View Full Version : In the Holiday Spirit

12-17-2004, 09:58 AM
Seeing how we're in the holiday season, I think everyone should give one gift to everyone else. What I have in mind is: What one thing have you learned about clothing, fashion, make-up, or whatever, that you would like to share with the others. I'm looking for sincere answers, and don't be afraid of giving something you feel is common knowledge, since there are so many newbies among us.
My tip to all you girls who post pictures or are considering posting(please!) --
SMILE!. That's it, just a simple upward turn of the lips. Nothing enhances your photograph as much as getting rid of your manly grimaces.
So -- what else can you girls come up with?


Stephanie Brooks
12-17-2004, 10:44 AM
If you go out en femme, you are the transgendered community! You are what everyone sees. Maybe you pass, and no one outwardly notices you, but you are noticed; it is nature's way. Maybe you don't pass, or maybe you don't want to pass, and so you are likely to be directly noticed. In any case, you are "us". You are what the public sees of our community.

You shape what the public thinks of us, good or bad. Act with good humour and the world will see joy in us. Act with honour and the world will see good in us. Act with meanness, and the world will act in kind and will long remember. Act against others, and you give the world the motivation to act against us with power and in numbers. Act against the community and the community will push us away.

Before you go out, look in the mirror one final time, and know that what you see is what the world is about to see of "us". Look beyond the clothes and makeup, and see what the world will see.

Happy Holidays!!!!! :D

12-17-2004, 08:42 PM
two very good ones from
fractlgrrl and Sharon

Mine would be when out first or anytime be yourself dont try to act like A GG, real GG's dont act at all.
Should some man look at you strangely Ignore them and walk on as if you had not seen them (unless they are a real cute boy with looks to die for then you can and must drool and drop jaw ( gosh i can't believe i said that naughty naughty Laura)) The more often you go out the better and more convincing you will get at it.
