View Full Version : Restrooms at work. From a GG!

08-04-2006, 01:44 PM
:happy: Last evening we " my wife and I " did attend a Dinner Party / Jam Session at a fellow musicians home. He and his wife invited our normal group, about 11 couples. One of the things talked about after dinner, one of the ladies there was a therapist, and just started working in the Illinois Prison System. We all talked for a while, and lots of things were disgust.

We had great coffee and desert, nothing store bought. Everyone brought a desert and a plate to share. Oh, sorry, back to my point. One item talked about was diversity and culture. Out of the blue one of the wives there brought up she worked in Iowa for a while in a factory. She mentioned, how there was a man there that was listed as TG, and used the ladies bathroom. He had not gotten the surgery yet. She said she was asked loads of times if she did mind that he used the restroom by other staff. Well as it would have it, she stated she did not mind, as there were stalls in the restroom. Not like in the Men’s room where you just let it hang out. :heehee:

We all had a smile or chuckle over that. But the only thing she did wish was people would get a clue, and stop asking her about this at work. Well I of course had to ask who the people were, asking the question. She said “ Oh, all the other guys, males that did work in my section”. So it seems it did not bother any of the women much that a TG person did work there, or even make use of their restroom. But did state that she could not see how a “good looking male” could get the clip thing done, as she put it. The other ladies there made a few comments, and none of them seemed to mind. I brought up the point of when I was in France, and both male and females use one restroom.

It was curious, but I was not the one to bring up the subject, I was quite content discussing music and music theory. LOLOL

Nevertheless the subject turned to cultural diversity classes, “ which we all had to take over the years”, on how to be more diverse. One of our group is a college Professor, he said it was just learning to shut your mouth, even if you did not agree with what a persons culture was. Again we all smiled and chuckled over that one. I loved that the ladies talked about it so nonchalant. Wish now my wife had not been out on the back porch playing music, and had sat in on that discussion.

“All in all” a nice evening. Talking to friends and playing music. My wife, was at her glory with the 3 keyboard full organ. Wow, lots of buttons, switches & pedals etc. I’ll stick to the banjo or the mountain dulcimer.

I’ll have to diet for a month because of how bad I was. Taking seconds on desert.