View Full Version : A ? for the GGs, Please

Donna Louise
12-23-2004, 01:40 PM

I have a question, well maybe several I'm not sure yet.

What brought this post to mind was something that just happened. My wife, god love her, has never washed her car since we got it 3 years ago. The weather her in VA is around 60 degrees. She pops down stairs and says "Its nice out I think I will wash my car."

Sorry to say, I immedately droped into guy mode. :o In guy mode, I have certain ways of doing things. So I get everything ready to wash her car. Needless to say she doesn't do it my way. I wash parts then rinse, wash parts then rinse, you get the pic. It is always done the same way. Well she starts washing, never rinses and washes all over instead of finishing one spot. This drives me nuts. Luckily she gets a phone call. I wash the entire car, then start on mine. She comes out to help me and I sort of politely asked her not to.

Ok for the questions.

Are we that easy to menuliate? (I never could spell beyond Kat)
Do GGs purposely do this to get us to do stuff for them?
Do GGs start something, knowing we will finish it?
Or am I just well trained? :eek:

More then once she has started something and I had to finish it. Case in point. I was in the navy went on cruise for 6 months. She says "I'm going to strip the wallpaper in the kitchen and have it painted before you get home." I got back to find wallpaper ripped down with pieces still left on wall. I finished it. Guess what next cruise "I'm going to strip the wallpaper in the bathroom and have it painted before you get home." Care to guess out come - same thing.

Please give me some insight

Donna Louise

12-23-2004, 01:45 PM
You are not thinking like a GRRRly Donna that is exactly what they want us to think, get it started then let the male finish that is thier way of getting things done that they feel we never will unless it is our idea. No offense to any GGs out there but I think I hit the nail on the head here. :rolleyes:

Donna Louise
12-23-2004, 02:00 PM
Georgette, I sort a figured that but - Am I just well trained?

Donna Louse

Donna Louise
12-23-2004, 02:01 PM
Best of luck with the visit.

Donna Louise

12-23-2004, 02:06 PM
Obviously I don't mean any offense to the gg's here either, but I don't like women at all. Maybe that is one of the reasons that I crossdress...

To do a better job of being a woman than they do.

It is in my experience that I am writing, I have only ever known gg's to be totally selfish and cold hearted. Cruel beings with no empathy, and consumed by selfish wants. Destroying every relationship that comes their way.

I have always been more sensitive than the "real girls" whom I have known. Caring more about them than they have about me. I think "real girls" are more like parasites. Leacherous ticks. Vampires that feed on us pathetic helpless men who ensure that they are taken care of. Surely there are exceptions to this observation and I know that I will hear about them, but by and large that is what the women that I have known are like. Take for example, how many people here have a supportive SO who is a gg. Not many to be sure.

I have said enough for the moment....
again, I mean no offense to the gg's in this forum.

12-23-2004, 02:58 PM
Best of luck with the visit.

Donna Louise
Thanks Donna. I'll need all the moral support that I can get com Christmas Day.

12-23-2004, 03:01 PM
Obviously I don't mean any offense to the gg's here either, but I don't like women at all. Maybe that is one of the reasons that I crossdress...

To do a better job of being a woman than they do.

It is in my experience that I am writing, I have only ever known gg's to be totally selfish and cold hearted. Cruel beings with no empathy, and consumed by selfish wants. Destroying every relationship that comes their way.

I have always been more sensitive than the "real girls" whom I have known. Caring more about them than they have about me. I think "real girls" are more like parasites. Leacherous ticks. Vampires that feed on us pathetic helpless men who ensure that they are taken care of. Surely there are exceptions to this observation and I know that I will hear about them, but by and large that is what the women that I have known are like. Take for example, how many people here have a supportive SO who is a gg. Not many to be sure.

I have said enough for the moment....
again, I mean no offense to the gg's in this forum.
It sure seems that you haven't been reading all of the posts here as there are a lot of supportive SO's here and the number is growing. :)

Julie York
12-23-2004, 03:03 PM
On behalf of half the population of the world, I AM offended. If you are joking I missed it. Sorry.

