View Full Version : I crossdress because...

08-16-2006, 09:25 AM
I was just wondering about percentages and how they work out among CDs. Why do we do it?

It used to be, mostly, a sexual turn-on for me but as time went by that has passed. Now I just love the sensuality, not sexuality, of the clothes.

08-16-2006, 09:31 AM
It has taken me many years to figure out why I love becoming Karen but I think I have figured it out -- finally!

It's vanity. I can't stand my looks as a guy. I try to avoid looking at my guy-self in the mirror and hate having my picture taken (yes, it's psychotic, but what are you going to do?).

But I love the way Karen looks. I can stare at her all day.

When you add how sensuous the clothing feels along with the fragrances of perfume and makeup (love the taste of lipstick!), I am swept away!

Atlanta Peach GG
08-16-2006, 09:35 AM
I was just wondering about percentages and how they work out among CDs. Why do we do it?
A couple years back MSNBC did a speical about how guys' brains who dress have a female-like brain.........they had done cat-scans on men who dressed and then the TS's who had transistioned and found they had female-like brains. The 2 brain lobes tend to be closer together in a woman, and if I recall female brains that have the closer lobes like this are feminine and have greater femme tendencies. It talked about the neurons being passed back and forth between the left and right sides of the brain in genetic females, and many of the CD's and TS's they studied had the same kind of distance between the 2 lobes.........

I have forgotten all the details of the show, but it was very informative. I suspect as a little boy you were digging through your mom's things and you may very well have one of those "female" brains I just talked about.

You are not alone in this, so you can rest assured that there are others here and around the world who have the same feelings as you.

Karen Edmonton
08-16-2006, 09:44 AM
I was just wondering about percentages and how they work out among CDs. Why do we do it?

For me , I dress because that's who I am . I can't imagine not dressing ! I first put on womens cloth at age 5 . It has always been a natural thing for me . It's as much a part of me as my hand , foot , etc. I'm not trying to attract anyone , it's just me ! I love how I feel when I dress , complete ! :2c:

Karren H
08-16-2006, 10:04 AM
Well because I'm driven to dress...like butterflys are driven to migrate....the urge is overwhelming at times. And there's nothing I can do about it!! Not as though I want to quit because I don't. Love my enfemme time too much for that to ever happen......again!! Hehe

Love Karren

renee k
08-16-2006, 10:09 AM
Well for me I'll have to agree with Karen and Karen, on this one.

I don't really like how I look as my maleself, avoid having pictures taken as well. I do however like how I look as my femmeself. As for dressing it's a natural extention of myself. Even to the extent of having electrolysis and other things done to make me more presentable as a woman. Do I want SRS, no not at this time in my life. It would present way too much grief for my family, friends and career.

Huggs, Renee

08-16-2006, 10:16 AM
Atlanta Peach,

I saw the same MSNBC story and felt that it struck a cord with me. It made a lot of sense, but honestly I don't need to know why.

I love the whole experience of dressing. It's much more than the clothes because "make up" is just as exciting to me and lingerie, or a blouse and skirt.

I am driven to dress and to be as feminine as I possibly can be. From the high heels to the hat on top of the wig....and every luscious piece in between. It's such an intoxicating high for me. Thank God I have I am who I am and can express myself and live as I want!!:love:

08-16-2006, 10:54 AM
I cross dress because ifeel more femine than masculine. Wearing womens' clothes helps me achieve the femininity I have so desired since the age of 5. I just love to try and look pretty, wearing pretty frilly undies and just being femine - who do girls want to look pretty and attractive?? Well I am no different and would just love to be treated and loved as a woman

Love to all


PS There is nothing like the feel of silky lace underwear and stockings just sheer heaven fo any girlie girl.

Lissa Stevens
08-16-2006, 10:57 AM
It just feels natural to crossdress. Even though I know it IS considered crossdressing, as I am a guy, it doesn't feel like it to me.

tekla west
08-16-2006, 11:02 AM
.... I'm a clothes horse and confining myself to just one gender was boring. Just as listening to only one kind of music, eating one kind of food, reading one kind of book would be dull.

Karren H
08-16-2006, 11:19 AM
.... I'm a clothes horse and confining myself to just one gender was boring. Just as listening to only one kind of music, eating one kind of food, reading one kind of book would be dull.

Well Kat, I think I could stay unbored for a long period of time wearing a LBD, eating chineese food, watching Stargate SG-1 reruns and reading comic books!! Hehehe As long as I could take a break to play some hockey!! :D

Love Karren

Siobhan Marie
08-16-2006, 11:41 AM
I crossdress because I am transgendered. I present as a man but am a woman on the inside but have no desire to go through gender reassignment and I love the feel of the clothes.

:hugs: Anna x

08-16-2006, 11:42 AM
Well I wanted to say "Cos I love the feel of the clothes" as well as "Expressing my femme side" ... but it wouldn't let me have both.

