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View Full Version : Ways to get GGs Interested in Us...suggest!

08-22-2006, 09:12 PM
This will be a winner topic for this crossdressing group.

It's common knowledge that a vast majority of us Crossdressing persons are hetrosexual..., though i guess some are not, some maybe any other sexual orientation, though for the sake of this discussion it deals with hetrosexual ability to find or to have true love find them by a GG - Genetic Girl... and what's involved to better the chances and how to educate those women who haven't the slightest bit of an idea about what makes us tick and why!

I haven't covered other sexual orientations or preferences simply because I am hetro and this discussion covers hetro issues only..

If you are otherwise than the above, then maybe you could start a discussion about your preference to better your chances in love...


Dating GGs
Gaining SOs
Having women Date us
Having GGs Interested in Us
Educating GGs about Us...

To better chances of us Crossdressers getting SOs or GGs to relate to us far easier, and start new and more adventurous lives... instead of the discovery of crossdressing ending relationships, or seriously endangering them.. or as bad... and idea's including fresh idea's in where to look for GGs, or for them to meet us... or other ingenious ways to cross over the problem..

Karren H
08-22-2006, 09:16 PM
I was thinking more like kidnapping!! hehehe

Love Karren

tekla west
08-22-2006, 09:40 PM
Meet them when you are dressed, or on boards like this.

08-22-2006, 09:43 PM
For those who think true love will never come there way, fear not... the world is a huge, huge place... there is someone for everybody.. here i feel sure. I used to think that that wasn't the case... I tried to get involved and tried to date... and it always ended in upset for me... as they would say " oh thanks, i'm flattered that you asked me out... I have to feed a chiwawa or my pet gold fish has departed or the like.... seriously.. I tried all the ways i could think of, including dating agencies, but it ended as normal on a downward ebb...

After a very long time of missfortune and lost opportunities, i realised that the problem wasn't with the women, it was with me.. It was my dressing secret that I knew would have to surface sooner or later in any relationship i had, and the discovery of such a revelation had me in considerable worry, casting a black shadow in my mind over any loving relationship i had. It was that that was pushing me away from sure happiness and a loelly love life... I then realised I had to deal with this matter constructively... rather than feel sorry for myself... though doing that was easy!!!!!

How i overcome this shadow, was by simply being completely honest and upfront to all about my crossdressing, which i achieved in steps from the closest member of family and worked my way out... though evidently some on the outside knew about my dressing before that... a problem i had to face.. another to add to the problem lol, but i overcome that too...

I had to love myself much more than i did, and respect myself more than i did, then also realise I was put on earth as i was to fullfil a role on this mortal coil, which i figure was to help others realise that crossdressing isn't the end of life as you know it, but the start of a new life...

Face the fear, be positive and take constructive steps...

Love yourself and respect yourself, and have a strong self belief too, a strong personal conviction to your life... Remember too, if you can love yourself, you'll know how to love another and also know how to be loved too.

Remember too lifes no rehearsal, so get out there and let the world know you are here, and stop feeling guilty or sorry about who and what you are.... stand up and be counted is what i say...

If i knew back then, what i know now, i would never have let myself suffer such a lonely life.... I would have addressed this issue far sooner...

I utilised a internet website making service and created a webpage all about me with questions about me, along with the answers to women.. to convince them underneath i was still a guy and still interested in the GG ladies... I had a few people contact me as a result, then all went quiet for ages....

Then one day outa the blue came this girl a GG on the internet chat relating to the website i set up, which she had read and was rather interested in me... It was a novalty for the time as I thought she would be a curiouso for a while then vanish like the rest did.... but my god she didn't...

10 nearly 11 months later she's very interested in me still and will hopefully be coming into my life from China to live with me, to enjoy a happy life with me. I know she loves me loads as the proofs all there... believe me... all the signs are perfect... she has spoken to all my family and relatives, and i have spoken through her interpreting to her parents and they are happy about us too... so I feel very happy life will be turning more a life for us and not just for me...after all...

It happened for me... it can happen to others....

all i hope is that things work out right for her to enter my life... as there are formalitys for those abroad coming to the UK...



KewTnCurvy GG
08-22-2006, 09:57 PM
So, what about GG's trying to find a CD to love?

I'm trying but fricken fruck if I can succeed at it.



