View Full Version : How Many Have Family Turn on Them ....

09-10-2006, 07:47 PM
Hi girls, So after you have told family or friends & they said they were behind you a 125%, cahnged their minds several months down the road?
That is exactly what my mom & youngest sister did. I ?ed my mom as to why & all she could say was " I don't know why". Well thats fine, i understand but i don't like her calling it "my world", it makes it sound like i am a freak. NO WAY!! I am just a girl who wants some of my family to be by my side.
I thank everyone here as i feel that you all are my sisters with the GG being my BIG sisters, so i do have to behave. hehehe. I thak you all for your advice & again the GG need to hear that we all love what they do for us. Come on girls send them a thank you, as we can be such bitches at times.

I say THANK YOU to ALL the GG for a job well done!!!

:hugs: ,xxxxx,:love: , Janelle

Lindsay Marie
09-10-2006, 09:54 PM
All I can say is wow, that has got to suck. If my mother all of the sudden changed her mind about the situation I'd probably stop talking to her, seriously. I'm sorry you had to experience that Janelle, :( and after you had to build up the courage to tell them in the first place, that has got to be a major disappointment. At least you still have your sisters here, and we accept you for who you are no matter waht.

Lisa Golightly
09-11-2006, 01:50 AM
No-one has changed their mind really... If someone is angry they may use it as a weapon, but they have all stuck with their opinions... especially my brother who absolutely loathes me. :)

09-11-2006, 02:19 AM
Why tell anyone,period? I dress anytime I please,in my own home,or I use
my key to my mothers home&sometimes sneak down there&dress in her
wardrobe.I slide into a pair of silky ones&black stockings&cover up with my
jeans&a tee shirt-Once I'm in the house,I just sneak into her closet&wear
all her good outfits
A TG Guy

Lisa Golightly
09-11-2006, 03:01 AM
Why tell anyone,period?

I can only speak for myself... It's to do with being true to myself, and living my life as I want. I have no guilt, fear or shame.

tekla west
09-11-2006, 03:05 AM
My family has never been awesome about it, but they don't care either. Best I can hope for, and all that I ask for.

Kate Simmons
09-11-2006, 05:17 AM
I lost my family when I came "out". I had to make a choice though. It was either be myself or have a constant struggle between my two halves and depression.I chose the former. It was a high price to pay but at least I'm at peace with myself. Ericka Kay

Sarah Rabbit
09-11-2006, 05:53 AM
I told those that I care about. My Wife than Mother then two brothers. They are very supportive and I feel very loved by them. (It was very hard as they, my borthers, are prettyMacho) I felt that I should not deceive them. That would be worse, as if to say I don't trust them. :happy:

Sarah R. :bunny:

09-11-2006, 11:26 AM
Hi girls, So after you have told family or friends & they said they were behind you a 125%, cahnged their minds several months down the road?
That is exactly what my mom & youngest sister did. I ?ed my mom as to why & all she could say was " I don't know why". Well thats fine, i understand but i don't like her calling it "my world", it makes it sound like i am a freak. NO WAY!! I am just a girl who wants some of my family to be by my side.
I thank everyone here as i feel that you all are my sisters with the GG being my BIG sisters, so i do have to behave. hehehe. I thak you all for your advice & again the GG need to hear that we all love what they do for us. Come on girls send them a thank you, as we can be such bitches at times.

I say THANK YOU to ALL the GG for a job well done!!!

:hugs: ,xxxxx,:love: , Janelle

Wouldn't your mom and sister qualify as GGs?

tekla west
09-11-2006, 12:18 PM
what caught my eye were these quotes:

"I thank everyone here as i feel that you all are my sisters with the GG being my BIG sisters" - oh iccky, if this were political it would be called pandering. I do not think of any CD or GG as "my big sister", the CDs I know here that I go out with don't think of ourselves as 'sisters' we call ourself "the wrecking crew."

"so i do have to behave. hehehe." So, you need other people to make you behave? Drop the 'hehehe' as there is nothing funny about the lack of self-control. Matter of fact most people think of a lack of self control as being something to be pitied, i.e. something that is pathetic. For sure, its missing stage one in being an adult. Even less humor in thinking that a bunch of people who are not us ride as Imprimatur on our thoughts and expressions because you can't be trusted to control yourself. For shame!

"I thak you all for your advice & again the GG need to hear that we all love what they do for us." As we say in show biz "What have you done for me lately?" - and by that we mean in the last 30 seconds or less. I sure can't think of anything. Except for buying that dress and wearing it twice and then giving it to Goodwill so I can buy it for a solid hundred dollars less than she paid for it. And what advice? I don't see all that much. Even less of value.

"Come on girls send them a thank you, as we can be such bitches at times." As I was taught, "speak for yourself, not for the group." If I act that way, it is because I choose to act that way - and if it is my choice than I'm not going to send out some sort of apologia for that. Of course, I do not. Funny, how if CD in here uses the B word for other CDs it somehow is OK? And make no mistake, most of what is negative in here is not the B word, its good old fashioned whining and sniveling. If you want a model for the B word read (or go see the movie if books are too hard for you) The Devil Wears Prada. THAT is the B thing, which first of all is cold as ice, second is ALWAYS in control, and third, never send out thank you cards to those who got in her way and lost.

This sounds like any minute its going to become some sort of brown shoe wearing Protestant Mega-Church "Praise and Worship" dog and pony show. Spare me that.

Besides, it is your world. They don't have to partake in it. I'm not sure if it makes you a freak or not - and I for one don't find anything negative in being a freak, its the "white picket fence house in the suburbs 3.2 kids named Chuck, Wendy and Junior driving the gas hog that takes them 2 months of work every year just to pay off and keep running" that I find kind of freaky myself.

09-11-2006, 01:03 PM
I've never told my family. My sister is one of those "born again christians" and my parents are very religious and rather set in their ways, back in the 50's or 60's. They're all very conservative (ahem, tunnel vision). I just figure I'll cross that one when I absolutely have no other choice.

09-11-2006, 04:36 PM
Tekla, it seems to me that my intent was misunderstood by you. I am sorry if i hurt your feeling or your pride but may of us girls need people,(family,friends) around us. From the tone of your reply iwould say u are on the verge of being one of the B's of the day, thats cool. I understand its your opinion & i thank you for that.
Now can you tell me that not one GG here has ever giving u advice? Come on, i have talked with several & they are always busy here.
I feel sorry for you dear as it looks like you are aloner & don't ask for help or anything, if thats true, & all is fine 4 you, more power to you.

I also want to say i am sorry if anyone else is hurt by my remarks.

:sad: :sad: , Janelle

09-11-2006, 05:10 PM

My ex wife outed me to my parents and brothers in the 80's, I think they all thought I was doing it because i was having a nervous breakdown (although I was pretty close to having one it was the stress of the breakup, not the cross-dressing).

My family all thought it would go away when the divorce was settled, the only question my mother asked was "was I Gay" when I said no, she happily accepted that and no more was said during her life time. My brothers have never asked me anything on the subject.

My parents are dead and my brothers live far away so I can dress when I like and they need never to know, but if asked I think now I would tell them.

My kids must know as my ex made enough noise about it at the time of my divorce, but since that time she has never mentioned it and neither have the kids. If my kids ask me I may well talk to them on the subject.


09-12-2006, 05:41 PM
Thanks all.