So for the record: Girlies just have much more and much better clothes - they look nicer, feel nicer and come is so many more shapes and sizes than guy clothes!

Just wanna be a girlie all the time so I can wear all these nice clothes :heehee:

08-16-2006, 11:45 AM
I crossdress because of .......all of the above.

Wendy me
08-16-2006, 12:03 PM
i voted outher .....

why do i dress???? well i am not like saying it's all abought the clouthes , because it is abought the clouthes ..,

and the sexual/fetish thing well that's not it eather ,

....and To express my feminine side. well kinda hard not to have a feminine side when your all dressed up and womens clouthing now isn't it ???

now intresting thought I am a "Drag Queen". well i never thought abought me as a drag queen no that's not it ....

and then ...I honestly don't know why I crossdress.ok well thats not it see if i did not crossdress then Wendy would be in drabs ... and then Wendy would be crossdressed in "HIS" clouthes and that's just too weird for me to think abought......

see that should be clear .....

08-16-2006, 12:13 PM
A bit of all of the above. I too love the sensuality wearing sexy lingerie. While I do enjoy being male, I do need to be en femme. I see it as a balance to my soul.

08-16-2006, 12:19 PM
I cross dress because,lets see #1. No i think #3,No #5, oh me oh my i can't make up my mind.hehehe
Honestly i would say it is the 1st 3. I really would like go further but.....
Hope this helps your poll dear.
:hugs: Janelle

Lilith Moon
08-16-2006, 01:28 PM
I crossdress for several of the reasons given, so I voted "Other"

08-16-2006, 01:44 PM
Too bad this wasn't a multiple selection poll, I dress for several of the reasons listed so I had to go with "Other" and here's why:

Before I went all the way with an outfit and clothes specifically purchased for Ellie I dressed mostly because "I love the feel of the clothes." and because I dressed so little (hose, heels, and garters) "It [was] a sexual/fetish thing for me."

Now that I have fully dressed and presented myself as Ellie I dress more "To express my feminine side." and rarely go without a bra, forms, wig, make up, etc.

Of course I still love the feel of the clothes and I very much enjoy sex while dressed.

08-16-2006, 01:47 PM
I crossdress because all my male clothes are dirty.

08-16-2006, 01:51 PM
Like most of you are saying.

Because I really am a girl inside and just want to be outside as well in a nano second i would change and never go back.

Just to be female and be able to dress once and for all just as i do really please to dress.

Hmmm And Ummm>

Oh well!

Jay Suzy!

08-16-2006, 02:04 PM
My Other:

I fit into most of the catagories you mention, or have done at some point in my life. My experience of dressing, and my perspective on its moral, social and expressionistic implications have changed over the two or three years I've dressed quite seriously.

Originally, it was fetish dressing - going for high heels etc to get my kicks. But soon this became a serious expression of my feminine side, which had been suppressed for a long time. At this point, it was quite subconciously important to pass - but now, not so much. I want to make a statement with my dressing in the coming years. "Yes, there are those of us out there who dress like this, and don't give a toss about your cisgendered views!" College will be the perfect place for me to come out -- the Theatrical Community, Open-minded students (my peers), and a fresh bunch of faces, meaning I can be who I want to, when I want, and people will probably accept me for who I am, before there is any possibility of forming a cisgendered opinion of me.

That's the plan anyway, and no one can predict the future with enough accuracy to see what'll happen to me and my femme side.

Butterfly Bill
08-16-2006, 02:05 PM
It's mostly I like the feel of the clothes, but it is also vanity about my body (especially the legs) and I think a lot of female outfits show it off well, and then there is just a general cozy feeling I get those times when I can be dressed and be around other people and talking and joking and all that, and it all being normal and accepted.

Bev06 GG
08-16-2006, 02:31 PM
A couple years back MSNBC did a speical about how guys' brains who dress have a female-like brain.........they had done cat-scans on men who dressed and then the TS's who had transistioned and found they had female-like brains. The 2 brain lobes tend to be closer together in a woman, and if I recall female brains that have the closer lobes like this are feminine and have greater femme tendencies. It talked about the neurons being passed back and forth between the left and right sides of the brain in genetic females, and many of the CD's and TS's they studied had the same kind of distance between the 2 lobes.........

Mm yes Ive heard of this before. When I was at University we briefly touched on it too. Very interesting thought. I have to admit that most of the Crossdressers I know and love are definitely more sensitive human beings in general than your regular guy. Altho I stress only most, some are real rotters and every bit the man in a womans dress..

08-16-2006, 03:17 PM
The easiest way to say it is this...
I dont cross dress. I wear the cloths that I am supposed too. I just have the wrong body.

