View Full Version : Uninvited guests

ranma 1/2
08-21-2006, 11:15 PM
Today a coworking wanted to know what I was doing right after work. He's been wanting to hang out with me for a while now so I said sure what do you want to do. He said "I thought I'd come over and bring a bottle of seagrams and whatever". (yes I thought that was a wierd thing to say too.) I said it was ok and then it hit me. All my girl clothes were all over the place. My pumps were sitting in the living room. On the coffee table was a makeup cataloge.

Now nobody knows that I CD so i was stressing big time. I sped home hoping to clean up before he got there. While cleaning I noticed a few boxes some of my fem thing came in this weekend with addresses like mytights and such.
Luckily I was able to clean up the place and mask the perfume I was using this weekend quick time.

The topper to the story is that he flacked out and was a no show. Grrr now I'm pissed.

Has anyone else have uninvited guests drop by who didnt know you CD when you were ready for them?

08-21-2006, 11:38 PM
I wouldn't worry about the girl clothes, I think your coworker is just in to you - but that could be a whole other thread... :love:
... when I had my own apartment in college I had this one friend who had an absolutely uncuanny knack for dropping in when I was dressed. She must have thought it was odd that I was always in the bathroom when she came over (stripping off my clothes and makeup and pretending to be just getting out of the shower) but never said anything.

Atlanta Peach GG
08-21-2006, 11:53 PM
so your co-worker is into your boy self?? Or you are suspecting he is?? So he doesn't know you dress huh??

Well if he is into your guy self then he may be put off if he knows you dress......but then again.......maybe not. :heehee:

I think if the guy is bi or gay he is probably gonna be ok with the dressing........

Lisa Golightly
08-22-2006, 01:36 AM
No, as they all kind of know. The boys don't really look about to be honest as I bought one of those playstation things for them to play with... They tend to sit there grunting occasionally and staring at me blankly when I ask them if they'ed like some tea or if they had a nice day... lol... :)

08-22-2006, 01:44 AM
No, as they all kind of know. The boys don't really look about to be honest as I bought one of those playstation things for them to play with... They tend to sit there grunting occasionally and staring at me blankly when I ask them if they'ed like some tea or if they had a nice day... lol... :)

Okay Im coming over to play SuperMario Holly Girl! And yes I would luv Tea. English Toffee if you have some.

Hmmm Yep I've nearly been caught plenty of times. Last year when the wife and kids left for the week a neighbour knocked at the door late at night and i was totally femmed out! No Make-up but everything else including garters and hose! I whipped on slippers and my housecoat. The slippers didn't totally cover the hose and I got nevous when she looked at my feet.
Never found out if I was totally busted or not. Good thing it was dark and lighting was poor.

Helen MC
08-22-2006, 02:03 AM
Another example of the difference between attitudes in the States and England, at least in the South East.

In this part of Britain many people are more reserved and do not generally encourage people to pop in on them unannounced. This difffers in Scotland and the North of England where people are less formal and more convivial.

We also tend to keep our work and home life separate in many cases and do not fraternise with co-workers outwith the workplace. We are for the most part friendly to our fellow workers but selective about which of any we form relationships with. I for example would never invite any of my co-workers into my home and whilst I am polite, friendly and helpful to them and offer a sympathetic ear to their troubles I would not involve myself socially with them in my own leisure time, nor do I take any part in Social Activities organised by my employers, especially if these are happening in my own leisure time. As far as I am concerned I see enough of them 40 hours a week Monday to Friday and have no wish to see them in my own time.

So unless you have other motives regarding this co-worker I would politely but firmly tell him "NO!" as regards visiting you at home. It only needs one item of female clothing to be seen and to quote Doris Day "your secret love's no secret any more"

08-22-2006, 04:49 AM
Once, I was trying some stuff on while I had the house to my self. Then I put on some sheer hose with my shorts and other man clothes and I went for a walk around the neighborhood since it was dark. When I was down the hill from my home, I saw through my neighbor's yard my house. Just then, my brothers car pulled in. (I lived with my parents at the time. After college.) I saw the light come on in my bedroom. I remembered that I had left some black tights on my bed! My brother had come over his daughters and apparently one of them needed to use my computer. I was the only one in the family with a computer at the time.