08-22-2006, 10:02 PM
I don't know about you but I'm moving to the San Fran Bay area as soon as I get out of school. :D

08-22-2006, 10:07 PM
I found my wife only after moving to an area where women were more independant from a father figure ideal that many women have for a husband. I asked out over 60 women in Wichita Ks, and went out wth nearly 30 of those women and seriously dating one before I eventually figured out I was not the "Type" of "Man" most midwestern women are interested in. It was only after moving to California to find a wife that I found mine. California had more independant women, and it worked.

I have no clue to finding women that are interested in CDers. I might suggest that women that are not looking for a strong male presence for a husband would be more accepting of the feminine characteristics of a closeted CD.


KewTnCurvy GG
08-22-2006, 10:21 PM
I don't know about you but I'm moving to the San Fran Bay area as soon as I get out of school. :D

Awwwwwwwwwwww, so there maybe hope afterall!
I'm becoming a spinster:(

ranma 1/2
08-22-2006, 10:34 PM
So, what about GG's trying to find a CD to love?

I'm trying but fricken fruck if I can succeed at it.



Our company was just aquired by a bigger one recently.

who know maybe ill find myself in the bay area. :love:

JD Jade Dream GG
08-22-2006, 11:06 PM
Two suggestions....

LYALTNMW. One of my favorite sayings.

Or....Best of friends....with benefits.

Try one of those first.

And for Heavens sake! If they are not bi or les(hope thats ok)
Let them know...you are not at all interested in men who like men
or women who like women. (it's this last one that gets you
every time) It always makes us wonder if you really are 100% hetro.
Or if you will go ALL ways. Women really just want a faithful partner.:hugs:

08-22-2006, 11:25 PM
I actually explained this to someone at work. Somehow we got into a discussion about a gay guy who used to work with us, and he was like "I have no problem with gay guys, I just hate the flamouyant ones, like the ones who talk with a lisp, or wear a dress." So I was like "Did you know that most crossdressers are actually straight?"

He was shocked. He was asked "Then why do they crossdress?" so I replied "I guess because they like the feel of the clothes. I don't know. But most ARE straight."

He was still shocked, but its one more person who is educated.

Rachel Morley
08-22-2006, 11:33 PM
Hi Melissa,

My wife and I found each other via email through a CD forum. At the time I was in southern England and she was in California. I'm a total believer in "love will conquer all and if it's meant to happen....it will." That said, I did have to spend a very long time on my own before fate intervened :happy:

As far "getting GGs to like us" is concerned......well obviously you can't make a GG (or anyone else for that matter) do something they don't want to. But IMHO the sorts of women who are likely to be interested in a partner who crossdresses are women who are open, broad-minded, who are interested in alternative lifestyles, and who prefer softer, non macho types of guys. If she likes "a manly man" you've had it!

admirerplus GG
08-22-2006, 11:40 PM

I think I have much in common with Kew. I too am a GG in search of a wonderful CD man. I have never dated a CD before, but remain curious and open to that possibility.

I my way of seeing the world, I think that everyone is searching for a good relationship. Being able to develop a loving relationship that includes respect and trust seems to me to be a universal desire amoung all kinds of different people. No matter what one's personal preferences, lifestyle, gender, socio-economic status, I believe that we all need to feel loved.

That does not however, acknowledge the various challenges people face in their seach for an ideal or suitable mate. From what I have learned in this forum, CD men seem to face considerable challenges in coming to terms with their own identity. It seems to me that anyone who is struggling with self-doubt, fear of rejection, et cetera would also feel less confident about initiating contact with a potential mate. That is perfectly understandable to me.

In my opinion, expressing self-confidence, offering a great smile and maintaining a positive attitude are the most alluring and attractive ways of getting a suitable mate interested. I think that being honest and open is really important as well. Expressing who you are as a person is also a risk well worth taking.:2c:

08-23-2006, 12:00 AM
And for Heavens sake! If they are not bi or les(hope thats ok)
Let them know...you are not at all interested in men who like men
or women who like women. (it's this last one that gets you
every time) It always makes us wonder if you really are 100% hetro.
Or if you will go ALL ways. Women really just want a faithful partner.:hugs:

What if they *are* les? I wonder if M2F (non-TS) CDs have a chance

08-23-2006, 12:06 AM
I have tried the internet, and I have meet GG's who are thousands miles away, including a few in the phillipines. It seems a lot of phillipine women are interested in CD's. Even the two GG's in the thread are miles away. I which they could be closer. Does anyone know someone near Vancouver, BC.