Sarah cd
08-16-2006, 03:33 PM
It has taken me many years to figure out why I love becoming Karen but I think I have figured it out -- finally!

It's vanity. I can't stand my looks as a guy. I try to avoid looking at my guy-self in the mirror and hate having my picture taken (yes, it's psychotic, but what are you going to do?).

But I love the way Karen looks. I can stare at her all day.

When you add how sensuous the clothing feels along with the fragrances of perfume and makeup (love the taste of lipstick!), I am swept away!

This is the same for me as a guy i dont like the look of me but as Sarah i think i am spot on. And love the feel of the clothes and make up

Lilith Moon
08-16-2006, 03:46 PM
It has taken me many years to figure out why I love becoming Karen but I think I have figured it out -- finally!

It's vanity. I can't stand my looks as a guy. I try to avoid looking at my guy-self in the mirror and hate having my picture taken (yes, it's psychotic, but what are you going to do?).

But I love the way Karen looks. I can stare at her all day.

You may be onto something there !

I wouldn't say that my only reason for crossdressing is vanity. However, from childhod I have always disliked the appearence of the male who looks back at me from the mirror and I've always tried to avoid having photographs taken.

But when I'm dressed I can stare at myself forever and the camera is my best friend.

Sarah Rabbit
08-16-2006, 03:46 PM
I am Woman, I am Invincible

Unfortunately Nature decided to play a Joke...Hmmm

Sarah R. :bunny:

08-16-2006, 03:48 PM
Well from the first pair of panties that I slid on I knew that I was hooked. Then later on in life came the gridles, pantyhose and nice dresses. Any guy that trys on these great clothes and does not get hooked needs to have his head examined. :2c:

08-16-2006, 04:04 PM
Like many I feel elements of most of the categories (except drag queen).
I know it explains little but the thing I keep coming back to is
'I want/need to feel pretty'.


08-16-2006, 04:19 PM
Because I can't find a shirt to go with these heels! ;)

It expresses my femenine side, but I don't know why I need to crossdress. It seems I do.

Teresa Amina
08-16-2006, 04:31 PM
Really don't like the "Woman trapped in a mans' body" expression. Sounds like you can rattle your tin cup across the bars and demand to see a lawyer! This body is mine too, but perhaps a better perspective is an analogy with Birth Defects. We have this disconnect between the mind/spirit and our physical appearance. When I see that everyday Guy in the mirror it's me, but when I put on my wig, forms, and pad out my hips under those things I really feel comfortable wearing it's More Me than me.

08-16-2006, 05:11 PM
She makes me do it!!!:eek:

08-16-2006, 05:23 PM
I like wearing the cloth's alot. I feel i have a great fem side when i can be the part. I feel all girl most of the time don't like my man side much that part of me has been a little slow latly.

08-16-2006, 05:28 PM
Well I wanted to say "Cos I love the feel of the clothes" as well as "Expressing my femme side" ... but it wouldn't let me have both.

So for the record: Girlies just have much more and much better clothes - they look nicer, feel nicer and come is so many more shapes and sizes than guy clothes!

Just wanna be a girlie all the time so I can wear all these nice clothes :heehee:

I couldn't have said it better myself.


08-16-2006, 05:42 PM
It was hard to narrow it down to one reason. Like today, when I put on the mini-skirt, long tunic top, strappy wedge sandals, and wig, with makeup and nail polish, I just liked the way I looked. When I received a compliment from the manager of the Avenue store, it made my day. I do not dress to make fun of women; I admire women completely. As I told her, I want to present myself as an attractive woman. I want to be the best women I can be. And she told me she always sees me as an attractive woman when I come in dressed. I can't ask for a nicer compliment.

08-16-2006, 05:42 PM
for years I told my parents something was wrong. I felt wrong. I felt disformed. Then as I grew I learned to more and more what I was. A woman in the wrong body. I talked to people I read gooks. I learned but still I hide it. Trying to talk to my parents only cost me to be beaten or yelled at. I felt shuned. Then after years of pain and discomfort in my on body I decided to become the woman I truely am. Though the times are hard at this point in time I am happier then I used to be. So for me crossdressing is when I am forced to put mans clothing back on and pretend i'm a man to appese people who can not deal with my true self.

Mary Jane
08-16-2006, 06:55 PM
I crossdress because it is fun and I enjoy it.

08-16-2006, 07:04 PM
I love the feel of the clothes.
To express my feminine side.
I am a woman in a man's body.
I am a "Drag Queen".
It's a sexual/fetish thing for me.
I honestly don't know why I crossdress.
Other. Please explain.

I answered i don't know why anymore. At one time it could of been anyone of these. But there was always, a need to dress. If some one can explain , why one has a need to dress. I would love to hear it.

