View Full Version : What do you make of this

12-26-2004, 04:55 AM
A G Girl ive met on http://www.hi5.com (worth joining.... lots of girls like us) has offerd to send me a huge parcel full of tights stockings and underthings. I dont know her that well but aparently shes a part time underwear model so gets lots of free stuff.
My predicament is i would have to give her my real name and have the package sent to my Mums house.. if shes telling the truth it sounds like an opportunity too good to miss... what do you think?????

12-26-2004, 05:14 AM
You're right, it is too good to miss. But as you don't know her, and she you, be careful.
Do you have another address you could use? Someone who knows Chloe?
Another option is a P/O box.

12-26-2004, 05:19 AM
Morning Chloe.

At first glance off course it seems an opportunity too good to miss but I'm forever a sceptic I'm afraid, but I say that not having spoken to this other person.

How long have you been on that site?
How long have they been on that site?
Have you conversed with each other enough to get an idea of what they are like?

Worse case situation could be that they are doing this as a scam where you might following delivery of this stuff get an invoice, this then means you then become embroiled in a case of having recieved unsoliceted goods. There is a process where if you retain the goods for a pre set ammount of time they do become legally yours, normally though there is so much hassle with letters etc it isn't worth it.

There again that's only me being negative Chloe. If you can be confident about this peron, go ahead and if it's all genuine you'll be one very lucky girl.


Tristen Cox
12-26-2004, 05:28 AM
I agree with the others here. Take care of Chloe first and foremost ;)


12-26-2004, 05:43 AM
I always end up in these silly predicements. ie. the bag of clothes I found at work.. to answer your questions. No I havent knowen her for very long at all. She seems really into the whole TG thing though... no one knows about Chloe. no one at all. Im just an annonymos body in girls cloths on the net, with out a head.....i'd love to be as confedent as some of you girls, but Im not... i was on here for 4 mts before I put a headless picture up. :o .....I should just go out there and buy my own stuff ( moneys not really the issue).. anyway Cheers for the feed back,..i recon I'll get to know her a bit more first

12-26-2004, 06:08 AM
Chloe, it isn't a matter as you say of getting into 'silly predicaments' because if we're all honest we've all gotten into situations at one time that we've come to regret.

From your last post though it seems you do not know them well enough so maybe it's best that you don't take up this offer, I feel a bit mean now for putting more doubts in your head than you had before posting.

Today though might be a good opportunity to finally go and buy something of your own. I know how you feel about this but at least you can always say you're buying late Christmas presents as the sales have started.


Julie York
12-26-2004, 07:00 AM
Chloe, you are in the U.K. Many people (hikers , campers etc) have parcels delivered to them when they are moving around on a trip. Just address it to a local post office marked as "To Be Collected", then your name (initials only for first name) and the address of the Post Office. Then you just go to the post office, tell them you are awaiting a parcel, show I.D. and collect it. But if you are unsure, just ask at the post office. Tell them you are doing the Pennine Way and how do you collect parcels of food , clothing etc, half way up the journey?

12-26-2004, 07:09 AM
There are some really strange people out there & some really good careing people also, It's just so hard to distinguish between the two on-line. I agree with the P.O. box being the safest route to go.
Best wishes,

12-26-2004, 07:37 AM

Get to know this person better before accepting any gifts. As it sounds like this girl could be a good friend, it is worth the effort to go slowly. Communicate with her for a while by email and if you are interested try to meet her in a safe public place. Try to really understand what her motivations are. Is it true friendship? Curiosity about CDers? An income opportunity? Above all do not give out any personal information about your self until you are certain of who she is and what she wants.
I really do believe there are many genuinely kind and friendly people around, but don't take any unknown risks.

Wendy me
12-26-2004, 03:11 PM
chole get a post office box

be carefull

be safe

12-26-2004, 03:28 PM
Hi Chloe,
The last thing you want is for a total stranger to know where you live; GG may be realy Albert George or a Dave who wants to know more about you than you know of them. Sorry to be alarmist but you have more to loose if he has the upper edge. If GG is a real friend then she'll wait to build up trust together.
Get a PO box or send parcel to a friend. I like the one from Julie York.
Better safe than sorry.
(A fellow Brit Girl)

Sweet Susan
12-26-2004, 08:43 PM
This could be as tricky as picking up the ransom money for a kidnapping

12-26-2004, 11:04 PM
Chloe, you are in the U.K. Many people (hikers , campers etc) have parcels delivered to them when they are moving around on a trip. Just address it to a local post office marked as "To Be Collected", then your name (initials only for first name) and the address of the Post Office. Then you just go to the post office, tell them you are awaiting a parcel, show I.D. and collect it. But if you are unsure, just ask at the post office. Tell them you are doing the Pennine Way and how do you collect parcels of food , clothing etc, half way up the journey?

I'll have to agree with Julie on this one. If she's on the up and up, it won't take long to find out.

12-29-2004, 03:01 AM
hehehe....It is a bit like a ransom hand over... Well i've been coresponding with her.. She asked for my adress and she offerd hers, because she wants some of my lingerie in return....were just swapping pics at the moment.. Hers look suprisingly glossy...maybe shes the realy thing?????
i'll keep you posted :confused:

12-29-2004, 04:29 PM
You can solve the problem by paying for a post office box, or whtever you call it there, and use a phony name, or at least to the person sending.

Never give your real name and address unless you are certain you can trust someone. If this person is hellbent on knowing that much about you, so soon, then they are not worth it.

12-29-2004, 04:40 PM
Sales at Victoria Secrets etc means they're practically giving stuff away right now. I'm off to the mall in an hour. Some sexy outfits I've had my eye on for some time will be mine ! Can't wait to test dress them tonight.
That and a bottle (or two) of wine .......