View Full Version : parking lot makeover got caught

09-28-2006, 10:53 PM
The other night I went shopping , just for some nornal guy stuff. I was in drab , after looking over some sexy heels . I went over to check out. Well they had this 50% off cosmetics rack right before the register. With out thought I buy me a cherry lip liner and a trio of shadow and some mascrea. I don't get embarrassed anymore buying stuff like that in drab. Out to the car, I must say the thrill of being feminine came over me. as I sat in the car, I pulled out the make-up , mind you I am in a crowded mall lot. I can't help myself any longer I look left , right and all around coast clear or I thought it was. first I put on the lip liner, and try out the dark smoke shadow, time for mascrea, Just as I am putting on the mascrea looking in the rear view mirror, I glance to my right and this woman is stareing at me from her car, Talk about being embarrassed , I finished up the final stroke and held my lips together and drove off. I wonder what she thought...It was dusk out but I know she say me acting like a girl.

09-28-2006, 11:12 PM
Denise, It's still a free country and you can apply all the mascara and lip gloss you want to. (You just can't take it to the airport.):D


09-29-2006, 12:10 AM

Don't worry about it. You could have been going to a masquarade party. She doesn't know. In fact, how do you know that she knows that you're a guy?
Was the area that well lit? Even if it was, you'll never see her again.
Be happy.:D

Karren H
09-29-2006, 06:51 AM
Why be embarased?? I've done complete m2f transformations in crowded parking lots.... hehehe Maybe she was just admiring you choise of lip colors!!! I wouldn't worry about what other prople think!! Just act like is the natural thing to do....after all it's all aout attitude anyway!!

Love Karren

Kaitlyn Michele
09-29-2006, 07:34 AM
thats happened to me too and to make it worse i got stuck in parking lot traffic at the exit ....this was many yrs ago

here's some sage advice i was given..

you got CAUGHT!!! OH NO!!!...what happened??? nothing!!!!!! you both went on your way!!!!...life goes on for ya!!!!:2c:

you can laugh about it now :heehee:

plus how was the lipstick??? did you like it?

09-29-2006, 08:42 AM
It's no difference than going out for a drive in the daylight enfem and getting stuck at a red light in rush hour. LOL....Once on a drive, sitting at a red light, I turned down the visor mirror and was powdering my nose. I glanced to my right and saw a GG looking at me. Just as I started to look back at my mirror, she did the same thing. Guess she thought since I was checking my makeup, she should check hers.

09-29-2006, 08:57 AM
I wouldn't worry either. She can't figure it out anyhow. What you did is your own business, and hers to never mind. Dee Dee

09-29-2006, 02:04 PM
At least you weren't doing your makeup while you were driving. I've seen that to often here in Houston traffic.

09-29-2006, 04:22 PM
You should have blown her a kiss, waved demurely and drove off.

Kate Simmons
09-29-2006, 04:28 PM
Whew, had me scared for a minute there, Hon. If you were only "acting", nothing to worry about. If you did a full transition in the car (or men's room--like some girls I know who will remain "nameless" here.)then she would definately have something to talk about. As it is, you were putting on what you thought was chap stick and Vitamin E, right? :happy: Ericka

09-29-2006, 05:47 PM
Don't be embarrassed...she was probably entertained. 48 yr. old here too. Remember the old cool Kevin McCarthy Colt 45 commercials from when you were a kid? "In the dull and commonplace occurences of day to day living, one thing stands out as a completely new experience..." Take care, Cheri.

09-29-2006, 05:52 PM
Who knows she may have even approved and been interested

09-29-2006, 06:33 PM
No big deal. You gave her something to talk about when she gets home. I think your situation was the same as the woman staring at me in the dept store when I was trying on heels. Being stared at hasn't hurt anyone yet.


Jasmine Ellis
09-29-2006, 06:44 PM
if you see her again give her a smile

09-29-2006, 08:41 PM
And you care for what reason?

Rachel Morley
09-29-2006, 08:50 PM
Hi Denise,

I hope you don't mind but I found your post quite funny, not because I take pleasure in other people's misfortune, but because I can easily see this happening to me one day! :D

Well they had this 50% off cosmetics rack right before the register. With out thought I buy me a cherry lip liner and a trio of shadow and some mascrea. I don't get embarrassed anymore buying stuff like that in drab.
OMG! :eek: this is exactly the sort of thing I sometimes do nowadays :happy: Although for me it tends not to happen at the checkout, but more at othe parts of the store. I'm walking the isle and then right in front of me as I turn the corner is the make up or pantyhose or whatever. I can't help but start browsing and generally showing interest way more than any "regular guy"...but hey, that's me :D

I've never been so excited with my purchases that I have to put them on immediately I get back to my car, but I can totally relate to what you are saying. CD life is so much fun sometimes :happy:

Adrienne Heels
09-29-2006, 10:57 PM
Denise, who cares if she watched? You'll never see her again.

I don't care if someone sees me going in the fitting room in The Limited or trying on heels at Nine West when I an in drab. It's none of their business...and in fact, most people don't even notice

09-29-2006, 11:21 PM
I was wondering if any of you girl get this over wheming urge to fee feminine at times. I need to control myself. I wonder how I will act if I ever go to a CD party I am sure it will be interesting

09-29-2006, 11:46 PM
Hey, you were enjoying yourself, if she didn't like it, she could have left. Maybe she was surprised that you were doing so well, putting on your makeup...BJ

10-05-2006, 08:47 AM
When ever i go shopping theurge to try something on is so strong, sometimes i just do. I had an experience one day, after being dressed at home all day, it was time for work. I got my " mens" colthes on and proceeded to town. I had to do some errands first and made a few stops, when i got to work and was sitting in the parking lot, i realized i still had my pearl earings on.At first i worried because i live in a small town, but then i got this good feeling inside and thought the heck with it.:heehee:

10-05-2006, 08:49 AM
Don't be embarrassed...she was probably entertained. 48 yr. old here too. Remember the old cool Kevin McCarthy Colt 45 commercials from when you were a kid? "In the dull and commonplace occurences of day to day living, one thing stands out as a completely new experience..." Take care, Cheri.

I loved those commercials. My favorite were the ones with the Nairobi Trio.

10-05-2006, 02:41 PM
New Jersey? I think there are stranger things going on than your make-up.