View Full Version : Back at the scene one week later

08-21-2006, 07:14 PM
I was at the casino this last Saturday in male mode with my wife and dad. My dad was a little bit depressed so I thought I'd take him to AC which he loves just to get him out.

A week before I was at the same exact casino but as Steffie by myself. As Steffie I actually got a comp using my wife's card and no one said a thing and didn't even ask for an ID or anything. If they had, I guess I would have had to show them my male ID and explain that my wife played with OUR money but it never came up.

Anyway, I gave the card again to get another comp for me and my dad to eat (my wife was off gambling somewhere and we couldn't find her and my dad was hungry). This time though they asked for an ID! I show them my driver's license and they say that is not the person listed on the comp card (my wife). I then explain I am her husband and they say: "We're not supposed to give it to someone else." However, after a few min, they finally relent an we get the comp.

I thought to myself how weird that this didn't happen a week earlier when I was a woman but now back at the scene when I'm in my male identity it does?! :heehee: :heehee:
