View Full Version : A passing thought!

07-30-2006, 03:26 AM
As i read through the threads and postings one thing has become clear is that in varing degrees you worry about how you are perceived by society.
Bearing this in mind I was thinking wouldnt life be so much easier if everyone dressed to reflect their own persona.
It brought to mind after that inevitable conversation we all have with our children about bad people and my son asked me "what does a bad person look like?" How can you answer this? Wouldnt it be easy if they dressed in a way we could identify them.
By going out dressed you are breaking down barriers in peoples minds,showing that your not to be feared or scorned but you are just like the majority and want to be comfortable with who you are and get on with life.
I'm only a mear GG but I look at you all and think how wonderful it is(although hard at times for some,I know)that you can be who you want to be.
LOL to you all.

Joy Carter
07-30-2006, 03:39 AM
That made my day Cath ! PS: No laughs just happy to have been accepted by another human being.:hugs:

07-30-2006, 03:53 AM
Thank you Cath.. That was sweet and insightful! Too bad societh has so many closed minded folks!

I appreciated reading your post! It has made my day as well and my head will be a bit today as I walk with confidence!:hugs:

Holly O'Niell
07-30-2006, 04:00 AM
A very simple statement that will mean so, so much to the users of this forum.
Well said.

07-30-2006, 04:17 AM
.. I watched an old Cowboy Western today.. and the villain wore BLACK !!!?...dun-dun-dunnn !:eek: .... some things are culturely engrained ...go figure eh? xx"K"
oops .. Thanks Cath for such an enlightened view !..

07-30-2006, 11:41 AM

tekla west
07-30-2006, 11:59 AM
we know what the bad guys wear, dark suits, power ties.

sue ellan
07-30-2006, 12:04 PM
Hi Cath

like your thread. it could not been said any better.:hugs:
sue ellan

07-30-2006, 12:05 PM
As i read through the threads and postings one thing has become clear is that in varing degrees you worry about how you are perceived by society.
Bearing this in mind I was thinking wouldnt life be so much easier if everyone dressed to reflect their own persona.
It brought to mind after that inevitable conversation we all have with our children about bad people and my son asked me "what does a bad person look like?" How can you answer this? Wouldnt it be easy if they dressed in a way we could identify them.
By going out dressed you are breaking down barriers in peoples minds,showing that your not to be feared or scorned but you are just like the majority and want to be comfortable with who you are and get on with life.
I'm only a mear GG but I look at you all and think how wonderful it is(although hard at times for some,I know)that you can be who you want to be.
LOL to you all.
Hi Cath,

Yes, it would be wonderful if the world was like that. I guess we'd better get busy if we want to make it like that, eh?:happy:

:hugs: Carol

07-30-2006, 12:49 PM
we know what the bad guys wear, dark suits, power ties.

Rats. Turns out I'm a bad guy after all. Does it help if I wear dark suits (without power ties) when en femme as well?


Rachel Morley
07-30-2006, 02:58 PM
Gosh Cath, you have no idea how pertinent your post is in my life today. My wife Marla suggested that we both go and get our nails done at the salon (with me en femme) today. :eek: But I really don't feel very confident.....not today anyway. I just don't feel girly enough to do it, it seems to me to be THE most girly thing to do. It also seems like I'd be going into the "lions den" to be stared at because it's always very busy on Sunday's. Despite Marla's best efforts to persude me (for over an hour) to go with her I still chickened out. :o She went on her own instead.

Then I read your post. She's there right now as I write this. I simply have to go next week. I had already made a consession with her and we agreed that I'd go another time, she suggested next weekend. We also agreed that if I was to back out this weekend that next weekend I'd have to have my toes done too.