To use such bold statements about an entire sex is ludicrous. I am sure the only reason you haven't got a response from real GGs is because they are shaking too much to type.

(prepares fire extinguisher).

Julie York
12-23-2004, 04:15 PM
I was of course replying to Klinger, not Donna. Just incase you wondered.

(newbie does it again)

KewTnCurvy GG
12-23-2004, 04:23 PM
Okay, my feminist opinions here but that sounds sooooooo sexist! No! I don't manipulate my guy into doing things like that. When I wash the car, I wash it as you described, not the way your wife does it. But I was raised almost entirely by my father, I think I tend to do things in a more male sense for some tasks. I usually start wetting the car down, wash from the top down and in sections. Soap, then rinse. Sometimes repeat. Have always done it this way. :)


12-23-2004, 04:23 PM
tha's a typical yorkshire lass our Julie! thay says wots they is feeling and take no prisoners.
But as a yorkshire lass miself I has to agree wiv yer (apologies to our overseas friends who probably haven't a clue as to what I mean)
u sees we only speek the kweens inglish in yorkshire erveribody else gits it wrong! and we spell itt propper

Donna Louise
12-23-2004, 04:24 PM
Thanks Julie

For a minute I thought you might be talking about me. Thanks so much for clearing that up. I did not intend to offend any one, especially the GGs. I just wanted some thoughts from them.

As to Klinger. Well I guess you are as about as far out in left field as you can get, in my opinion. You may have had a run on bad ones but may I be the first to tell you that GGs are not, and I repeat not, that way in my world. Most are caring, sharing and loving. Maybe not the best at understand CDs but the same can be said about males. Infact I think that they may be 10X worse.

GGs, even if we (CDs) are a little different, we still love you. Well at least I DO!

Hugs to GGs
Donna Louise

12-23-2004, 04:27 PM
Obviously I don't mean any offense to the gg's here either, but I don't like women at all. Maybe that is one of the reasons that I crossdress...

To do a better job of being a woman than they do.

It is in my experience that I am writing, I have only ever known gg's to be totally selfish and cold hearted. Cruel beings with no empathy, and consumed by selfish wants. Destroying every relationship that comes their way.

I have always been more sensitive than the "real girls" whom I have known. Caring more about them than they have about me. I think "real girls" are more like parasites. Leacherous ticks. Vampires that feed on us pathetic helpless men who ensure that they are taken care of. Surely there are exceptions to this observation and I know that I will hear about them, but by and large that is what the women that I have known are like. Take for example, how many people here have a supportive SO who is a gg. Not many to be sure.

I have said enough for the moment....
again, I mean no offense to the gg's in this forum.

This has to be about the dumbest thing I've ever read here. And then you have the nerve to say no offense?
You're hanging around with the wrong women if this is how you really feel!

Julie York
12-23-2004, 04:31 PM
I'm really sorry if I caused any confusion. I was just reading the posts in order and answered the last thing that caught my attention.

Tuff rarnd ere or what?.. :)

KewTnCurvy GG
12-23-2004, 04:33 PM
Obviously I don't mean any offense to the gg's here either, but I don't like women at all. Maybe that is one of the reasons that I crossdress...

To do a better job of being a woman than they do.

It is in my experience that I am writing, I have only ever known gg's to be totally selfish and cold hearted. Cruel beings with no empathy, and consumed by selfish wants. Destroying every relationship that comes their way.

I have always been more sensitive than the "real girls" whom I have known. Caring more about them than they have about me. I think "real girls" are more like parasites. Leacherous ticks. Vampires that feed on us pathetic helpless men who ensure that they are taken care of. Surely there are exceptions to this observation and I know that I will hear about them, but by and large that is what the women that I have known are like. Take for example, how many people here have a supportive SO who is a gg. Not many to be sure.

I have said enough for the moment....
again, I mean no offense to the gg's in this forum.

Seriously!!! I am laughing so hard. Either you're kidding or you're the biggest loser! And wtf, how have you managed to attract women only like this? Umm, sweety, I myself and I have taken care of I myself and I for all my life. NO MAN HAS DONE THAT FOR ME!!! Put myself through school and everything. I've had men, well one, leach off me! So should I come to the conclusion that all men are this way? I think, you need your head examined--lol. Honestly!?! You must be one lonely *******!


12-23-2004, 04:34 PM
My wife and I do almost everything together and have done so since we were married back in 1977. As such, we have learned what each other expects and how each does things. Sometimes the reason they (spouses, GFs, SOs, etc) don't do something "right" is that they may not know the procedure, and, ask we all know, most of the time there are many different ways to get the same result. As for washing the car, doing it a section at a time is best but did she know that?

Naturally there are some SOs who manipulate others and there are those who don't. The more we work WITH each other, the easier things are and communication is ultimately enhanced thus strengtheing the relationship.

I suggest, the next time she asks to help with washing the car, sieze that OPPORTUNITY and wash the car TOGETHER.

Now that you have a clean car, wait for the rains or snows! They usually occur within 24-30 hours after the washing. :eek:

By the way, I am not being critical. I just know of one way to make things easier.

Julie York
12-23-2004, 04:36 PM
Oh thank God. I can hide behind KC now. Go girl!

Kilnger makes me ashamed to be a man in a frock. HAHAHAH

12-23-2004, 05:13 PM
julie thou shalt do 3 hail mary's in front of the minster _Proceed to the Shambles and bow three times in front of me and then to the pub lass!

Celeste GG
12-23-2004, 05:28 PM
Washing cars ... what's that???

We have so many things to do ... washing a car is usually the last on our list (besides we have water restrictions here) water is precious.

women can multi task better, that's why lots of little things get started and not always finished there are distractions like work, then house work husbands and kids and Maids to train....

My husband will not stop till a job is finished. at work and home. He is a lovely snag and will do any housework... he loves anything to do with washing ... a clean obsesive compulsive. he does things around the house but far fewer than me... there are things that need doing that he just doesn't see.

Klinnger, there are some women who attract men who hit them. You must be a bitch attractor. Maybe you are a submissive and don't realise it. You may sectetly wish to be dominated by a bitch goddess. If not then you had better change the type of woman you look for and find a little subbie door mat of your own.

Donna Louise... the least you can do for your wife is wash her car if you are having an affair. No sex or not, it's an affair, because you have given your heart!

I think you are looking for nit picking excuses to leave your wife and go with your heart???? If car washing annoys you.

Celleste GG

12-23-2004, 06:16 PM
i bet he has bought for christmas all his female friends a mouse for their p c 's
You know the one shaped like an iron !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol :eek:

Tamara Croft
12-23-2004, 07:25 PM
Obviously I don't mean any offense to the gg's here either, but I don't like women at all. Maybe that is one of the reasons that I crossdress...

To do a better job of being a woman than they do.

It is in my experience that I am writing, I have only ever known gg's to be totally selfish and cold hearted. Cruel beings with no empathy, and consumed by selfish wants. Destroying every relationship that comes their way.

I have always been more sensitive than the "real girls" whom I have known. Caring more about them than they have about me. I think "real girls" are more like parasites. Leacherous ticks. Vampires that feed on us pathetic helpless men who ensure that they are taken care of. Surely there are exceptions to this observation and I know that I will hear about them, but by and large that is what the women that I have known are like. Take for example, how many people here have a supportive SO who is a gg. Not many to be sure.

I have said enough for the moment....
again, I mean no offense to the gg's in this forum.

:eek: IM SO OFFENDED :eek: You mean no offense????? well plenty has been taken!! You are so far up your own <censored> its unbelievable. You crossdress so you can show a woman how its really done?? I have seen some comments on this forum, but NEVER have I felt such rage from a post like this one. If you think women are leacherous ticks etc then why the <censored> do you want to be one??? I for one don't appreciate being called that on this forum and think you should take your posts and <censored> to somewhere else where you might be made welcome..... You know the way you are it's not surprising you have only been with women like that. You're not worthy of a REAL woman!!!

Try reading some of the posts here and get your <censored> facts straight before you go slagging people off! :mad: :mad:


Tamara Croft
12-23-2004, 07:29 PM
Donna.... to answer your question, I for one start a job and finish it myself unless I really can't finish it. I'm a very independant person and feel like I have accomplished something if I have done it myself.

*still SEETHING at that other post.......grrrrrrrrrr *swearing lots at monitor*

Tamara x

Vivian Best
12-23-2004, 07:39 PM

We all are trained in some fashion or the other. Your lucky that your wife starts something like that, mine doesn't! I wash her car and take care of it and put 99% of the gas in it that is put in it. It's just been my job for 45 years and it's not likely to change. In her defense, I do not cook or help clean the kitchen, thats always been her job. I guess we have a good clear line of responsibility. It's my job to maintain the mechanical and physical wellbeing of the house and cars. She is responsible for the ambiance of the house including decorating and cleaning. Works for us!


Donna Louise
12-23-2004, 09:03 PM
Tamara - would you care to tell us how you really feel? I could not help but get a chuckle. I have never seen you fired up and rightly so. Go get'em, just do it lady like, remember you and the rest of the Girly Girls are too good to stoop to his level.

Donna Louise

Tamara Croft
12-23-2004, 09:19 PM
Tamara - would you care to tell us how you really feel?

Well I really would love to tell you how I really feel, but I think your jaw would hit the floor so fast you would be struggling to pick it up :p

Tamara x

Donna Louise
12-23-2004, 09:50 PM
Yes thank you one and all. Well almost all anyway. You know who you are, I will not even grace you by putting your name in this post.

Ladies I'm so sorry that I started this and some idiot had to chime in. I never meant for this to happen I just felt that I had a valid question.

And all the votes are in! I guess I am well trained and it only took almost 30 years. :eek:

Pardon my wandering. I have not had a good CD day. I have not had been able to dress all day. What a let down. As they say "a girls gots ta do wha a girls gots ta do".

Donna Louise

P.S. Tamara Please don't get me for this! :D

Tamara Croft
12-23-2004, 09:57 PM
Moi???? NEVER..... I'm far to lady like to ever do such a thing :p :p (unless it's in a PM!!!!!) :p

Tamara x

12-24-2004, 04:37 AM
GO girl, you have every right to be upset. Myself, I am embarrased for the way that idiot talks and thinks. I always thought that I had a bad attitude, whew, not even close!You noticed that he didn't come back. Love all you GGs for being out here and so supporting. As for you and Kew, I look forward to your replies, they mean alot.
Just had to jump in and tell you how much I and most a the girls appreciate your input.


12-24-2004, 09:33 AM
Yes thank you one and all. Well almost all anyway. You know who you are, I will not even grace you by putting your name in this post.

Ladies I'm so sorry that I started this and some idiot had to chime in. I never meant for this to happen I just felt that I had a valid question.

Donna Louise,
It's not your fault that there are idiots looking to stir up trouble and cause a ruckus. Unfortunately, there will always be imbeciles in our forum who seem to get off when they read the responses they intend to get from the beginning.
I took your post with the humor you intended it.

12-24-2004, 09:41 AM
it is free world girl if you want to say something go for it I will never be upset by ANYposting that is what it is all about and you will never keep everybody happy
Merry Xmas

12-24-2004, 05:52 PM
GO girl, you have every right to be upset. Myself, I am embarrased for the way that idiot talks and thinks. I always thought that I had a bad attitude, whew, not even close!You noticed that he didn't come back. Love all you GGs for being out here and so supporting. As for you and Kew, I look forward to your replies, they mean alot.
Just had to jump in and tell you how much I and most a the girls appreciate your input.


I didn't come back????

I'm here, reading all of your posts just like I have been for months.
Funny how intolerant some people here are of others opinions......

12-24-2004, 06:04 PM
I will not take the time to reply to all of the responses simply because the angry intolerant people who responded with rage obviously don't understand what I said, or even intended to say.

I have had a supportive SO in the past. The relationship ended for her reasons, not mine. I have had other relationships as well, which have been very functional and I am surely not in need of any help as Fat and Kervy suggests. btw "You are not a physician" in case you think I don't know. You are a therapist, and not qualified to diagnose a patient. Much less someone who posts one reply that offended you.

If you are offended. Deal with it. I didn't join this forum to try and please others. This is an open forum. If you don't like something that you read here, you can get enraged about it (which I think is unhealthy Tamara) or you can ignore it like a civilized man. Which leads to my final statement here, notice that I did not use any profanity in my post...... More civilized than you??? ask yourself truthfully. ;)

No, I'm sure you are too blinded by foolish rage to notice.

I have read and still do read many things in this forum that I do not agree with. I don't get enraged or offended by them. I ignore them.

I didn't join the forum last week.

Don't keep your knickers in knots, ok?

12-24-2004, 06:17 PM
Oh yes..... my remarks are sexist and offensive, but feminism isn't.

What a double standard!! :eek:

"Hello pot, this is kettle. You are black"

12-24-2004, 06:21 PM
Yes thank you one and all. Well almost all anyway. You know who you are, I will not even grace you by putting your name in this post.

Ladies I'm so sorry that I started this and some idiot had to chime in. I never meant for this to happen I just felt that I had a valid question.

And all the votes are in! I guess I am well trained and it only took almost 30 years. :eek:

Pardon my wandering. I have not had a good CD day. I have not had been able to dress all day. What a let down. As they say "a girls gots ta do wha a girls gots ta do".

Donna Louise

P.S. Tamara Please don't get me for this! :D


Just have a look at your avatar! I could read you from a mile away!

12-24-2004, 06:23 PM
It sure seems that you haven't been reading all of the posts here as there are a lot of supportive SO's here and the number is growing. :)

How about setting up a poll to find out how many men here have supportive SO's?

My point is proven. :cool:

12-24-2004, 06:26 PM
I was of course replying to Klinger, not Donna. Just incase you wondered.

(newbie does it again)

incase..... did you mean in case? :confused:

I have never heard that word before! :p

12-24-2004, 06:29 PM
Hey, I like this! I have posted more today than any other day since I joined the forum. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the unquenched flames of anger girls. :)

You are inspiring me! :D

12-24-2004, 06:35 PM
On behalf of half the population of the world, I AM offended. If you are joking I missed it. Sorry.

To use such bold statements about an entire sex is ludicrous. I am sure the only reason you haven't got a response from real GGs is because they are shaking too much to type.

(prepares fire extinguisher).

Yes, obviously you didn't read my entire post. See the part I wrote about not ALL ladies being this way?
You and Kervy both are probably offended by my statements because they are true! "Where there is smoke, there is probably fire...."

You are so quick to be offended. Easily noticed by everyone. :rolleyes: Everyone who can see the situation from a distance.

Oh yes, see my post above if you WANT to be offended Kervy. Cute(substituted for fat)

If I wanted to offend, I could most certainly do a better job of it than my first post.

KewTnCurvy GG
12-24-2004, 06:40 PM
I am surely not in need of any help as Fat and Kervy suggests. btw "You are not a physician" in case you think I don't know. You are a therapist, and not qualified to diagnose a patient. Much less someone who posts one reply that offended you.

Never, ever said I was a physician and, for your information, I AM QUALIFIED TO DIAGNOSE and get paid for therapy. Don't believe me, check out what the laws and regulations are. I love it! And, for further clarification, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in North Carolina. We can diagnose and treat mental illness independently. Anyhow, still think you're a dysfunctional puppy! G'luck on redefining womanhood! If you think you're going to be an asset to the female of the species I may have to defect to the other side.


KewTnCurvy GG
12-24-2004, 06:44 PM
Oh yes, see my post above if you WANT to be offended Kervy. Cute(substituted for fat)

Ummm, yes I saw but I can say with full confidence that attacking me on the board here isn't going to win you more friends here. And, yes, by some standards I am fat--lol. Fat, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. But I'll take a few curves, aka fat, to me former boney self anyday!:D


Rachel Ann
12-24-2004, 07:02 PM
Why are we tolerating Klinger?

KewTnCurvy GG
12-24-2004, 07:04 PM

Just have a look at your avatar! I could read you from a mile away!