08-16-2006, 07:07 PM
I crossdress because I wanted to know how I would look as a woman a very passable one at that. It has come to the point where I must transistion to become my true self that has been hidden away for so long. When I am dressed it just seems natural to me, the fake male persona dissapears and my true feminine self unfolds. I have always felt somewhat uncomfortable has a male and now I know why, its because I am really female inside.

Janelle Young
08-16-2006, 07:18 PM
It is kind of like the insect that is drawn to the light, it just has to do it. The good thing is what's not to like about being a part time girl. We have the best of both worlds.

08-16-2006, 07:20 PM
I crossdress because I am transgendered. I present as a man but am a woman on the inside but have no desire to transition and I love the feel of the clothes.

:hugs: Anna x

I feel exactly the same way as Anna. I am complete and liberated.


:hugs: :doll:

08-16-2006, 07:23 PM
I voted "other" because as others have said, none of the above categories is the sole reason why I dress, and while several of them do play a part in my dressing, it is a relatively small part. I think I like to dress for the adventure of doing so. It expands my life experiences beyond the narrow box that society has deemed appropriate for men and allows me to explore other sensations that are otherwise reserved only for women. Crossdressing represents an escape from the confines of manhood with all of its pressures and stresses, and is therefore very therapeutic and relaxing.

Manhood is a very stressful state in our society: one which must be maintained at all costs, or so we are brainwashed into believing. But that is not the subject of this thread, so I won't bore you further with my opinions on that one.

All the best


Angie G
08-16-2006, 07:52 PM
I crossdress because of the clothes feel and the natural feeling I get when
I'm dressed for me it a natural high I'm relaxed in a nice place specially when
I'm shopping :hugs:
Angie G.

Dee 1062
08-16-2006, 07:59 PM
Makes me feel like a woman:)

08-16-2006, 08:20 PM
'Cause I have ta! Now whether it's because of my strong femme "side", or because I'm trapped in this body, I dunno, but I gotta And yeah, DT, it is greener. Love and xxxx, Lily

Atlanta Peach GG
08-16-2006, 09:23 PM
I crossdress because all my male clothes are dirty.

08-16-2006, 10:39 PM
It is the URGE to feel pretty for me, like someone said I like to look at Denise Sometimes driving home after buying some make-up or nail polish I get so excited. Yes I feel like I have female hormones in me But I am not attracted to the male image. My fem side needs to dress like a headache needs asprin.:heehee:

Marlena Dahlstrom
08-16-2006, 11:04 PM
Because there's times when being metrosexual just isn't enough.

Because sometimes being one gender isn't enough.

Elena Ambasce
08-16-2006, 11:40 PM
More than one of the above, so "other". Breakdown:

1I love the feel of the clothes. -yes
2To express my feminine side. -yes
3I am a woman in a man's body. -nope
4I am a "Drag Queen". -nope
5It's a sexual/fetish thing for me. -yes
6I honestly don't know why I crossdress. -yes even that sometimes!

08-16-2006, 11:45 PM
While many of the responses fit at various times and for various reasons, I selected "Woman trapped in a Man's body" because that's how I feel.

I do so love dressing as Jenna - a woman. Others have said it and it's true - the transformation (hip padding, breastforms, and wig) brings out the me that I want to present. I love the look of my fem body and loathe the look of my guy body.

I can never find anything that looks good on me in guy mode. Suits hang terrible, shirts are boring and ugly. But Jen, wow, I love the curves. I love the variety: materials, colors, cuts, prints.

I would much rather present as Jen than as the guy I am.



08-17-2006, 12:27 AM
It's really 1,2 and a little bit of 5 for me. Still get a little bit of sexual stimulation from dressing, but not to the extent it used to be. I think this is because I am slowly coming to grips with why I CD, thanks, in no small part, to this forum. Sure would like to have seen that MSNBC show.


08-17-2006, 12:45 AM
I voted "don't know why". I have struggled to work I why I am like I am for years and eventually, about 3 years ago, decided to stop worry and just enjoy it. Since then "Caroline" has flourished.

08-17-2006, 02:45 AM
Well for me I'll have to agree with Karen and Karen, on this one.

I don't really like how I look as my maleself, avoid having pictures taken as well. I do however like how I look as my femmeself.

I kind of agree with Renee, though I as yet an not nearly as passable as she or the many of you who are more 'out'. I've never really cared much to look good or trendy in male clothes but love femme clothing and have real likes and dislikes. There are certain things I won't wear in male mode so its not as if I'm completely undiscriminating, but for the most part I just don't care about making the effort to dress whatever way is en vogue for guys. I basically, apart from special occassions when I do the shirt and jacket thing (when I'd rather wear a dress - but what can you do), I just have on cargo pants or shorts, a T-shirt and/or sweatshirt, leather or suede slip-on shoes, or sandals. Post-grunge NorthWest working casual look as a male, much more fashionable when CDing.

As per the survey, I really don't know why I crossdress - but I like it - thats reason enough for me.


