View Full Version : It was nice to see "her" again

Sophia Rearen
08-07-2006, 08:51 AM
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to dress. Prior to this time, when given the chance, I would get dressed and enjoy the feeling of the clothes. Pressed for time, I would skip the makeup process. Yesterday, was different. I sat at the makeup mirror in bra, forms, panties and heels. I created "her" through makeup. When all was done, I added my earrings, pearl necklace, and rings. Lastly, it was time for the wig and the transformation was complete. I so miss being able to see "her". I found that creating the face can be just as rewarding as wearing the clothes. Never did wear the dress. Ran out of time and had to return to the drabs.
Looking through "her" eyes, it is much easier to see my soul.
Am I alone in these feelings?

08-07-2006, 09:05 AM
Hiya Sophia.

Yes, it is nice to see you again! ;)

I'm guessing your not alone in those feelings, not by a long shot. I know summer is your busy time and so you have to savor those opportunities you do find. I'm glad you had such an enjoyable time. Hang in there, other opportunities will present themselves soon enough.

Take care,


08-07-2006, 09:08 AM
No darling, you are not alone in that feeling. Love and xxxx, Lily

08-07-2006, 11:11 AM
Looking through "her" eyes, it is much easier to see my soul.

Nicely put, very poetic - and heartfelt.

08-07-2006, 11:27 AM
Hi Sophia
I have the day off and started with a nice bath and a full shave did my makeup sitting in my bra and panties, did my nails fingers and toes. I feel so femme I,m going to the Mall with my friend for lunch.

ps thamks for the message we have to AC sometime

Sophia Rearen
08-07-2006, 11:29 AM
Tammi, can't wait for those opportunities. Anyone up for a enfemme museum trip this winter? Hell, I'm counting down the days to hairfree season.
Thanks Lily. xoxo
DayTripper, thank you, very perceptive of you. Must be one of your female qualities. I went back and "heartfeltly" added that before posting.
Sam, thanks and enjoy. I'm jealous. Have a great day.

Wendy me
08-07-2006, 11:43 AM
veary cool sometimes just a quick visit from "HER" is a good thingy......

08-07-2006, 11:45 AM
Sophia, No, you're not alone. I regularly wear skirt, sandals, girl top around the house. But it's when I find the time and privacy (not expecting anyone to be dropping by...) to do makeup and wig, do I really come alive. It's a feeling of extreme rejuvenation and completeness. A VERY deep sense of fulfillment and relaxation. :D :heehee:


08-07-2006, 11:57 AM
Sophia, I'm with you gurl. Some days, instead of dressing, I'll just get out my big makeup bag and experiment. I'll try something and not like it. Off it comes and try something different. Lately I've been playing with eye shadow and lipstick. It sure is a fun way to waste a Sunday.<LOL>...BJ

08-07-2006, 03:10 PM
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to dress. Prior to this time, when given the chance, I would get dressed and enjoy the feeling of the clothes. Pressed for time, I would skip the makeup process. Yesterday, was different. I sat at the makeup mirror in bra, forms, panties and heels. I created "her" through makeup. When all was done, I added my earrings, pearl necklace, and rings. Lastly, it was time for the wig and the transformation was complete. I so miss being able to see "her". I found that creating the face can be just as rewarding as wearing the clothes. Never did wear the dress. Ran out of time and had to return to the drabs.
Looking through "her" eyes, it is much easier to see my soul.
Am I alone in these feelings?


I could not agree with you more. You are not alone in these feelings. Up until a couple of months ago I would dress almost every evening. However, my home situation has changed and now I get very few opportunities. When I do get them I savory every moment. Enjoy every moment, I know I do.



Joy Carter
08-07-2006, 03:28 PM
I liken it to a spiritual thing something that pleases the soul that validates the woman in side. Then I sit have cigar and read Popular Mechanics.:lol: "So does anyone else feel this way+? No Joy just you !":D

Jasmine Ellis
08-07-2006, 03:33 PM
this is the time of year I hate most. the shcools brake-up for 6 weeks have the most problem of being Jasmine.
But I do get to see her 1 or 2 times in a week, and some weeks in those 6 weeks I do not. And when I don't then I do miss her lots.

tekla west
08-07-2006, 03:48 PM
Sure baby, I love museums. They are good places to go in fact. First you are not likely to meet anyone who would cause you trouble. Drunk rednecks, gangs of teenage girls, soccer hooligans all tend to stay away from museums for the most part. In SF the new De Young just opened a few months ago and is very nice. Let's do it.

08-07-2006, 03:55 PM

I took a day to myself today to completely dress. The clothes are usually pretty quick, but the make up has become the rare treat. I sit next to my wife everyday as she does her make up. I always get jealous when she puts on her mascara and eyeliner.

It felt so good to wear makeup today while dressed. I love looking in the mirror when I'm done. When I can get a picture as nice as your avatar, I'll post it.


08-07-2006, 04:01 PM
for me to think of Sherlyn as "her" is like saying she is someone that is not me ... "her" is me ...so this is a hard question to relate to

Teresa Amina
08-07-2006, 04:41 PM
All I need is my hair and it's "There I am!"

Anyone up for a enfemme museum trip this winter?

Cool! Love museums, but not New Yawk, ok?

Sophia Rearen
08-07-2006, 05:54 PM
for me to think of Sherlyn as "her" is like saying she is someone that is not me ... "her" is me ...so this is a hard question to relate to

Shouldn't be hard to relate to, Sherlyn. Imagine, for some reason you couldn't express as Sherlyn for a long period of time, say 2 years. I think you would lose some of the Sherlyn identity. Then, when you had renewed ability to become the Sherlyn that you and we see on a near daily basis would you appreciate how much you missed Sherlyn and seeing the whole you.

08-07-2006, 06:06 PM
I can definitely identify. Personal time is an extraordinarily scarce resource in our household. (BTW I wouldn't have it any other way, as my children are the main reason it's so scarce!) And there is nothing quite as un-fun as getting some fem time but knowing that a clock is ticking in the background.

Taking the time to enjoy the transformation is absolutely crucial. And yes, if that means you get a glimpse of Sophia in the mirror, but have to leave the actual fem clothes off, so be it. Your priorities are 100% in the right place!

If you want to check out any of the NYC museums this winter, please let me know!