JD Jade Dream GG
08-23-2006, 12:57 AM
I've heard this before!
CD's are wannabe lesb****s! However, they like GG's.

Then why are they not searching for like-minded CD les*****s!
What is the importance of being a lesbian? There I said it.

CD Girl on GG girl but with the parts God gave us? What's the
biggest difference? Aside from the obvious procreational hole?

If you are claiming to be to be CD man who doesn't want
his partner to mind the clothes then why aren't you a CD
who doesn't mind the clothes of another CD?
Would that not satisfy some lonely people?
Is there a place for those that are willing to figure it
out? Is this the place for a man to find friends that
help hime figure it out? What if he is willing to explore
..........i dunno anything.......everything!
What if us GG's are not so willing because we think
you may be undecided? When do we know
for sure?

I'm curious how many CD's switched sides?
Or may be willing to switch with the right friend?
Perhaps I will start a new thread. Perhaps this is
an old thread but since I am new, I have a lot to learn.
I can accept anyone, but wonder endlessly which
of my partners will tell the whole truth.
Who is still figuring it out? Who knows who they are
wholeheartedly and who is still changing and looking
for the truth. I just always want the truth!
Who has been through it all and KNOWS the

Again, I am new and do not want to offend!
But as I previoulsy posted...GG's would really just
like a faithful partner! No confusion because in the
beginning...we are all confused!+? :love:

I wish I could escape this post, speak to the
moderators and see if I'm out of line? I wish I could
find out in advance how angry you all might be?
I wish I could go back to the beginning and read
everything that might have answered these
questions, but I will instead submit this post and
let the chips fall where they may. Try and learn
about my spouse. And Why? And what If? What
should I have done differently?

08-23-2006, 01:27 AM
I am not going to claim I am 100% straight. Do I like women? Yes, no question. Do I like guys? Not really. Do I like the idea of being with another CD? Not really, but TS is a different story. So how do I define myself. Would I be Bi? I don't know. Am I homosexual? Not a chance. I am confused as to what category I fit in to.

Lisa Golightly
08-23-2006, 01:59 AM
So, what about GG's trying to find a CD to love?

I'm trying but fricken fruck if I can succeed at it.


Distance can be an issue... ;)

KewTnCurvy GG
08-23-2006, 02:15 AM
Distance can be an issue... ;)
What happened to love knows no bounds?

Lisa Golightly
08-23-2006, 02:17 AM
What happened to love knows no bounds?
My bank balance... :(

08-23-2006, 02:43 AM
So, what about GG's trying to find a CD to love?

I'm trying but fricken fruck if I can succeed at it.



I am booking a flight as I type this...........

JD Jade Dream GG
08-23-2006, 02:55 AM
LOL Kay!
Good luck with frick and fruck:heehee:

08-23-2006, 07:43 AM
So, what about GG's trying to find a CD to love?

I'm trying but fricken fruck if I can succeed at it.



Don't despair I think a lot of people are just in relationships than you'd think

My missus doesn't properly know about my cd'ing so I'm just looking for friends not lovers as it can be frustrating hiding yourself away

08-23-2006, 08:07 AM
So, what about GG's trying to find a CD to love?

I'm trying but fricken fruck if I can succeed at it.



Sorry, Kew if I sound harsh, but I feel that you don't fit the ideal female image that cds look for. You are a very smart girl,, maybe way too smart. I think most cds want a frilly bubbly type GG as a partner, maybe a bimbo. Hey, that was just my opinion Kew. I find you a very attractive girl, I don't understand why you have difficulties in finding someone.

As far as the rest of the straight cds go, I also can not understand why you have such a problem finding a GG that can be your partner. I am gay and I have never had difficulties in having women come to me, even ggs who don't know that I am gay find an interest in me. I have no problems finding ggs and talking with ggs in the clubs. They are not put off because I look like a girl, some find it a turn on.

First thing straight cds got to do is get out of the gay and lesbian clubs, you won't meet a partner in these clubs. And as Tekla has said, try to meet GGs while dressed, then you can filter them out right from the start.

Also, use the gay stereotype to your advantage. Let the gg that you first meet think that you are gay. Then as you talk to her and she gets to know you, then tell her that you are straight, by this time she would have gotten to know you and might take a liking to you.

