View Full Version : Logical progression

Ann Craven
07-27-2006, 03:47 PM
Now then, girls, I'm a newcomer here, but have Cd'd for a long long time, please forgive me if this topic has been debated in the recent past, but I don't recall seeing it.
Like many of you, I'm hetero, and have always found the idea of intimacy with a man rather abhorrent.
But..........., of recent date, I have found myself being physically attracted to flat-chested, and generally manly women.
I'm wondering if other experienced Cders have experienced this phase, and if it ultimately leads to being "bi-curious", and further experimentation ?

Deep, I know, I do apologise if offence is caused, I have been slightly hesitant about posting this, but it does seem to be logical progression.
What do you think ?


Bev06 GG
07-27-2006, 04:06 PM
But..........., of recent date, I have found myself being physically attracted to flat-chested, and generally manly women.

Oh Gawd Ann, youde love me then, well sort of, Im not manly. lol

07-27-2006, 04:07 PM
I for one am bi. But i have never been attracted to a woman because she was flat chested. As i go down this path i have found that i am becoming more attacted to men.

Ann Craven
07-27-2006, 04:11 PM
It's difficult to put into words, I have put "humble pie" in my post.


07-27-2006, 04:24 PM
This sort of thing has come up before, have a look for the thread called "A questionable urge" which covered similar ground.

I'm not sure whether a concensus was really reached on that thread (if you read it you'll see that it went all over the place) but I think it's safe to say that you're not alone in having these sort of thoughts so definitely don't worry about it :D

I don't think being bi-curious, bi-sexual or anything else necassarily *has* to be the next step for a CDer, it might be for you but it's entirely your choice, just do what you feel to want to do.

You have certainly not caused any offence and your post seems to ask a perfectly valid question :D

07-27-2006, 04:29 PM
Interesting questions you ask...

I'm pretty much like you. So far I am only sexualy attracted by women but a recent experience (last winter) made me rethink about this. I have told my story in another post so I won't tell it again here. Suffice to say that while being "en femme" with another X-dressing sister, she started to behave quite manly as she was attracted to my cleavage... It almost went all the way... I felt strange but not guilty at all...

The thing is that I wasn't attracted to my sister as a CD, nor as a man when she became more obviously behaving like one with me... It was more the experience that was on going that excited me. It never happened again since.

More generally, I have often been fantasizing about being a woman and seducing a man, and I still do. But so far I have never met a man for whom I felt the slightest sexual attraction. But perhaps the fact that I am always in drab when I meet other men changes my perception. In my above story, I was "en femme" and feeling very femme, especially after I sensed that my CD sister was attracted by my breasts.

However I had another experience where thisime I really felt attracted to a man. Note that it wasn't linked to my X-dressing at all :

It was quite a long time ago in 1975, a period when I wasn't X-dressing much. I was working abroad and too preoccupied by my work, my wife and my two children to think about x-dressing.

What happened is that I felt attracted to a young person with a beautiful face, no visible breasts at all, always dressed in drab, having a job that was pretty much restricted to male employees in those days. I was felling quite uneasy as I really thought this person was a young guy. I knew the feeling of falling in love and I wouldn't believe this was happenning to me: I was attracted by another man. I finally was informed that in fact that young person was a girl. But the beginning of this experience left me with a vivid souvenir, as you can tell by me having remembered it since so many years. The funny part in this is that I tend to like "big ladies", almost the "Renoir style"... So I still wander about why I felt so attracted by this young boyish girl...

Back to your question about how our x-dressing evolves through ageing, the only thing I can tell is that it becomes ever stronger, at least for me... And the fantazy of seducing a man is increasing...

Phoebe Reece
07-27-2006, 08:37 PM
I, for one, do not believe in the concept of a "logical progression" with regard to crossdressing. I believe we all seeking our place in the TG spectrum. Some of us have found our place while others haven't. Sometimes you have to experiment a little to know for sure where you are.

07-27-2006, 10:41 PM
I agree with Phoebe very much. We are each who we are. We do not progress and become someone else. Now for most of us CDers we do need to find ourselves and figure out where we are personally on the TG Spectrum. And where that spot is does not matter, just do not let someone else push you there. You will know where it is at when you are there.

KimberlyS - CD