short weeks, we both feel this is a new beginning, there are still some rocky subjects, the largest is me going out with the girls, but we are working on it. Told her we would go to drag night me in drab, introduce her to the girls and show her what goes on. She asked to see some pictures of me. after showing her some of my posts here and pictures of the girls I meet and chat with here, Her comment was, "Not the most beautiful woman". That started a conversation that started ended in her wanting to do my makeup one time, her Idea of what I should look like is different, wig and makeup colors. The fact that she has taken a get involved approach put alot of my fears to rest. She feels she has found a GF as well as a lover in me, and she has opened up to me so much, and our "romance in the bedroom has taken a tremendence upward spike. A comment she made was "After what you told me I couldn't top anything that I have on my mind". I am very much surprised at her reactions and very pleased, I just keep trying to remember it's not all about me, we have gone out county line dancing ,something we have talked about doing for some time now, and will keep trying new things. I made a comment in a past post, "Amazing a person can only know about another person what they are willing to tell", they was a complete side of me I was not willing to show to anyone , I wasn't until I was happy and realized just who I was.
Again Thanks for all the help and comments, took a long time to get here a difficult one, but the best things in life are not handed to you on a Silver platter you have to work at them for you to appreciate them.

Kristen Kelly
07-25-2006, 04:29 PM
Saturday....Taking it slow but things moving along. Went for dinner and then out shopping together last night me in drab. She always loved the fact to I enjoyed going shopping with her now she knows why. When she went to the fitting room to try some things on I took her purse, flung the strap over my shoulder and both giggled, I’ve done that numerous times before but this time it was different. Many a time she asked, “Do you think Kristen would like this?” We chatted and shopped till the stores closed, didn’t buy a thing for Kristen, but still had fun. She asked what type of panties I wear, told her have to see them when I get home. Had to model my panties for her. When I took of my socks, my toes were sporting a nice rose metallic coat of nail polish, she knew I had clear coat on my fingers, surprised her a bit. She wants to give it a try doing my makeup today.
She did confide her fear that I would try to compete with her, as that is my nature, reassured her I just wanted to look the best I could. We have both lost weight and are feeling very good about ourselves.
If I had come around to accepting who I am before I did I would have told her sooner, for I missed out on a lot of fun.

Kristen Kelly
07-25-2006, 04:30 PM
The Saga continues- Sunday.....After looking at all the ads in the Sunday paper my GF decided she had so much fun yesterday we should hit all the clearance sales. She said, Me wearing panties was a big turn on for her and I should wear them out today, I was only more than happy to follow her directions. I chose a pair of pink lace targa cut panties, I thought what a waste to put them under a baggy pair of jeans, so I put on a pair of black knee highs, and slid into a pair of mid rise Gloria Vanderbilt jeans (size 10). On the way out the door she asked "New jeans", thats when she realized they were womens jeans. There was a moment of silence as I waited for the reaction, "Oh my, you look great in them", she exclaimed. I then told her what I had on under them, and off we went to the mall. I was enjoying walking the mall and she had noticed the difference in my walk. Today Kristen got a new top, plenty of new panties, for she does't want me wearing my tite whities, except at work, more than happly to listen again. The plan was to drop off our purchases and go to dinner. Dropped the bags in the bedroom, got out a pair of slingback sandals (3½ inch heel), took off the knee highs (still sporting rose metalic nail polish on toes) and put on the shoes. I came out dancing around the living room showing how well I moved in heels joking "I wish I had been able to wear these this afternoon. She said, "I have another appetite you have to satisfy before we go out to dinner. Third time this weekend, If this is a dream don't wake me. If this keeps up I am going to have to join the writers sociality, romance novels for crossdressers, is there a market out there. Didn't get my make over, or anything else done around the house .... always next weekend......More to come.

Sarah Rabbit
07-25-2006, 04:32 PM
Her comment was, "Not the most beautiful woman".
Ouch!! Oh well, at least she did not run:straightface:

Sarah R.:bunny:

07-25-2006, 05:15 PM
Sorry about the lucky dog comment, but lord what did you do to deserve this weekend. Well enjoy, I am soooooooooo jealous, but happy for you.:tongueout

07-25-2006, 05:22 PM
Ouch!! Oh well, at least she did not run:straightface:

Sarah R.:bunny:

Actually, I think she was referring to the pics she saw here at the forums. I think Kristen meant to spell it "women" not "woman", and the truth is, we are not the most beautiful women, at least I will admit I am not. I would never put myself up against the natural beauty of a genetic female. After all, we do adore them, don't we?, and I for one know that I am no match and never will be.

trannie T
07-25-2006, 06:30 PM
Why do you wear tighty whities to work? If you don't have to undress what's wrong with panties?

Congratulations on your relationship, hope things continut to go well, please keep us posted.

07-25-2006, 06:59 PM
I am pleased to hear that things are going so well! It's just wonderful to hear that your experiences have been so positive. Thanks so much for sharing a great account.