I ripped the legs out of the hose. Had to take my shoes and socks off to do it. Ran up to the house. I told them I was out walking/running, but my shirt was what I had worn to work that day and not a very good athletic shirt. They seemed to buy it. No one was in my bedroom. They said they needed my computer, so I went and turned it on and hid the tights that were still out on my bed. I am sure they must have seen them and that is why they were not on my computer when I got there. No one ever asked me why the tights were on my bed. Actually, I had taken the tights and put them on my mom's bed. That was a pretty close call!

08-22-2006, 06:17 AM
Once, I was trying some stuff on while I had the house to my self. Then I put on some sheer hose with my shorts and other man clothes and I went for a walk around the neighborhood since it was dark. When I was down the hill from my home, I saw through my neighbor's yard my house. Just then, my brothers car pulled in. (I lived with my parents at the time. After college.) I saw the light come on in my bedroom. I remembered that I had left some black tights on my bed! My brother had come over his daughters and apparently one of them needed to use my computer. I was the only one in the family with a computer at the time.

I ripped the legs out of the hose. Had to take my shoes and socks off to do it. Ran up to the house. I told them I was out walking/running, but my shirt was what I had worn to work that day and not a very good athletic shirt. They seemed to buy it. No one was in my bedroom. They said they needed my computer, so I went and turned it on and hid the tights that were still out on my bed. I am sure they must have seen them and that is why they were not on my computer when I got there. No one ever asked me why the tights were on my bed. Actually, I had taken the tights and put them on my mom's bed. That was a pretty close call!

That sure was!!!

08-22-2006, 08:32 AM
I was home in a high neck night gown, next door neighbor came to the door to tell me he ran down my mailbox.Iput on a terry robe but had to hold the neck clossed.I supose he thinks Im rude for talking thru the little front door window,but the terry robe is shorter than the nylon and lace one.

Siobhan Marie
08-22-2006, 12:25 PM
Another example of the difference between attitudes in the States and England, at least in the South East.

In this part of Britain many people are more reserved and do not generally encourage people to pop in on them unannounced. This difffers in Scotland and the North of England where people are less formal and more convivial.

We also tend to keep our work and home life separate in many cases and do not fraternise with co-workers outwith the workplace. We are for the most part friendly to our fellow workers but selective about which of any we form relationships with. I for example would never invite any of my co-workers into my home and whilst I am polite, friendly and helpful to them and offer a sympathetic ear to their troubles I would not involve myself socially with them in my own leisure time, nor do I take any part in Social Activities organised by my employers, especially if these are happening in my own leisure time. As far as I am concerned I see enough of them 40 hours a week Monday to Friday and have no wish to see them in my own time."[/I]

:iagree: with Helen as I'm like that myself. Most of the people I work with I wouldn't socialise with. I do have one friend from work who I do socialise with and thats my friend Lisa, she's a pre-op TS and knows about me.

:hugs: Anna x

Shelly Preston
08-22-2006, 12:53 PM
I was the victim of this problem once luckily my wife spoke to my friend while I did a quick change

Wow was it quick
The main thing i was grateful for on that occasion was I had not worn false nails or perfume
I was still left wondering if I had given some tell tale signs when we chatted but nothing was ever said

It certainly gets the heart pumping if it has not stopped completely to begin with

Jasmine Ellis
08-22-2006, 01:23 PM
I think he was asking you out for a date

ranma 1/2
08-22-2006, 08:41 PM
I think he was asking you out for a date

It did cross my mind that he might be gay. He has a perfect tan.
His eye brows are perfect too. And he wanted to bring hard liquor over just to hang out. Shooting pool and a beer is more my speed.

Maybe he wanted to get me drunk and take advantage of me :p

08-22-2006, 09:16 PM
Yeah, he could have his eye on ya. On the other hand, I hate to tell ya darlin', but if you were a little neater, you wouldn't have been in such a panic now would you?:heehee: Love and xxxx, Lily

08-22-2006, 09:40 PM
I always forget to pull my earrings out! The pink one's are hardly noticeable and I wear them in the cartlidge but the diamonds are well, diamonds!