View Full Version : Introverted and Extroverted Crossdressers

09-22-2006, 11:28 AM
Hi Everyone,

I think this is my first real post beyond an introduction a long time ago. I've gotten a great deal from the discussions, but I haven’t really participated.

Anyway, the recent decision to restrict access to users with fewer than 10 posts got me thinking. (I'm not disagreeing with the decision. In fact I see how this can provide an increased sense of security for everyone here.) I was wondering, though, if there is a difference between the activities that introverted and extraverted crossdressers engage in?

Please keep in mind that I am not talking about shy versus outgoing personalities. I'm using the term introverted to refer to people who process internally. They like to have time to reflect and consider things when making decisions. They may be outgoing socially, but at the end of the day they feel drained and need some alone time to recharge.

Extroverts, on the other hand, process externally. They like to talk things out when they make decisions. They feel invigorated and draw energy from other people.

Are introverts more likely to dress privately, perhaps even as a stress reliever?
Are extroverts more likely to feel driven to go out while dressed?
Are introverts more likely to be satisfied dressing alone or with a friend, spouse or lover?
Do extraverts have a greater need to reveal themselves to the world?

I'm an introvert explaining my lack of posting drive. I'm quite satisfied dressing for myself and with my wife. Dressing definitely helps me unwind. How do you all feel? I'm interested in your perspectives.


Karren H
09-22-2006, 12:01 PM
Well I never thought of myself as introverted but by you definition I have some of those qualities... I do a lot of work on my own...and don't require much input to work things out...take the ball and run with it kind of girl...but am a great team player..at work and on the ice!!

And I post a lot. Aka big mouth..I know! And love to go out in public... So I don't know what I am for sure

Except happy!! :):):)

Love Karren

Teresa Amina
09-22-2006, 12:13 PM
I think this what at one time was referred to as inner-directed vs outer-directed, those who internally figure things out vs those who need a greater amount input from others and weigh those opinions more highly than the inner-directed who find their own way through things. I'm definitely the inner-directed type and think things through on my own before acting rather than jumping out there and asking "What do you think?".