08-17-2006, 06:58 AM
When I was a young boy (under 10) I really wanted to BE A Boy and do "Boy Things" ... But when my breasts started to develop at 11 and people kept telling me that I should be wearing a bra I started to wonder what it would be like to actually BE a girl ...
When my breasts got to 36B at 13 I started crossdressing by "trying on" bras that belonged to my 3 older sisters ... After that, I was hooked and I knew that I was really a girl trapped in a boy's body except for my breasts ...
It was by the grace of God that my Mom found a Gender Councilor who explained that I wasn't gay, that my family should treat me as a female family member, and that I should be allowed to dress as a female whenever I wanted to ...
From that day on I dressed as a female at home until I graduated from high school ... And I started going out in public dressed as a woman when I was abotu 18 ... Ive been dressing as a woman part time for over 40 years now ... I have no regrets what so ever and I woudn't have it any other way now.

08-17-2006, 07:45 AM

08-17-2006, 08:52 AM
Julie Andrews sang " I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and whitty and wise". That about sums it up for me!

08-17-2006, 10:26 AM
I answered 'I honestly do not know why'. I fit most of the other categories, but have never been able to explain why. I have thought about transition, and then thought, why? I love the feel of the clothes, and it does make me feel like I think a woman can feel when she 'dresses to the nines', but also when she dresses down for a bit a lazing about.
I can say that it really has a positive effect on my personality. I can feel very agitated and stressed from the daily BS that hits us at times, but then once i begin letting Terri out, it seems as if all the problems and stress just wash away from me. Anger and agitation seem to disappear, I am way way more relaxed.
My wife can tell from my attitude if I have dressed during the day while she is at work, from grumpy and distracted, to being in a good mood and joking when she gets home.

08-17-2006, 01:59 PM
I ticked other, because my dressing really is not a sexually driven, it certainly was when I was younger, and I can't say I don't get a buzz out of dressing now because I certainly do, but to me my dressing is more than just a sex thing.

I feel I really dress, to look different, step out of myself, and my every days self. No I don't have piles of problems in my male life that I'm trying to run away from, infact I very much enjoy my masculine life, I have a fantastic partner, wonderful kids, a good job, and I'm comfortable. I have to work hard where certainly far from rich, other than in self satisfaction, and in that respect I'm a millionaire with what I have in my life.

When I've writen my Bio, or talked about my dressing, I've always said I'm a female imporsonator, over a TV or a CD. That does not mean I want to do a drag show, but thats what I try to do, imitate a female to the point of passing as Tracy and being taking and accepted as female. two things that stick in my mind to back this up, was once at a TV meeting I was asked if I was one of the TV's wifes, and the other was when out many years ago, a lad called me a fat cow. (which kind of made my day!) as clearly he had only seen a woman, over a man in dress!

As a Child I was bought up in the sixties, where wigs were everywhere, hence I presume thats where I get my love of disguises and the desire to look different, in this period, not only was crossdressing given a lot of air time on the telly (in a comical way) ie Danny la rue, Les Dennis, Les Dawson, Dick Emery, Stanley Baxter, and a host of other I could name, but every telly program was riddled with people changing there looks for one reason or another (ie Series like the Professionals, Cats Eye, the Sweeney, Kojak, Starsky and Hutch) again another endess list of people changing there appearences for one reason or another.

So Although dressing as a girl does give me a buzz, it also achiving that ultimate disguise really as well, and appearing to cross the gender barrier is the ultimate disguise! To actually look female, though male is my ultimate aim. and then I'm more than happy to return back to male mode, because all my crossdressing is to me, is a bit of fun, and nothing more, I have no desire to be female, just be taken as one, every once in a while.

Lisa Golightly
08-17-2006, 02:16 PM
It's a @$%& job, but someone has to do it...

08-17-2006, 07:15 PM
For me, it is several reasons,
1) The feel of the clothes
2) the sexual / fetish
3) The substitute for physical touch / affection
4) Having been called "Maam" many times when seen from behind, it just seems right. Younger, I was thin and pretty hairless except for a very full head of hair.
5) Sometimes I thought/wished as a teen that I might be female.
6) To look pretty. I have never been very masculine.

08-17-2006, 07:35 PM
Wow, great question! The answer for me is: I tried to supress it for my entire life and I just can't. It was like trying to dam up a river that could not be held. The river is flowing rapidly now (maybe a little too rapidly) :happy:


Paula G
08-17-2006, 07:59 PM
I voted other. I originally started crossdressing because I liked the feel of the clothes, now it is a part of who I am as a person. It now feels as natural as breathing to me.

08-17-2006, 08:03 PM
Dress For Several Reasons Also, Feel Of The Clothes And To Let Out My Feminine Side '' And The Sex While Dressed Is The Best Of All,,

08-17-2006, 09:48 PM
I picked other because I guess I am a complicated person maybe. But I crossdress because it allows me to be all of me.

