View Full Version : What if we called it.....

Ranee Daze
07-31-2006, 03:42 PM
Liberated dressing?

CDsWifey GG
07-31-2006, 03:57 PM
Liberated dressing?
Oh I absolutely love that....I vote yes to the change :heehee:

07-31-2006, 04:01 PM
Liberated dressing?
Lets go with that it is easier for the public to swallow and so much truer.

Teresa Amina
07-31-2006, 05:30 PM
"Liberated" reminds me of those bra-burning news shots from the early '70s (yup, I'm old) If I burned my bra the forms wouldn't stay up! Gotta get some of that adhesive then...:D

07-31-2006, 05:34 PM
Liberated dressing?
sounds like a bandage of some kind

07-31-2006, 05:37 PM
The other term I have heard of was, equal clothing rights. I really like that as it implys discrimination for not allowing it. Which of course it is.

07-31-2006, 05:42 PM
Excuse me, but why the f$%^ are you so hung up on putting a label on us? What is this, your sixth or seventh post on trying to hang a tag on everyone and everything?

07-31-2006, 05:43 PM
Come on ladies play nice now.

07-31-2006, 05:54 PM
Yeah, sorry, I'm a little bitchy, but I still want to know what her hang up on labels is. I'd join the discussion, but I already have on some of her other posts on THE SAME TOPIC!

Michelle Ellis
07-31-2006, 06:39 PM
How bout if we just call it 'normal'? :p now that would be nice... (sigh)

I was pretty hung up on labels too at first... to me it was the first step I took in trying to truly understand myself... But there's no one term that could possibly begin to encompass all of me...


07-31-2006, 06:44 PM
How bout if we just call it 'normal'? :p now that would be nice... (sigh)

I was pretty hung up on labels too at first... to me it was the first step I took in trying to truly understand myself... But there's no one term that could possibly begin to encompass all of me...

Yup. Personally, I don't give a red rat's *ss what 'they' call me. I don't live with 'them'.

tekla west
07-31-2006, 06:51 PM
Labels are for food products. No label can fit me, or anyone else I know. This is one part of my life, it is not the alpha and omega. I refuse to be defined by just one thing, don't matter if its my crossdressing, my kids, my political work, my writing, my union card, my taste in music, my bike, or my PhD. They are all part of me, things that make me, me. Things that matter to me. Some are far more important, some less. But they are not me.

07-31-2006, 08:38 PM
As I have said previously (and others also) I don't wear women's clothes, I wear my clothes. They just happen to be in the femme style.

Helen MC
07-31-2006, 10:51 PM
"Liberated Dressing". A euphemistic term in the same way as the Homosexual community use the word "Gay" as this was deemed to be more friendly and perhaps less of a threat than Homosexual. The problem for them is that those opposed to them still say Homosexual which is a simple statement of fact, or use far worse terminology which I won't mention here.

It is not the words but how these words are used which matters in the end. I have heard for example the words " Roman Catholic" or "Black" or "Jew" said with an intonation that leaves the listener in absolutely no doubt that the speaker hates those that come under such designations although these are of themselves simple statements of fact. So it would be with "Liberated Dressing", those bigoted against TVs or CDs whichever current term you prefer would use it an insult. e.g. "See that George in the Admin Office, he's a "Liberated Dresser" and the usual sniggers if not worse would accompany such remarks.

I like the sentiment behind this new name but feel that it will not really benefit the CD community. Personally I have never had any problems with Transvestite which of course is the Latinsed version of Crossdresser.

08-01-2006, 08:50 AM
Some may find the lable a turn on. A forbidden fruit if you will. It happens you know. Liberated, Cross, or what ever kind of dressing it is. It is who I am but then I am more worried about where I am gonna get slippers for my big feet.

April Marie

Casey Morgan
08-01-2006, 09:01 AM
You could call it "artistic haberdashery" and it isn't going to change anything. Those who are against crossdressing will still be against it no matter what it's called, and if you're not careful about the term you use you could put people off us as a group even though they don't have a problem with what we do. And you still have the issue that people technically crossdress for various reasons. You can clad a Cape Cod (a style of house) in brick but it's still a Cape Cod.

08-01-2006, 09:36 AM
i agree with Deanna2 there not womens they are mine why should we had to be put into a "group" what i do is part of me and i wouldn't be normal if i didn't do it

Shelly Preston
08-01-2006, 11:57 AM
Liberated dressing sounds great but you just know its not going to happen
If only there was no discrimnation

As for labels they are a doulbe edged sword
We dont like them when we feel they are derogatory.
How many times have you heard some of us delighted to be called Ma'am

Karren H
08-01-2006, 12:03 PM
I'd rather just call it "NORMAL" also and get on with life as we know it! Hehehe. But then again I'm I have never considered myself to be normalish....engineer..ice hockey....dressing like a chick!!! :D

Question along those lines...Why is is that young girls who like to dress and do boy things were always labeled as "Tom-boys" (which had no real negative social conotations, in my opinion - F2M's may disagree) but boys who like girly things and play with dolls are called sissys?

Hmmmmm Tom-girls? Tina-girls....Tonya-girls....Tammy-girls.....T-Girls. Wow!! That's it!! Hypothisis proven and case solved!! :D

Love Karren

08-01-2006, 12:04 PM
Yeah cross dressing doesn't sound right, I'm always happy when I'm dressed :heehee:

GG Vanya
08-01-2006, 01:24 PM
"Liberated Dressing", those bigoted against TVs or CDs whichever current term you prefer would use it an insult. e.g. "See that George in the Admin Office, he's a "Liberated Dresser" and the usual sniggers if not worse would accompany such remarks.

I like the sentiment behind this new name but feel that it will not really benefit the CD community. Personally I have never had any problems with Transvestite which of course is the Latinsed version of Crossdresser.


This is the reason Trudi identifies herself as a transvestite. It is the original term or "clinical" if you please, for what it is that she does.

Yes, there are been negative connotations attached to this "label" as well, but to me that does not deminish the fact the term implies in the purest state.

ANY label can be "trashed" and "Cajun" is a good example. Some see it as a demeaning word, but true Cajuns are PROUD to be so. They live a life FAR removed from the hurry scurry rat race of the big cities and live it with joy, music and the BEST food! OK OK OK, I'll stop rambling. :D