Maybe another good thing to do is move out of the Ozarks, where only neanderthals live, move to a more civilized partof the world and your chances will improve greatly.

Jasmine Ellis
08-23-2006, 08:27 AM
you could always join up on one of those dating sites. To try your luck

kathy gg
08-23-2006, 09:47 PM
Hmm..I don't know the secret formula to get gg;s interested..but I can tell ya.that people with hang-ups on distance and guys wanting some model-looking chick are probably not gonna have too much luck.

I met my sweety via the net, we were 1700 miles apart.....I had to immigrate to another country for pete's sake. He had to fork over money and so did I so we could both be together {handed over to the lovely govt.} ...we both took alot of HUGE chances and HUGE risks...but ya know what...we are both so happy that we rolled the dice and came up winners. We have alot of happiness, a beautiful child and alot of lust and love for each other after 7 yrs.

I can remember all the depressing times when I was looking and guys being too scared to fly to Texas {like I was gonna fly to some guys house for a weekend..come on!??} to meet me, to the guys who thought I was runing some scam, to the guys who thought I was to much...and just plain terrified of having a relationship with someone who knew who they were....

I know that love can over come alot of obstacles and distance and all these things which people run from. I also know that there is no shortage of gg's who are totally into cding and cool as hell....but many men fear having a relationship that open and that honest and that *out*. Some dont' and they win becuase they are not scared of being open and taking chances...

08-24-2006, 04:45 PM
I always found when dating that 99 to 99.9% of all GG I ever encountered turned, no it was actually ran away at full gallop once I revealed "all of me".

There are more opportunities now to be sure as compared to when I was dating, (goawwd it was the last century already:( )... but still it is all about finding that "special someone", so don't give up as they are out there...

I know that if I was to ever start out single, divorsed, widowed or what ever again, I sure ain't settling for anybody that isn't 150% happy with "Ava" as compare to just "tolerating" her...


08-25-2006, 07:09 AM
I've heard this before!
CD's are wannabe lesb****s! However, they like GG's.

Then why are they not searching for like-minded CD les*****s!
What is the importance of being a lesbian? There I said it.



I guess I count. I didn't really switch sides. I just broadened my horizons because I was tired of being alone. I don't consider myself a lesbian. I'm just a person who is attracted to attractive people regardless of what equipment they were born with.

But the key is I am always honest with that person and I always stay monogamous.

I am not going to claim I am 100% straight. Do I like women? Yes, no question. Do I like guys? Not really. Do I like the idea of being with another CD? Not really, but TS is a different story. So how do I define myself. Would I be Bi? I don't know. Am I homosexual? Not a chance. I am confused as to what category I fit in to.

The category would be "pansexual" if you really want to be labeled.

08-25-2006, 08:58 AM
Women love honesty, so just be honest...all the time. Teresa

08-25-2006, 09:16 AM
I was thinking more like kidnapping!! hehehe

Love Karren
lol @ you Karen.... Count me in... Where do we start?... lol

08-25-2006, 10:03 PM
Wanting to feel comfortable in talking and sharing my CD side with a GG is something which I have not done because of the fear of rejection and fear of exposure. I have been involved in one long term relationship in which I told my SO of my desires. I do not know if this had any influence on our breaking up after spending ten years together. But I know it didn’t help. Having a GG find out about this after she thinks you have fulfilled her expectations, can result in disillusionment and trust. :cp: Having read many of the other threads concerning this topic, the losers out number the winners.

I wish there was a forum where interesting single CDs could meet interesting single GGs. At least there wouldn’t be any doubt of acceptance of "CDism". :thumbsup:

P.S. the "GG" would include, female to male CD

Dee 1062
08-25-2006, 10:09 PM
Huh...did someone say something?:)

Rachel Morley
08-25-2006, 10:45 PM
I had to immigrate to another country for pete's sake. He had to fork over money and so did I so we could both be together {handed over to the lovely govt.} ...we both took alot of HUGE chances and HUGE risks...but ya know what...we are both so happy that we rolled the dice and came up winners.
Ditto! Marla and I were 5500 miles apart on two different continents. I quit my job, sold my house, left my family and spent a couple of thousands dollars to get there and stay there (immigration stuff can be expensive). There are risks but the benefits way out number them. :happy:

Jennifer Soames
08-26-2006, 04:06 PM
I have started to find a woman who is interested. I haved lived across from a woman in an appartment building for 2 years. She is single and a contract lawyer. we chat and very occasionaly have coffee. I was out buying lingerie a few weeks ago on the other side of town when she bumped in to me coming out of the dressing room with bra and panties in my hand. She had a lovely teddy on a hanger.

