View Full Version : WHY??? I now know why I do it!!! and I luv it more!!

08-27-2006, 01:13 PM

I had a SO stressful week and all day Fri all I could think about was getting en femme. Once en femme my troubles melted away and it was as if the spring had been unwound.

Stephi comes in peaks and troughs - the peaks when she is around most are when I am stressed out the troughs are when I am cool with everything.
My wife (fantastic wonderful woman and mother and psychologist for me) casually said this to me - of course you do, she said, its when you are stressed, it is the ultimate in escapism, you are a different person with NO worries other than your hair, (up or down, big hair, small hair, etc).
She's right!!!!!

I like most have had the purges and flung her out as I was confused about myself and felt threatened. The threat arose mainly from thinking I must want to be a woman full time, which I dont.
I could not live without her for 3 weeks I was cracking up and going to pieces.

Some folk hit the bottle some folk smoke weed others take drugs, some go for stress and depression counselling - girls we teeter on our heels, pout and swish our skirts and dresses.

When I look in the mirror and the further away I am from en drab and the more femme the better - cos I am further away from any problems, Stephi only knows how to have good times with no worries - the ultimate for living stress free. - been doing so since 11 years old.

A profound week


08-27-2006, 01:28 PM
I agree, it is a great stress reliever, but I don't think that is why I started doing it. I don't really know why. At the age of 5 or 6 perhaps younger, there's just not that much stress, or perhaps I was stressed that I did not feel exactly comfortable with the male role, who knows. Nice thread for thought though. :happy:

08-27-2006, 01:54 PM
I don't why I started dressing but I love it. I love wearing women's clothes and strolling the street. The more I do it the more that I want to be out in public.


Kate Simmons
08-27-2006, 02:20 PM
What's not to love Hon? You put on girlie undies, a dress or whatever, some makeup, some jewelery and perfume maybe. Fix your hair or wig. Makes you feel good, makes you feel pretty. No other explanation is needed as far as I'm concerned.:happy: Ericka Kay

08-27-2006, 02:28 PM
Yup, I've used it for stress relief in the past, but it's not the only time I do it. I like the feeling of being as close to being a woman as I can get. Of course, I like dressing up like a tramp or a goth sometimes also. I have a thing for the collars and the wrist bands and ankle bands...ooh that must be my bondage fetish surfacing again, oops. Anyway, I'd rather be dressed casual fem than any man clothes at any time, makes me feel good.

Joy Carter
08-27-2006, 02:42 PM
I just like being a woman now and then. The clothes, makeup and to be able act and feel pretty.

Angie G
08-27-2006, 03:26 PM
I started dressing before I knew what stress was Ijust liked it but now I dind the stess erlieverr a nice perk :hugs:
Angie G.

08-27-2006, 04:24 PM
Too true