View Full Version : Finally told someone else

Bobbie cd
09-27-2006, 09:23 PM
Hi all,

Just had to share this.
As I stated briefly in a reply to another thread, I just
finally told a long time friend (GG) last night about my
being CD. I have been debating with myself about this
for the last few weeks figuring the possible pros and cons,
but finally decided that I needed to take the chance.

She was actually very cool with it, much more so than I
expected. She said that she did not see how it changed
who I am, that I am still the same friend that has always
been there for her even when her other friends and family have dumped on her.

Then she said what I thought was the most amazing thing,
"I don't need to understand it, I just need to accept it."

Now, how cool is that?

09-27-2006, 10:20 PM

Glad to hear she took it well. Sounds like a good friend with an appreciative history with you. I read some good avise last night on another thread which said, in essence: "Don't tell anyone who doesn't need to know". I like that advise. It keeps our desire to be accepted in perspective with realities. But good for you!


Barb Valentine
09-27-2006, 11:13 PM
You know it's funny
It's only the clothes we wear
It doesn't change who we are one bit
But there are so many that feel that we have to hide it
Myself included
That just too bad :sad:

09-27-2006, 11:49 PM
I have a tendancy to agree with Barb. We are who we are, no matter who other's think we are. So I guessit just the piece of cloth we decide to pu on us, that makes a difference to some ppl. Of course that's just my opinion...BJ

09-28-2006, 12:28 AM
I told my wife 2 years ago. She lives in another house. oNLY COST ME $229,000. i AM TRANSGENDER. i HAVE NOT NONE ANYTHING SINCE our breake up. I just do not have the money to do what i WANT TO DO.

09-28-2006, 01:57 AM
I had the same experience with the first GG friend whom I did tell about my x-dressing. She took it very well and has been even supportive, coming shopping for women clothes with me, providing very useful advice.

I recently told two other GG friends and had the same reactions, one of them coming to shop with me and the other one very helpfull with advice.

However in all cases their relation to me became different than before and the change was for the better. Perhaps letting my feminine side come out more clearly makes them more comfortable with their relation with me.

I also told a coleague who works with me in a volunteer organisation against discrimination, she represents ILGA (International Lesbiens and Gay Association which has a group for transgenders) and I represent a subgroup of people with disabilities. Her reaction was again very supportive, but in a different way. I sort of became de facto member of her group... She's become a very good friend of mine.

In drab I try to hide that feminine side as I don't want to be discovered and that may give me a less agreable image with women.

I have different attitudes when I'm "en femme". That doesn't mean that deep down my personality is changed but at least the behavior is not the same. While I say this, realize that I just posted a message saying that my sexual feelings towards male partners were different when in drab mode than when in drag mode... So I sort of contradict myself here... But ours lives are often full of contradictions, aren't they?

09-28-2006, 08:10 PM
I just told a friend a gg, she was very nice and clam about it. She ask a lot of questions about me and what I do. I fely very liberated, and hope that very one else will be as open. But she is the only you how knows I thinkl I'm leaning on her a little to much. But she hasn't freaked out yet so thats good.

09-28-2006, 08:35 PM
I have told only a few friends. They're cool with it. One turned around and told me he wasn't surprised. I was shocked! I thought I was carrying off the "macho thing" pretty well.He explained that not only is he gay, he also has dressed on occasion, and had picked up subtle clues as we talked over time. And this before I got the ears pierced, let my nails grow,ect. He assured me that what he picked up in the way I talk and carry myself would not normally be picked up by most, if not all. I guess it goes to show that it does take one to know one. He did bring up the possibility of us going out together en femme at some point. Cool! We'll see what happens as there doesn't appear to be many GBLT friendly places around.
Love and xxxx, Lily