View Full Version : Crisis

08-21-2006, 04:55 PM
As Halloween approaches, I want to dress in fem, but the nerves are giving me a rattle.

At home I am more comfortable dressed as a woman, than a man, I wish I could achieve that in public.

I mean I had always hoped to go out on Halloween dressed fem and hoped I would meet a girl that would interested in exploring my interest.

08-21-2006, 05:34 PM
Well, you can't find a better cover than Halloween. But you've got two things going here. Going out dressed for Halloween and finding a gg to support you in doing it.

I'd say focus on getting out dressed on Halloween, no matter how or with who. Any bars in your neck of the woods? If you have no sympathetic friends would you do it alone?

If you have nowhere to go, a drive dressed up is great fun, and you'd be surprised how quickly you learn to work the break and gas pedals in heels. And, Halloween night is a great night if you are driving around in full regalia and a cop stops you. "I know the photo on my driver's license doesn't look like me, officer, I'm wearing a costume."

It's not illegal. Just do it.


Deidra Cowen
08-21-2006, 05:39 PM
All of us are scared the first time we go out. Just gut it out babe and try it! You will get used to it and before you know it things like driving enfemme will be second nature to ya!

I find though every new thing I try enfemme makes me nervous. But I love the rush I get from being a big scared and trying something new out and having a good outing.

Right now the scarest thing for me to go into is a str8 bar. Still get very nervous about that...but out of the 4 I have gone to it went well at 3 and I am steadily progressing. I only freaked out once and hauled butt! :tongueout

08-21-2006, 08:57 PM
Go for it darlin'! What better time? After all, isn't Halloween the unofficial CD holiday? Check out the Halloween thread that's running. As for the GG, happy hunting, and see if she has 2 sisters seeing that DayTripper already asked for one. Love and xxxx, Lily

08-21-2006, 10:36 PM
If I had any advice to offer it would be. Dont try to be so convincing that it shows that you are really trying to be totally enfemme. Unless that is what you really want to express. My outfit lastyear was a "working girl", but........with a mustache!!! I cant begin to tell you how nervous I was, especially at the gas station. All went extremely well, and it was absolutely wonderfull wearing a mini-skirt and nylons standing by the bon-fire.

The mustache is now gone, lol. Good luck with your decision.:2c:

Dee 1062
08-21-2006, 11:27 PM
wear lots of makeup and get a long wig, and go for it....you go girl....