We both were shocked. I paid and left. I went home and later in the afternoon she knocked on my door. a bit embarrased she said she was cool and that nothing has changed her opinion.

I didnt know what to say. she asked what I had bought so I told her. She bought the teddy. She was clearly curious and asked the questions that I see here all the time. she then asked if I had worn lingerie on the few occasions we had coffee. I said yes, panties. she smiled and said if she had known she would have pulled out my chair for me.

Her visits have become more frequent but not over the top. she suggested we have dinner at her place with me dressed. this is planned for tonight. it all seems so unreal................

08-29-2006, 05:47 AM
**All of my thoughts here are from an American experience**

What I find disturbing in this thread is a lack of broadness, in defining, and accepting what anyone is. Sadly, I see both edges here, the living CD to the GG, mainly commenting just from their own perspective. Though I am new here, and very glad to be here, I do feel there is an either/or view operating on all sides too much of the time on this site.

That makes me hesitant to even post this. I view being Human as a wonderful variegated experience. Some of the terms being bashed around (on a thumb nail) here are, in no order are:

Pan gendered

And Please, Add to the List

I’ve not read these terms here yet, but I will put them in,


Because I’ve known individuals that were.

13 odd terms and I already have 4 more in my head I could write,

Why, Why are all of us limiting how we think?

Maybe I am in the wrong site. I was looking for a community that had acceptance for all that had been marginalized.

Marla S
08-29-2006, 06:11 AM
Meet them when you are dressed, or on boards like this.

So, what about GG's trying to find a CD to love?

I'm trying but fricken fruck if I can succeed at it.

To bring this together, we have to work hard to make the public used to see feminine dressed man and CDs in general (acceptance comes later).
This way the one side is able to dress more often and the other side is able to recognize them where ever they go, as I guess there are CDs where ever you go.
Might be easier to achieve if we don't go for the full dressing program at first, but to blend in single but obviously and visible fem items in our drab mode.

08-29-2006, 10:55 AM
I think there might be a chance of meeting someone through Myspace.com, but I haven't tried that yet.

I have had no luck using Match.com, and I said in my profile - I look good both ways, but that's supposed to be a secret!

Bev06 GG
08-29-2006, 02:25 PM
Sorry, Kew if I sound harsh, but I feel that you don't fit the ideal female image that cds look for. You are a very smart girl,, maybe way too smart. I think most cds want a frilly bubbly type GG as a partner, maybe a bimbo. Hey, that was just my opinion Kew. I find you a very attractive girl, I don't understand why you have difficulties in finding someone.

Hi Amelie,
Im not so sure I totally agree with you there. Ive had lots of propositions since ive been around these forums. I hope that doesn't sound really vain and conceited , because its not meant to, and its nothing to do with how I look either because many of them have only seen a small avatar pic of me. I think its the fact that Im so accepting of CDing. So Kewt, dont panic, you just gotta put yourself about abit, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Take care

08-29-2006, 08:18 PM
Her visits have become more frequent but not over the top. she suggested we have dinner at her place with me dressed. this is planned for tonight. it all seems so unreal...

Well girl, how did it go? don't keep us in suspense.

Sherry Ann Evans
08-29-2006, 08:28 PM
Sorry, Kew if I sound harsh, but I feel that you don't fit the ideal female image that cds look for. You are a very smart girl,, maybe way too smart.

I don't feel that way at all! I think a large, curvaceous, well-used BRAIN is by far the sexiest body part. Seriously.

08-29-2006, 09:21 PM
Well dressing better than her won't improve your chances, too late in the evening for a detailed analasyst, still working on why my slip hangs lower than my skirt.:devil: Nadeen

08-29-2006, 09:36 PM
Alright, I met my wife long before she or even I really knew I was a crossdresser even though I knew I had a thing fr women's undergarments. But the full fledged dressing came out 2 years into our marriage. My suggestions.

1. Be up front. You need to tell them before marriage if possible. But not necessarily on the first date. Make sure you really love them and they really love you.

