View Full Version : New Adventures!

09-10-2006, 11:07 AM
Well, for those of you who don't know me I am 100% in hiding still. I have no SO but having just graduated from college and not starting my career I am living with my Mom. Sooooo, it would not be a good thing if she found out b/c there is a chance I would be homeless! Anywayz, I was looking on google for local support groups or just anyone to talk too. Until recently, not a single soul knew about me but then I started coming out on here and on myspace and it has increased my confidence by a million percent! <--slightly exaggerated, :tongueout . So, I found a place in nearby Jacksonville and went yesterday. I met some really great people and found exactly what I was looking for! They are very supportive and just kept giving more and more advise.
Let me tell you girls, I have had my emotions bottled up for 15 years. I know compared to some of you that is a small amount, but nevertheless, it is long for me. It is very unhealthy and even led to me getting IBS(irritable bowel syndrome.) Since, I have started sharing my feelings online and now to friends in public I feel so good inside and releaved.
Oh yeah, also the other day I went to wal-mart. I went with the intention to pick up some things like mascara, eyeliner, etc... Usually I go and chicken out. Actually, every time. Then I would go home and shop online. But since my new found confidence, I walked right in there and went straight to the cosmetics. Something I would have NEVER done before. I had a fantastic time! A man even looked at me and I turned to him and just smiled!! And also, as we all know halloween is the season for US! Oh yeah! And walmart has thier halloween stuff out!
Sorry for the long reading but I am just in a talky mood. I want to thank all of you for your continued support and advise. This really is a great place to get some good advise and different interpretations on issues. Keep your heads up and think about the good things in life.:2c:

09-10-2006, 01:13 PM

I'm happy to hear that you're finding an outlet to share your feelings and thoughts. Congratulations on your shopping experience. Most sales people/clerks really don't care or notice what patrons are buying - they just scan and sack.

You mentioned that you just graduated college and not starting a career. If you don't mind my asking, what was your major and why aren't you starting a career? Once you have a good paying job and a place of your own. Dressing becomes a lot easier and more fun.


09-10-2006, 01:49 PM
Hey Jenna,
Thanks or the concern. I graduated in May with a B.A. in Mathematics. I can't seem to find a job with it. The problem is my degree was mostly theoretical math and not anything practical. What I mean is I don't know anything like finance, economics, business, insurance, accounting or anything like that. So, the jobs I would want like banking, insurance, or somthing like that I have no knowledge for. The only other real option is teaching. I am not extremely interested in that. I am living with my Mom now because of the debt I accumulated through college. I have $50,000 in debt with about $1,200/month payments. EEK! So, I need a job with at least 40k or better just to start. I do agree with you though about it would be more fun if I had my own place. Actually, I would try to go full time if I were on my own! I also want a career job so I can have health insurance so I can begin to see a theripist(horrible spelling) to begin hormones!

09-10-2006, 05:28 PM
I graduated in May with a B.A. in Mathematics. I can't seem to find a job with it. The problem is my degree was mostly theoretical math and not anything practical. [...] The only other real option is teaching. [...] I also want a career job so I can have health insurance so I can begin to see a theripist(horrible spelling) to begin hormones!

Yup, theoretical math leads straight to the PhD chase with teaching to support yourself. Probably the latter is compatible with getting the hormones - and outta the house.