View Full Version : what you where and how you feel?

09-22-2006, 06:21 PM
ok, for starters when I see people dressed I see totally fem stuff. dresses and such. don't get me wrong I would love to wear that kind of stuff. but I feel just as fine in jeans and a T-shirt. I feel fem no matter what I'm in. panties boxers makes no difference to me. maybe this is something better left for a therapist.

when i dress in fem i where almost the same stuff i have when im not. what could this mean?? is it that my style work in both sexes and i pull it off?
when all i see are people in dresses and such it really makes me confussed.
i like high heels but i would rather have a nice pear of clogs or boots.
well would like to hear any imputt you can give me.


09-22-2006, 06:26 PM
I always say "to each her own" when it comes to clothes, wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. The clothes don't make the person, the person makes the clothes. I like to wear nice things when I'm out, but I mostly go for the casual look because that reflects me the most, plus I find comfort to be more practical than putting on a fashion show. Wear whatever you want, it don't mean a thing.


Lissa Stevens
09-22-2006, 07:26 PM
I fully agree. I like to dress sometimes but I wear gurls pants, underwear, socks and shoes exclusively. I don't feel any less femme in jeans than I do in a suit dress.

09-22-2006, 11:07 PM
I would guess if you feel fem in any type of clothing, you are in deep nicely. Which is great! I've always considered those CDs needing heavy-duty Betty Page trappings to be tourists. Personally, I like Skirts with Tees but I dig cord slacks a lot and, essentially, gender is in your head.

So don't worry!

Josephine Bonne
09-22-2006, 11:30 PM
What I wear does seem to make me feel comfortable and happy; let me explain, when I am dressed in male clothes, I still am Josephine, but I do not feel good about myself. Wearing just nice panties and a cami under even the most drab outfit does feels so very comfortable and natural to me. Soft is so much nicer than not soft. Boxer shorts do not make me feel good, they just stand for being held prisoner. When ever possible I will wear a skirt, casual is fine, but skirt is pure heaven, the way it flows, how you can tuck it under you when you sit, you really do not have to get all dressed up to look feminine. It really is not about the clothes, but why should a girl not be dressed in nice soft things?

Ms. Donna
09-23-2006, 09:17 AM
but I feel just as fine in jeans and a T-shirt. I feel fem no matter what I'm in. panties boxers makes no difference to me. maybe this is something better left for a therapist.
Hi Jamie,

I don't do the skirts and dresses thing. I did in the past and while it's still 'fun', it's not who I really am. Weekends are spent in jeans and t-shirts and during the week (for work) it's pretty much women's business casual: slacks and a nice top.

Yes, more 'feminine' clothing can help you make a more feminine presentation to the world, but are you dressing for them or yourself? For me, it's about being true to myself, and I do my best to express who I am and how I feel about me - and that's not someone in a dress and 4" heels.

Do I fit some 'textbook' description of a crossdresser or transgender individual? Perhaps the better question is: Do I care?

Burn this into your brain: No one knows better what is right for you than you do: not me, your friends, your pdoc - no one.

And the longer you try and live up to everyone else's expectations at the expense of your own identity, the harder it will all hit you later on: and it will hit you.

Ask questions, seek advice, share experiences - but filter it all, finding that which resonates for you and supports that in you which is most life affirming.

Love & Stuff,

09-24-2006, 01:34 AM
....as I sit here with my laptop in a tee, jeans, and clogs. After making the change, dressing up didnt' seem quite so important. I don't have a strong desire to prove I'm a woman now. It's very settling to understand myself now. Sure I enjoy dressing up. But I live out in the country now and I don't get too many opportunities to do that. And I don't fret about it. I love being me and being comfortable.


Katie Ellen
10-02-2006, 08:13 AM
I'm actually more happy just wearing jeans (womens) and a normal top. I don't wear a skirt or dress very often since I don't go out enfem. It would be nice once in a while, but my wife hasn't worn one in a long time either. After a while I don't think it's the clothes, it's what's in your head.

Siobhan Marie
10-02-2006, 05:30 PM
I'm actually more happy just wearing jeans (womens) and a normal top. I don't wear a skirt or dress very often since I don't go out enfem. It would be nice once in a while, but my wife hasn't worn one in a long time either. After a while I don't think it's the clothes, it's what's in your head.

I can only agree with Katie Ellen. I present as a man 99.9% of the time, even though I wear panties underneath and thats not through choice as I'm out to my parents or the family yet. But I am a woman under all of that and that won't change.

:hugs: Anna x

10-02-2006, 09:13 PM
To me it doesn't matter whither I am wearing a dress, tight jeans and a cute top or whatever, I am just a girl at heart and that is it. As long as it is feminine clothes that I am in I am happy. Yes, I am in over my head cause I'm just a girl.