-I love the feel of the clothes. Yes
-To express my feminine side. Yes, I am a feminine guy.
-I am a woman in a man's body. No, I am a male, just with feminine traits.
-I am a "Drag Queen". No, but my wife wants to burn some of my clothes.
-It's a sexual/fetish thing for me. No
-I honestly don't know why I crossdress. I have many therories, you pick on.
-It also allow me to unwind and relax at times.
-Allows me to temporarily put some of my male responsibility on hold.

08-17-2006, 10:22 PM
Several choices could apply or have applied in the past, but I selected "to express my feminine side" because it seemed the "best" answer. I'm not saying I fully understand why - so perhaps I should have admitted so, but I believe my feminine side is irrepressable, so why try?

08-17-2006, 11:34 PM
I don't wear women's clothes. I wear my clothes that just happen to be of a femme style.

Helena Constantini
08-18-2006, 02:28 AM
I feel myself really excellent with my feminine inside.

Hello girls,
Why not indded?
If it is a real pleasure;

Nobody should be under pressure;
if it is satisfying and innocent!

Julius Cesar even was husband of everyman at day time and wife of everyman at night;
why not to cross dressing?

08-29-2006, 10:56 PM
Here is another reason that I just thought of in the shower.

I crossdress because I get to be the doll I didn't get to dress up and play with as a child.

hehehehe. :cheeky:

08-29-2006, 11:01 PM
Its so simple. Because I like it!

08-29-2006, 11:43 PM
When I dress, i get so happy, and I think about it all week. I love the feel of a skirt and a bra and being all femme. It makes life the way it's suppose to be for me.

debbie m
08-30-2006, 01:03 AM
I crossdress for a varity of reasons to express my feminine side but mostly because I love it.I've been dressing most of my life and now I dress to express my true self.

08-30-2006, 01:37 AM
Well, I've always wanted to be a girl and wished I was a girl, but I have a lot of male pattern thought processes (darn testosterone) so I'm stuck between expressing my fem side and "girl in a male body" When I was younger, there was much more fetish aspect to it, I used to like to dress up ****ty for my own enjoyment. That's changed a lot over the years, I find myself dressing more casual now and wishing I could live that way all the time.

08-30-2006, 04:08 AM
because it the most fun thing I do.

08-30-2006, 04:35 AM
I dress cause it feels right cause im happy but i still don't know why cause like me most dont open up and explore the reality part and stay alone and lost like me but at the same time is it the urge to totally open up that will ruin what you have or feel. just my thought;s ty BA-BYE

08-30-2006, 06:04 AM
I would have to say in part to keep in touch with my feminine side. While it may have been sexual in nature in the beginining as being somewhat confused about my own sexuality as well as my male roll. What I think confused me more was lack of a male roll model growning up. Instead of going out with dad hunting and fishing. When the chance came to go dad would always say, "Son, stay home with mom and help her clean the house". So who would I end up bonding with? My mother and sisters of course. Also being a only son with 3 sisters the feminine enviroment was much more present. So wondering what it was to dress as one, I would each time get bolder and bolder about sneaking into their things and trying them on. I was caught on a couple of occations, One time being one of my sister's prom gowns. To this day I still find myself thinking back to that incident and how it felt to be dressed in everything that gown represented.
Gowns are the garments of choice for me as they represent in my opinion the grace and and spirit of true feminitity. Their color depending on which is worn can suggest emotions of all sorts. They represent Celebration of events in life of happiness and joy as well as union of souls and the essence of life.
As one person suggested in another post, dressing may also fill a void left from lack of a wife or girlfreind. Does it for me? It may, it may not, however it does, it it keeps me emotionally balanced and grounded. It has allowed me know that feminitity is as much a part of myself has masculitity is and both can co exist together. While I could continue and soul search as to why I dress I will end in saying that I do it because its part of who I am and have come to accept it as a part of who I am. Even today while at work I received a comment from a co worker that said " *****, You are a very nice man". I believe that is a result of my feminine side at work. I am thoughful, I think of others, and aware of the enviroment around myself as well as other people. I care what happens to others including complete strangers. I think that if I didn't have this influence that I would have never received such a comment. So with that in mind I would have to say I crossdress because of all these things and more. You only live life once, do what makes you happy. And crossdressing makes me happy? what about you?
Hows this for my 2nd post? :hugs:

08-30-2006, 06:35 AM
I don't know why but god I love it.

08-30-2006, 06:37 AM
I dress because it does feel good and I do enjoy it. It is my way of having a secure loving feeling.