07-25-2006, 08:18 PM
Continued from http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34731

Week 3......A lot has happened in three short weeks, we both feel this is a new beginning, there are still some rocky subjects, the largest is me going out with the girls, but we are working on it. Told her we would go to drag night me in drab, introduce her to the girls and show her what goes on. She asked to see some pictures of me. after showing her some of my posts here and pictures of the girls I meet and chat with here, Her comment was, "Not the most beautiful woman". That started a conversation that started ended in her wanting to do my makeup one time, her Idea of what I should look like is different, wig and makeup colors. The fact that she has taken a get involved approach put alot of my fears to rest. She feels she has found a GF as well as a lover in me, and she has opened up to me so much, and our "romance in the bedroom has taken a tremendence upward spike. A comment she made was "After what you told me I couldn't top anything that I have on my mind". I am very much surprised at her reactions and very pleased, I just keep trying to remember it's not all about me, we have gone out county line dancing ,something we have talked about doing for some time now, and will keep trying new things. I made a comment in a past post, "Amazing a person can only know about another person what they are willing to tell", they was a complete side of me I was not willing to show to anyone , I wasn't until I was happy and realized just who I was.
Again Thanks for all the help and comments, took a long time to get here a difficult one, but the best things in life are not handed to you on a Silver platter you have to work at them for you to appreciate them.

Honey your SO sounds adorable, as for the not the most beautifull comment thats normal, expect it at the least apropriate time, a crowded supermarked seens Ideal:rolleyes:

Kristen Kelly
07-25-2006, 08:22 PM
Actually, I think she was referring to the pics she saw here at the forums. I think Kristen meant to spell it "women" not "woman", and the truth is, we are not the most beautiful women, at least I will admit I am not. I would never put myself up against the natural beauty of a genetic female. After all, we do adore them, don't we?, and I for one know that I am no match and never will be.

No, the spelling was correct (woman), I took it as lashing back at me, she is still unsure of things, panties are ok nail polish (toes) to feminine, don't understand her logic. Haven't total dressed for her yet she is not ready for that. I did show her new as well as old photos, some of not my very best too, to show her Kristen has evolved over time. I showed her others to show her, yes we have our "beauties" here, but we have the "girl next doors", and those that are just as proud of themselves no matter what.

Panties at work, she is afraid of someone seeing them and outing me at work, putting my job at risk. That would only be a conformation of what they already suspect.

07-25-2006, 09:33 PM
.... don't understand her logic. . Kirsten, it's important to remember we are not talking about logic here.

If crossdressing were logical, well just lots of things - don't have a clue actually. But it is not logical, and a female's attraction is not logical either - just as our motivations to feel sexual are not generated by logic.

I am not a psychologist, and not very good at analyzing behavior - but I know that the kinds of things you and she are dealing with have almost nothing to do with logic.

Rickie :dom:

Kristen Kelly
08-19-2006, 07:45 AM
It’s been a while since I posted any info of how my GF has handled Kristen. She is taking this at her pace and up till now all has gone well, there have been little set backs but over all everything is going great. She has become understanding and sensitive to my needs and I have learned to respect her present comfort level and not push.

She has done my make-up and seen me in a wig but never fully dressed until tonight, we are planning to go out to NYC to dinner and hang out “Girls Night Out”, myself my GF and another trusted GF friend from here. She is also planning on joining me at Triangles in Connecticut next week. As always feel free to IM me at KristenKelly77 at Yahoo love to chat.

Diane Paris
08-19-2006, 07:59 AM
Advice: Take the amount of time and attention that your gf is showing to Kristen and then double that in time and attention that you show to your gf. The fastest path to a woman accepting a CD man, is for the manly part of you to alive and well in your gf's mind. The more satisfied and fullfilled she is as a woman, the more likely she might be to fully accepting or even encouraging you in your femme persona. Sorry for sounding preachy, but this has been my experience and advice from my wife.

Congratulations on your success so far. You are doing great!


Kristen Kelly
08-19-2006, 08:34 AM
Advice: Take the amount of time and attention that your gf is showing to Kristen and then double that in time and attention that you show to your gf. The fastest path to a woman accepting a CD man, is for the manly part of you to alive and well in your gf's mind. The more satisfied and fullfilled she is as a woman, the more likely she might be to fully accepting or even encouraging you in your femme persona. Sorry for sounding preachy, but this has been my experience and advice from my wife.

Congratulations on your success so far. You are doing great!


Not preachy at all, I treat it as a simple reminder(it's not all about me), I am open to all advice from those that have come out to their wives or GF. We have our vacation coming up in 2 weeks and the time spent together will be great. I have told her I plan on giving her a vacation from Kristen too (as much as that is possible) but that has become harder all the time when we go shopping, often she will say, "Do you think Kristen would like this"

Joy Carter
08-19-2006, 09:48 AM
Advice: Take the amount of time and attention that your gf is showing to Kristen and then double that in time and attention that you show to your gf. The fastest path to a woman accepting a CD man, is for the manly part of you to alive and well in your gf's mind. The more satisfied and fulfilled she is as a woman, the more likely she might be to fully accepting or even encouraging you in your femme persona. Sorry for sounding preachy, but this has been my experience and advice from my wife.

Congratulations on your success so far. You are doing great!


HERE HERE ! But then I have always paid much attention to my wife, she deserves it having been married to a lout like me.:love:

Jasmine Ellis
08-19-2006, 03:15 PM
sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun