View Full Version : two sides ... look at us....

Wendy me
09-07-2006, 09:11 AM
hello girls this moring i am getting ready to do some yard work ... and as always running late .... ok now i get to thinking that i running late and it becomes clear to me why i am running late.........

ok most people out there have it way too easy they get up get ready and get dressed and out the door thay go...... way easy .....now this is what i found out here today ..... i am getting ready and dressing for two people here.......

ok here's how it started .... most of todays things i need to do are pertty much "HIS" jobs around the yard .... so the drab yard working theam is what we are going for.......

step one..... the shower .... it should be wash up get out and be done .... what happens is omg look at them hairy legs shaveing a must de hairing what needs doing .... add twenty minnettes to the shower time .... next wash the hair ..... and don't forget the conditioner ...... add a nouther twenty minnetts .... omg running out of hot water shower done.....

ok pat dry hair and let air dry ( never blow dry) lets get dressed .... yard work waiting .....walk by coumpter .....come back peek at forum.....reply to thread ....notice chipped nail ..... file nails... oh dressed yes i was getting dressed ......ok a pile of her (WENDY'S ) and (HIS) jeans are every were .... picked a pair of way cute WENDY jeans .... ready to get out and start the yard work ...... then omg i start thinking ( this is were the trouble starts) hey we are going to trash theise realy cute jeans doing yard work.....ok now looking for something to wear (again) shorts.... we can get some sun ( now real happy abought shaveing this moring ) .....the whole prosses starts again ........

now knowing that i am getting ready two people and dressing us bouth i don't think that i am doing to bad .... lets see been up and getting ready from 5 am ... it's now 10:06 am ..... i am still not ready to go out side and do some yard work ..... why ?????? because i can't find anything that "WE BOUTH " want to wear...... and my hair is still not dry....

ok question dose any one else have this problme ???? is it just me /us????

09-07-2006, 09:35 AM
No, it's certainly not just you.

Even though most of my responsibilities and tasks (in my 'normal,' run-of-the-mill life) are perhaps 'woman's work' (at least that was the term until the 70's) I do freak about nails and clothes from time to time. My toddler loves to play with food coloring water - ahhh, will I kill these slacks? Opening a jar of cat food - will I tear a nail? And, mowing the lawn - that sends me right back to the shower ... where a million decisions and indecisions lurk ... It's not easy being a fem GG and with all the work it requires to defy nature, I think being (something approximating) a fem GG when there's GM stuff to do - well, that's double the effort.

Karren H
09-07-2006, 09:43 AM
Yep....its just you, Wendy.. :)

I never have that much time to dedicate...jump out of bed...5 minute shower..slip on the business lingerie...then business suit..kiss the wife, pat the dog and off to work. Start to finish 20 minutes....

Lucky girl you!!

Love Karren

09-07-2006, 09:50 AM
jump out of bed...5 minute shower..slip on the business lingerie...then business suit..kiss the wife, pat the dog and off to work. Start to finish 20 minutes....

One of these days you're going to be tired from being up late on the forums, and with a rush like that, as you dash out the door, you will kiss the dog and pat the wife...

09-07-2006, 09:51 AM
I also struggle with getting ready to do anything in a deceint amount of time. That leg shaving thing just sneaks up on you. I'd like to have a pair of women's jeans that I don't care about so I could do yard work in them, but I only have a couple pairs and I'm not ready to sacrifice them yet. Guess I need to buy a pair just for that.

09-07-2006, 11:58 AM
Wendy, You might be on to something there. I'll bet that is exactly why I don't ever get anything done around the house on the weekends.

09-07-2006, 12:05 PM
Why shower before doing the yard work? The yard doesn't care if you smell!:heehee:

Wendy me
09-07-2006, 12:08 PM
Why shower before doing the yard work? The yard doesn't care if you smell!:heehee:

oh major yuck.... always shower and do my hair ........smelly and yucky that's such a "HIM" thing........yuck that.....:tongueout :tongueout

tekla west
09-07-2006, 12:22 PM
If you are not raising small children its an easy life no matter what you are doing, I don't care how many sides of your personality you have to pull together. But kids - the most fem thing of all is to raise children - matter of fact its pretty much not only the essence of feminity, its the reason for the season. Heck, it only takes 125% of your time to raise one, cube that if you have more. However I would give anything to have those years back. Nothing beat the afternoon trip to the park, the reading, the cooking together. I wish they could have stayed age five to nine forever. Now they are just college brats, yeesh, where did the time go?

09-07-2006, 12:23 PM
I typically am in the bathroom in the mornings for about 20-30 minutes total. That is: Get in shower, wash hair, wash body, shave face every few days (I'm lazy), get out of shower, dry off, get dressed, and out. I can go faster if I need to, but I like taking hot showers as they help me relax and wake up gradually.

09-07-2006, 12:50 PM
Nothing beat the afternoon trip to the park, the reading, the cooking together.

Still there but I can feel the nostalgic pull.

PArk trips on sunny days. Seeing my little girl meet another kid or two, negotiate a play and go into it harmoniously and joyously - umm, nothing like that.

And sometimes when they want me to play, and I'm tired ... how I long to become 5 years old for an hour or two - just to really get into their play. Wow, whatta thought.

09-07-2006, 01:42 PM
Aren't you glad that you don't have a REAL job to go to anymore sis?:D

My wife would always tell me that it was a good thing that I wasn't born a GG cause I'd never make it outta the house in the morning for as long as it takes me to get ready to go anywhere.:heehee:

Laura C
09-07-2006, 02:34 PM
Hi wendy. when the yard work needs to be done I just wear what the weather dictates shorts or jeans then do the lawn or other things. It always feels good with bra and panties on just to feel the breast bounce.HEHE