2. Be careful about who you pick as a spouse. Often times crossdressers dont necessairly pick the people who would best "understand". If you pick a strict christian woman she may have more problems with it than someone who is not necessarily this way. Generally we christians think they are more understandinng, which sometimes they are, but that does NOT make them more tolerant. I made this mistake. It worked for me, I got lucky. She loves me, I love her and there is my son. So beware of this issue.

3. Most MARRIAGES (im not gonna go into not comittal relationships) will GENERALLY not break up SOLEY because of crossdressing. If they truly love you and there are not other problems they will generally stick it out. I can say this because my wife came very close to leaving when she found out about my crossdressing, but it was NOT directly because of the crossdressing. She didnt understand, and she felt like there was no place for her and my son in their life, that I spent too much money on and time on video games, and that they weren't wanted and that I was gay so there was no reason for them to be there.

4. If you can find a GG already open to the idea go for it, but there arent a whole lot out there. That doesnt mean you can't "make" one. Suggestion go out dressed for halloween enfemme. Go to bed that night DRESSED. kinda see what she thinks. IF she has a positive or even SEMI- postive response try it the next night when its not halloween. The only part I screwed up here is I never communicated my intentions so my wife thought it was jsut a sex thing.

5. Break them in slowly. I am completely out in the open as "a guy in a skirt". Even my catholic grandma knows. Doesnt approve, but knows. You can find someone who loves and respects you for who you are, you just have to ease them in.

6. IF for some reason they try to take off, suggest counseling. Take them to a TG Friendly psychologist in your area (Or maybe even out of the area if there isnt one) it may be more expensive to travel, but your marriage should be worth it. This also helped save my marriage. The psychologist can bring out her true fears and help get the two of you talking.

7. If they leave, you WILL find someone else who truly loves you for who you are. I have a really hard time believing they really loved you if they take off without attempting to fix the issue at all

Moral of the story:

DONT Live in the closest, ESPECIALLY from your wife. It will make you miserable, it will bring up things you dont want to bring up. You wont be happy. Even if they leave, then you can at least be happy being who you truly are. There will be a WALL between you and your spouse if try to hide it.
Its not good for the marriage or your morale.

I will PROUDLY walk down the street in my dress, as a guy in a dress, the only time you will see me with make up or a wig on is aty a hockey game and those will be the team colors. (of course I wont be in a dress then). OR if for some reason someone decides to give me a black eye, then I might too ;-). Anyways I'm who I am. Im happy with that. No one will change me. And I will not conform.I have a right to be who I am and a right to be happy. So do you. So go to it.

(sorry for the long post :-( )

To bring this together, we have to work hard to make the public used to see feminine dressed man and CDs in general (acceptance comes later).
This way the one side is able to dress more often and the other side is able to recognize them where ever they go, as I guess there are CDs where ever you go.
Might be easier to achieve if we don't go for the full dressing program at first, but to blend in single but obviously and visible fem items in our drab mode.

AS much as I hate to say it, you are totally right and this is ONE of the many reasons I dont wear a wig or makeup. Crossdressers were around WAAAAY before transgendered people could at least become "totally transgendered", yet they have MORE rights and have come MUCH farther than CD's. The reason I feel for this is because alot of CD's are in the closet, not vocal, or they "blend in with society. So they don't truly "exist" to society.BEsides if you are 6'4" and 300 LBs you really arent gonna blend in or "pass" that well anyways, so why even try?!?!? Im only 5'7" and 160 but I am definitely a guy in a skirt and that is EXACTLY how I portray myself, not only because thats how I am comfortable, but becasue it also helps others and maybe even myself in the future

08-30-2006, 05:56 AM
To bring this together, we have to work hard to make the public used to see feminine dressed man and CDs in general (acceptance comes later).
This way the one side is able to dress more often and the other side is able to recognize them where ever they go, as I guess there are CDs where ever you go.
Might be easier to achieve if we don't go for the full dressing program at first, but to blend in single but obviously and visible fem items in our drab mode.

What we need is a National Skirt Day where every crossdresser (or even non-crossdresser) wears a skirt. He doesn't need makeup, wigs, or any of that. Just a skirt. If enough of us did it, even the deeply closeted girls could come out for at least a day, because they'll know they won't alone.

If enough of us do it, they'll have to get used to us and if the right people do it (powerful people, famous people) they'll have to accept it. Afterall, no one in their right mind is going risk making fun of cop or boss in a skirt.

My plan is blindly optimistic, but it could work.