View Full Version : Encourage me, I'm nearing my weight loss goal....

07-27-2006, 07:52 AM
...and those last few pounds are the hardest! I have a TG makeover and photoshoot in two weeks and I'm trying to get down to fighting weight. I've lost 27 pounds so far (and I was not overweight). I am now 5'9" and 145 pounds, 38-29-36. I want to lose 6 more pounds. I'm going for the female athlete look as I'm somewhat naturally muscular in a slim way...

07-27-2006, 08:00 AM
that's great. keep it up! (from the girl who never bothers with the last 5 pounds...)


07-27-2006, 08:04 AM
Congratulation Judy! At 5'9" and 145 lbs, are you sure you have 6 pounds you can lose?

I'm 5'9" and when I weighed 155 back in the 70's, none of it was fat.

To lose any might mean you'd have to lose muscle, which reduces the metabolism which could result in the storage of fat.

All I can suggest trying is arobics.

I took off 50 lbs last year, but after stopping my workouts, gained 30 back. Trying to loose them again is doubly hard.

07-27-2006, 08:34 AM
[QUOTE=DonnaT]Congratulation Judy! At 5'9" and 145 lbs, are you sure you have 6 pounds you can lose?

Thanks for the good caution Donna.

6 pounds is my estimate of the remaining body fat I can lose without losing muscle. I actually wrestled at 134 pounds in high school and I still have about the same build (a few more pounds of muscle).

07-27-2006, 10:47 AM
sounds like your ready girl, now go out there and knock them on there butts.

07-27-2006, 12:19 PM
Aerobics/Cardio is the only way to take off those last few pounds, diet just takes you so far.

Jumping jacks, windmills, running or walking fast, and don't forget the sit-ups, so when it does come off, you will have a six-pack.

Michelle Ellis
07-27-2006, 04:59 PM
WTG! I know it's hard, just keep at it!

I'm losing wieght too, funny how our little obsession helps us to lose it :p I'm not gonna worry about those last 5-10 pounds, I like being a 'little' soft :D :heehee:

I've just been eating healthier and doing lots of crunches (to lose the belly) and trunk twists (toning the love handles) and then my job gives me plenty of cardio and weight lifting (Doh). :p


07-27-2006, 05:08 PM
yeah the obsession of what we eat, I never used to bother but I need to drop down a bit for sure to feel good, I been eating enfemme 24/7 now I love it it makes it so easy to diet when you get a buzz out of what you eat, see it as dressing up in a way, it is linda who eats the meals 24/7 wether in drab or femme

thats amazin goin though girl I bet you look gorgeous now without losing any more :hugs:

07-27-2006, 07:34 PM
What do you do to lose your weight? Can you post a pic of yourself in the Pic Section? It'd be interesting to see you! Also, what is your clothes size at that weight? What is your % body fat?

I lost and maintain my weight by biking. I eat well but don't overeat and I enjoy a little junk food. But 142 lbs is my weight plateau. Anytime I go lower than this I easily put on weight back to 142 lbs or a little more. This is at 13.1% body fat at 5' 4" tall. I'm a size 4.

07-28-2006, 02:40 AM
To lose the weight, I combined strict diet with rigorous exercise. The key to the diet is portion control. I am eating about 1/4th of what I was eating before. To do this, and not walk around hungry all the time, you have to eat much slower, put the fork down between mouthfuls, and chew each bite much longer.

For excercise, I run, but I really push myself. Intensity is the key in aerobic exercise if you want to lose weight. I run six days a week, about three miles. I also lift weights but low weight, high reps for definition, not size. I also stretch a lot to elongate the muscles. Additionally, I do a ton of push-ups and sit-ups. 6 sets of 50 and a variety of different types.

I don't know my body fat percentage but it is very low. Clothes size is size 4 bottom and size 8/10 top (due to broad shoulders).

I'll post a pic of myself in the pictures section soon.

07-28-2006, 04:10 AM
Good Work!!!!!:thumbsup: Keep it up girl. GO JUDY GO JUDY GO JUDY GO JUDY:D

07-28-2006, 04:33 AM
Go Judy Go! We're with you! You can do it!

07-28-2006, 04:39 AM
Dang and i was proud of my self for losin 25 pounds but i am a chunk of a person i would not care if i ever had only 6 pounds left to lose i would be so skinny in my mind i would not need it gone lol.

07-28-2006, 08:00 AM
Congrads......wish I could get down to your weight. I too am 5'9", but at 158lbs. My goal is 150, so got 8 more to go. Did discover that I can now wear a size 12 dress.