Now I know this sounds like my wife pushes, and she does, but she's also the safety net too. She knows what I'm like, she knows that I want to go really but sometimes I just can't. That's where she helps me by almost insisting. Afterwards, I'm always so greatful to her for giving me that little shove. So when I read:

By going out dressed you are breaking down barriers in peoples minds, showing that your not to be feared or scorned but you are just like the majority and want to be comfortable with who you are and get on with life. I'm only a mear GG but I look at you all and think how wonderful it is (although hard at times for some,I know) that you can be who you want to be. LOL to you all.
It really rang some bells in my head, it's exactly the sort of thing Marla says all the time. She often tells me "girl's clothes suit you and you should be wearing them". I need to get out there and celebrate the fact that I am who I am without feeling guilty about it...and I will...next week at the nail salon en femme!

07-30-2006, 03:41 PM
Go for it Angel, I would love to know how you get on.
Will be thinking of you.
Sorry I forgot to add you look great!

07-30-2006, 03:52 PM
.. I watched an old Cowboy Western today.. and the villain wore BLACK !!!?...dun-dun-dunnn !:eek: .... some things are culturely engrained ...go figure eh? xx"K"
oops .. Thanks Cath for such an enlightened view !..

this is so true, I also find in american movies that brits are always the baddies lol

and in soap world the bad guys do one of three things, they wear a leather jacket, they smoke or they ride a motorbike,

them motorbike wearing leather jacketed smokers!!! phew
you gotta watch them! :heehee:

excellent post by the way so meaningful, I only wish everyone thought that way,

life would be so much easier if we all wore pink!! 0.02

calming influence :happy:


Melanie R
07-30-2006, 04:49 PM
[QUOTE=Angel Darling]Gosh Cath, you have no idea how pertinent your post is in my life today. My wife Marla suggested that we both go and get our nails done at the salon (with me en femme) today. :eek: But I really don't feel very confident.....not today anyway. I just don't feel girly enough to do it, it seems to me to be THE most girly thing to do. It also seems like I'd be going into the "lions den" to be stared at because it's always very busy on Sunday's. Despite Marla's best efforts to persude me (for over an hour) to go with her I still chickened out. :o She went on her own instead.


Having a manicure enfemme is wonderful. Go for it! In the upcoming WE Secret Lives of Women - Women Married to Crossdressers on Tuesday, August 15 at 9 CST - 7 PST, you will see Melanie and Peggy being filmed as we both get manicures at this posh spa in downtown Houston. I do not believe anyone other than the two salon personnel had a clue about what was going on. Probably thought it was a commerical being filmed. Now if we only had the wealth to have minicures on a regular basis.



Janice Ann
07-30-2006, 05:16 PM
I have spent hours getting dolled up & then felt I looked like *&^#- just a friendly compliment or a you look nice makes my day-- (even if I have to tell myself)

07-30-2006, 05:24 PM
By going out dressed you are breaking down barriers in peoples minds,showing that your not to be feared or scorned but you are just like the majority and want to be comfortable with who you are and get on with life.
But by doing so, you also challenge and threaten their own security in the way they dress - and how they understand and perceive gender and their roles. This is very dangerous - hence resulting in abuse and hate-crimes etc.

It's a dangerous road to walk on, so wear some sensible shoes!

Bobbie cd
07-30-2006, 09:45 PM
and in soap world the bad guys do one of three things, they wear a leather jacket, they smoke or they ride a motorbike,

them motorbike wearing leather jacketed smokers!!! phew
you gotta watch them! :heehee:

I guess I must be a semi-bad guy then. (I gave up smoking several years ago). I refuse to stop riding my Harley and I will continue to wear my leather jacket when doing so (whenever it isn't 100+ degrees out!)

If I wasn't still firmly stuck in the closet, it would be fun to do the above enfemme. It would completely blow the fuses of the small-minded people here, LOL:heehee:

08-01-2006, 05:50 PM
Society should be thanking you all for enriching our lives. Be a pretty boring place if we were all the same.

Karren H
08-01-2006, 06:04 PM
we know what the bad guys wear, dark suits, power ties.

Hey!! I wear a dark suits and a power ties!! I perfer pink!! Hehe

Love Karren

Karren H
08-01-2006, 06:09 PM
Society should be thanking you all for enriching our lives. Be a pretty boring place if we were all the same.

Well that all depends.......... if we were all wearing dresses then at least I wouldn't be bored or boring!! :D

Love Karren