08-30-2006, 03:20 PM
Lawren, thanks for the post and the poll. I voted "to express my feminine side", as that comes closest to the mark. I've always felt uncomfortable in the presence of men, and relaxed and content while in the company of women. One word: relationships. Women prioritize them, men don't seem to. I do, so have always felt closer to women because of it. Male gender, female perspective. It's been difficult functioning as a male in society for me, as most of my employment has been in macho, male-oriented fields, which are notoriously intolerant of non-traditional behaviours and lifestyles. Therefore, when afforded the opportunity to unwind and "let my hair down", is it any wonder I've grown it long and selected the clothes to match? Just allowing me to be myself.

08-30-2006, 03:41 PM
I CD because to me, it just feels so right, I don't know what it is about women's clothing (perhaps the texture, the 'tightness' of some of the undergarments, or the look) but to me wearing it and looking feminine just feels right.

08-30-2006, 03:59 PM
Hmm.. It's kind of I like the feel but it's also my female side of me that's hidden in the dark recesses of my soul and body.

The hardest thing is choosing what outfit to buy as I like women's suits but also like the dresses and the nightgear!

But most of all it makes me happy and the panties are just so comfortable!

08-30-2006, 04:10 PM
I agree it feels good!!:D


08-30-2006, 05:11 PM
I love the way a tight sexy dress wraps my body.....the feel of the clothes!

08-30-2006, 05:13 PM
Because it feels right!

08-30-2006, 07:51 PM
I like to explore and to learn. I like a challenge. I like discovering things that my wife has experienced so I can understand them better. I like knowing. I like the empowerment of letting myself be free to dress en femme.

08-30-2006, 08:17 PM
I dress because it does feel good and I do enjoy it. It is my way of having a secure loving feeling.

Inner peace, like no other.

Lourie James
08-31-2006, 11:31 AM
I do it for most of the reasons that I'v read here. I find that the clothes feel right on me, I like to look pretty and being feminion feel natural. I'm not a girl trip in a mans body. as a teen I would dream that I would weak up, smaller and with no body hair so that I could dress like a girl and still be a man. Today I enjoy the look and feel of womans clothes and how thay make me feel.

Lisa Edwards
08-31-2006, 12:02 PM
Why we do it? - I am very lost - I have mixed feelings about what I do, I just know I cannot help wanting femininity in my life. The urge burns through my very being and I get very upset. I enjoy dressing and have found no one (GG) that will help me through the emotional rollercoaster. Am I female inside? - I do not know. lisaedwards684@hotmail.com

Samantha B L
08-31-2006, 01:05 PM
It's a sexual thing for me,in part.But really it's an exotic escape and I love the feel of the clothes.All in all I don't know just specifically why I do it. But I don't like to go without dressing for very long and I don't think I could ever give it up.I have no desire to.At all. hi,Samantha

Ranee Daze
08-31-2006, 01:19 PM
It is surely an erotic thing still for me, and I love it.
I love to have people curl and dye my hair enfemme.
Once, all made up with my hair blondish and styled
like a Catherine Deneuve I was standing there on the
little stool at Melanie Lyne in a pale green silk taffeta
ballgown and the saleslady suggested some crystal earrings
and pendant. The effect was mindblowing! I really cried, I
was so affected. This was a version of me, of my hair, my
lips, my eyes (OK, MAC's lashes!), my cleavage....and my tears!
I saw, perhaps for the first time, another moi. It really set in
when the saleslady said that no one so far had managed to make
that dress look so beautiful...I was making the staff jealous!
Maybe she was just trying to sell the dress but it was a genuine moment
which gave me great confidence.

Tina Dixon
08-31-2006, 01:20 PM
Or is it the clothing? I just don't know.

08-31-2006, 01:21 PM
I could not Imagine not dressing up.
What I do not understand is why I crave, desire so much to be the opposite sex What I'll never understand physicaly I am as male as it gets
But inside I want to be female. Yet I am not gay.
I wake up in the middle of the night thinking there is a way.
But after 14 yrs of marrage and two children later and not a sole in the world to know it's getting to be to much.
I know I am not the only one out there that feels this way.
Yet some day I want to go to a retreat or someplace where I enjoy this fantasy in which i can enjoy to feel the way I want without feeling embarrased or like a fool.
You would think in florida of all states one may find this.
Cheers to all that read this

08-31-2006, 01:26 PM
I dress because I like to
I don't think I could pass in daylight!in fact it would have to be very
dark.but,boy it's FUN

08-31-2006, 02:04 PM
Its relaxing. I do it to calm myself down and just feel more centered.

08-31-2006, 02:16 PM
I dress because, uhm, it just sorta feels right. And 'cause my "guy" dress shirts don't really fit anymore anyway.

08-31-2006, 03:56 PM
I love the way it makes me feel. No. 1 in my book is the bra. I wear a bra every wear I go. When I go to work I leave my forms at home. Teri

08-31-2006, 04:00 PM
I am a woman in a man's body. UGHHHH let me out!!! :(

09-01-2006, 02:11 AM
i crossdress because i love the feel of female clothes,and it makes mefeel
relaxed.i just thank my mum and my sister for getting me started.