:( Klinger, you know, you could have made friends here but it seems like you just want to make enemies. You say that we are judgemental? But it is you who throws the arrows first. You wonder why your life is plaqued with rejection and pain; you need only look inward. And your comment to Donna Louise is simply hateful! As for my comments about you being a lonely ******* and all. That is my personal not professional opinion. On the board here, I am me, not my professional self at all. Your life must be rife with pain and lonliness. :(


12-24-2004, 07:24 PM
I am a very happy and satisfied person actually. So much for how much YOU know. :p Oh yes, and successfull too.

You really should take you own clinical advice Fat. umm I mean Cute.

Might make you a better person.

ps. I'm glad I don't live in NC!!! :eek:

The laws where I live are a bit more stringent for professionals. :cool:

I guess I will find other forums to engage in. This one seems a bit below me.
Feel free to take your cheap shots. They don't bother me a bit. Give me the best one you have! I am still a confident happy and highly functional person thanks! :p

12-24-2004, 10:42 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Rachel Ann
12-25-2004, 02:16 AM
and with that, let's stop encouraging him/her/it - it just keeps the game going

Tristen Cox
12-25-2004, 04:44 AM
First the thread title did say a question for GGs, not TS or TG or CD
this means you Klinger...

Obviously I don't mean any offense to the gg's here either, but I don't like women at all. Maybe that is one of the reasons that I crossdress...
To do a better job of being a woman than they do.

Sounds like a P.F.P.

It is in my experience that I am writing, I have only ever known gg's to be totally selfish and cold hearted. Cruel beings with no empathy, and consumed by selfish wants. Destroying every relationship that comes their way.
Nice to subject us to your contempt for real women, loser.

I have always been more sensitive than the "real girls" whom I have known. Caring more about them than they have about me. I think "real girls" are more like parasites. Leacherous ticks. Vampires that feed on us pathetic helpless men who ensure that they are taken care of. Surely there are exceptions to this observation and I know that I will hear about them, but by and large that is what the women that I have known are like. Take for example, how many people here have a supportive SO who is a gg. Not many to be sure.
So would you, there may not be even half of us here with supportive SOs but obviously you do not pay as much attention to truth as you do insults. There's quite a few and THEY are growing in number.

I have said enough for the moment....
again, I mean no offense to the gg's in this forum.
HA! Congradulations stupid you just did!

I'm here, reading all of your posts just like I have been for months.
Funny how intolerant some people here are of others opinions......

Funny how arrogant other's are too!

I will not take the time to reply to all of the responses simply because the angry intolerant people who responded with rage obviously don't understand what I said, or even intended to say.
I guess not huh, awww too bad*sniffles*.

I am surely not in need of any help as Fat and Kervy suggests.
Screw you buddy, I think you are. Mess with a sister here - you mess with all of us! I think you owe an apollogee.

If you are offended. Deal with it. I didn't join this forum to try and please others. This is an open forum. If you don't like something that you read here, you can get enraged about it (which I think is unhealthy Tamara) or you can ignore it like a civilized man. Which leads to my final statement here, notice that I did not use any profanity in my post...... More civilized than you??? ask yourself truthfully.
And am I using profanity, uhm not yet but I can if you would like me to, and don't you worry sweetie WE WILL DEAL WITH YOU.

No, I'm sure you are too blinded by foolish rage to notice.
And you have a terrible attitude to share this with us on Christmas eve, you putz.

I have read and still do read many things in this forum that I do not agree with. I don't get enraged or offended by them. I ignore them.
Good we don't want to here it.

Hello pot, this is kettle. You are black
So is your heart.

Just have a look at your avatar! I could read you from a mile away!
(directed at Donna)

Nice bashing, just keep it up!

How about setting up a poll to find out how many men here have supportive SO's?
My point is proven
Where do you get your nerve to assume you are right and we are all wrong?

is that a word???
(newbie does it again)
incase..... did you mean in case?
I have never heard that word before
Who gave you spell check rights huh tell me?

Hey, I like this! I have posted more today than any other day since I joined the forum. Thanks for the unquenched flames of anger girls. You are inspiring me!

