View Full Version : Tall Girl Clothes

09-23-2006, 09:00 AM
Hi all...
A couple of weeks ago, one of you girls mentioned a website that offered shirts and skirts for us tall girls... I had my laptop stolen last saturday night and I lost all my info on where to buy the things that every girl needs. (No, no finantial info...Just 3 years of address and maps for customers that I drive regularly...) Could someone re-post that website URL please.

I will be asking for help to re-find a lot of the URL's that I lost... Let's hope the person that stole the computer is interested in cross dressing as there was a LOT of info stored in it and many of the web sites had IKON's for quick contact shown on the desktop... Including CROSSDRESSERS.COM which was featured in the CENTER of the screen...

Thanks to all...