09-01-2006, 02:19 AM
Because it arouses me sexually ! I also feel pretty !:love:

Lois Page
09-01-2006, 05:48 AM
I guess I started out of curiosity, but I continued because I love the feel of the clothes. Although sexually stimulating at first, this feeling has dimished and now cding just feels normal to wear lingerie everyday.

Lisa Marie
09-01-2006, 06:20 AM
I voted for cause I love the feel of the clothes it makes me believe i am a woman when im dressed.

Lissa Stevens
09-01-2006, 04:56 PM
I crossdress so maybe I can become more powerful. Let's face it the women hold all the power in the world. Most any hetero guy will eventually give in to the woman. If all women around the world got together and refused to have relations with men they could stop wars, take over any company and or nation. We genetic males are the least powerful beings there are. So maybe by crossdressing I can skim a little of their power for myself. LOL.

09-01-2006, 07:25 PM
I love the feeling. I love the feeling of being comfortable instead of being forced to dress in the INCREDIBLEY uncomfortable clothing made for men. Most of all, I love the "open-ness" of skirts! :)

09-01-2006, 07:34 PM
I love CD' ing, especially in the Summer, when I can go shopping, or just walking the neighborhood in my shorts. The " rush " is fantastic ! :love:

Veronica GG
09-03-2006, 12:05 PM
The results of the poll and all your opinions gave me a new more accepting perspective about crossdressing.
Thanks to all of you!

09-03-2006, 01:37 PM
Why should the female species have all the fun ?The look, the feel is just out of this world. I love the feeling of satin on my body. Pantyhose gives me a such a glorious feeling of ecstasy ! ! :love:

09-04-2006, 01:16 PM
I CD because for as long as I can remember I have wanted to. Hugs, Kathy

09-04-2006, 05:20 PM
I CD because it just feels right. I detest pants. If I were a woman I would not be the way women typically dress in public. I would NEVER wear pants.

Barb Valentine
09-04-2006, 07:57 PM
I just love the way the clothes fell on me
The way a skirt feels when I walk
It just feel right for me

09-04-2006, 08:28 PM
Because I love the feel of woman's clothing.:love: fom Katrina

09-04-2006, 10:57 PM
The easiest way to say it is this...
I dont cross dress. I wear the cloths that I am supposed too. I just have the wrong body.

haha! <3

09-04-2006, 11:16 PM
At this point in time, sexual gratification.

09-04-2006, 11:33 PM
I have mentioned this before, but among the many reasons that I CD is the Sexual Energy and Excitement that I receive from doing so:love: from Katrina.

10-23-2006, 04:08 PM
i would have to say it's because i should have been born female, and is something i've felt since early childhood, so i chose 'woman in a man's body', though i may never go through SRS because i love my wife and am willing to make that sacrifice for her, and she's willing to accept this as me, besides we want kids at some point and we want them to be ours geneticaly and i don't like the idea of freeze-dried semen, anyway mariage is compromise, and i'm happy with our life together...

10-24-2006, 11:50 AM
I am a 58 and have been dressing for nearly 50 years and have tried all sorts of theories...but all I know when I put on that chiffon dress and those hose 50 years ago it felt right. That was several years before my first orgasm which happened while dressing and reinforced the desire to dress.

shelley leigh
10-24-2006, 12:36 PM
I just love the way i look and feel when i dress.

10-24-2006, 05:03 PM
I dress basely because i want attenion and im try to be who i would want as a g/f or friend that i cant have :(

janet p
11-01-2006, 08:00 AM
It started as a fetish for me when my best friend and would put on his mom's old dresses,then pretend we were sneaking into the girls camp to spy on them. Then I began loving the feel of nylon and silk more and more. The more I wore the more I wanted to become a woman.

11-03-2006, 11:20 AM
I CD because I always feel from within that I belong to another sex.

11-03-2006, 11:28 AM
I select the second item on the list, but I feel that most of us really would have selected both 1 and 2.

When I dress, I dress not only to be fem but I also love the feel of fem clothing. I believe the two go together.

11-03-2006, 11:38 AM
it's fun, it's relaxing, the clothes (especially intimates) feel great, and it expresses a side of me which needs expression. I remain a "guy's guy", but this certainly feels great.

Billie Jean
11-03-2006, 03:11 PM
Eventhough iI do it mostly in private, its just a part of me. Also because I love the clothes women get to wear and want to have the same choices. After all they rallied and won the right to wear the clothes that were considered male attire, maybe that's what we need to do. Billie Jean

11-03-2006, 07:45 PM
I crossdress because I get to express me femine side and i actually feel good about myself when i dress.