Yeah and you inspired me to add someone else to my ignore list, many thanks to you!

If I wanted to offend, I could most certainly do a better job of it than my first post.
Bring it on! PLEASE I am waiting.

I am a very happy and satisfied person actually. So much for how much YOU know.
In your own mind, doesn't show here, look at your own words to everyone you're insulting.

ps. I'm glad I don't live in NC!!!
I'm glad you don't live in Florida, lucky for you.

I guess I will find other forums to engage in. This one seems a bit below me.
Feel free to take your cheap shots. They don't bother me a bit. Give me the best one you have! I am still a confident happy and highly functional person thanks!
Please go away I'm bored..

Do not start this with my sisters, these are my friends and you are no longer welcome. You can pm Julie M and ask that I be removed if you like, but you aren't going to succeed. Take it elsewhere, and have a Merry Christmas you idiot!

12-25-2004, 05:52 AM
Donna Louise & Kew

I think "Klinger" is a real youngin'
I can tell by the name calling.

I would let it go through one ear and out the other.

I think she is sort of on a "people hater thing"

BTW, nice Avatar Kew. Cute ( KewT) as always.

KewTnCurvy GG
12-25-2004, 05:58 AM
Donna Louise & Kew

I think "Klinger" is a real youngin'
I can tell by the name calling.

I would let it go through one ear and out the other.

I think she is sort of on a "people hater thing"

BTW, nice Avatar Kew. Cute ( KewT) as always.

Thanks grrlz! Even if I am a lil' on the chubby side-o-life. At least I have real 38C's and she doesn't:p

Hugs grrlz! Love ya all:)


12-25-2004, 06:22 AM
You are right Kewt. And that is a big advantage in "this world"

That is what I call the (upper hand??) help me out here Kew, I know it is upper somethin.


12-25-2004, 06:31 AM
let us let this thread die It is going nowhere of significance
It is C hristmas "peace and goodwill etc" So Klinger you had your warped fun so now go play on the highway at peak traffic time :mad:

Tamara Croft
12-25-2004, 10:53 AM
This is an open forum. If you don't like something that you read here, you can get enraged about it (which I think is unhealthy Tamara) or you can ignore it like a civilized man.

Let's just get one thing straight you idiot... I seriously doubt I could ignore it as a civilized man SEEING AS IM A WOMAN!!!

You have enraged a lot of people here and it will NOT be tolerated.

A quote... 'Obviously I don't mean any offense to the gg's here either, but I don't like women at all.' and 'See the part I wrote about not ALL ladies being this way?'

That suggests all woman. I suggest you re-read what you put, stfu and go choke on a mince pie... arrogant moron!


Tamara Croft
12-25-2004, 11:02 AM
I am surely not in need of any help as Fat and Kervy suggests.

She will be more of a woman than you will ever be, doesn't matter what shape or size she is, she has more love and heart for the girlz in this forum than you have got in one skin cell!

You mess with one of us you mess with us all. I have a link for you that sums up how we all feel.



12-25-2004, 11:24 AM
yes Tamara that site is most appropiate for Klinger
I note it does not say where he comes from Maybe there is not a box for "out of space"
Obviosly Linger or "no mates "to every body else is lonely this Christmas not surprisingly Everybody has the right to be a knobhead he just abuses that privilege and only has the guts to vent his loneliness from behind the safety of a p.c.

Rachel Ann
12-26-2004, 01:20 AM
shhhhhhhhhhhh - I think Klinger got bored and left! A 15 yo boy troublemaker no doubt

Donna Louise
12-26-2004, 09:30 AM

Just have a look at your avatar! I could read you from a mile away!

You say you are not judgemental. Then exactly what was this about. You have attacked people for commenting on your idiotic post.

I merely have one thing to say to you.

F- U-

Please Leave this place.

Donna Louise

Sweet Susan
12-27-2004, 02:27 AM
Whew!!!!!!!!! I'm glad that's over. What a bunch of bs. From both sides. Guys like Klinger just need to be ignored. Responding with F U, and such, is just playing into his hands. :rolleyes: