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09-30-2006, 07:58 AM
im just wondering if there is any one in my situation.
I am male and i love to dress in female clothes as often as possible, i don't have a female name or want one at the moment (hence the user name) mabey that will change.
My dressing used to be just a sexual thing, where i would be quick to undress after 'the act'. But now i find my self not getting such a sexual turn on from dressing but dressing even more.
I do not yet own a wig but have just recently starting shaving my legs (which are sore) and experimenting with make up.
The only person who knows is my girlfriend of 5 years and she only found out because she caught me in one of her denim mini's and stockings. luckily we talked about it and she was very understanding (even suprising me with a new bra and panties one day when i returned from work)

I know im blabbing on but im loving the fack i can talk to you guys and gals in an adult and understanding way.

sorry if im annoying people
thanks to you all xxx

sorry this was ment for male to female (posted it in wrong place)

Julie York
09-30-2006, 08:04 AM
Hi. Welcome to the forum. The different sections can take you by surprise when you first start. You posted this in the Female to MALE section! Ooops. I am sure a kind Moderator will move it shortly to Male to female.

Have fun!


Joy Carter
09-30-2006, 08:08 AM

sorry if I'm annoying people
thanks to you all xxx

Hey we are here S to support you. Your not annoying anyone. So glad that your girlfriend understands. Please come here and say what's on your mind any time.
:hugs: JOY C

09-30-2006, 08:09 AM
sorry all

yes was ment for the male to female

09-30-2006, 08:11 AM
:hello: and:welcom: it's great that your gf is supporting of you. Please don't ever neglect to tell her how much you appreciate that support, that she is special to you, and not just for supporting your cding but that she just is special.When things get a little rough on this wonderful road you are travelling she will need to hear that.

I don't usually go this deep in a welcome but today is one of the little rough patches here and if you can in any way make this road easier for the both of you don't miss the chance

:hugs: Jess

09-30-2006, 08:21 AM
Thank you for you kind words and great advice even though i posted this in the wrong place.
This place is great!

09-30-2006, 11:39 AM
im just wondering if there is any one in my situation.
[...] My dressing used to be just a sexual thing, where i would be quick to undress after 'the act'. But now i find my self not getting such a sexual turn on from dressing but dressing even more.

Yes, what you describe seems to be a fairly common progression.

As you read more "How I started" stories on here, you will find that there are a noticable number of people here who "always knew", or started dressing as a small child (e.g., 5 years old), or when still quite young, before puberty. But there are also many many who started with panties or pantyhose as a sexual thrill and eventually realized, like you, that the actual dressing "felt right" to them. And there are some people here who have been dressing for 50 years, or whom are 65 or even in their 80's; they report that the urge to dress gets stronger over time.

No-one really knows why any of this happens; the more ardent crossdressers here tend to say, "Who cares why it happens; this is just the way I am, and I'm going to enjoy it!"

Sasha Anne Meadows
09-30-2006, 12:00 PM
Dressing desires do not diminish with age. I am 60 and I know. My advice to those who are just starting out is get a nice wig right away. It really completes the transformation. I am never awakd without one of my favorite wigs and it really makes a difference.

Sasha Anne

09-30-2006, 12:04 PM
You will find that as you get older, the sexual aspect will diminish, at least it has for me, and the dressing is done more just because it feels good.

09-30-2006, 12:22 PM
Welcome! Glad to have you with us. The way that your crossdressing has evolved is quite normal - I daresay the majority of CDs here have undergone a similar progression. Good for your SO to have been so understanding, especially given the shock of "walking in" on you like. You will find this forum an invaluable resource for helping deal with the relationship issues that almost invariably develop in crossdressers' lives.

Again, welcome!


09-30-2006, 04:22 PM
Hi and welcome...
Never mind how or the progression, it happens and all you need to know is how to make the most of a valuable opportunity.
This place helps more than you imagine, even just by reading.
More so if you ask questions...

Important items / Wig, ( a good one is a must and it is difficult to select the first one. You will probably need two, the not so good style first one and the good style second one that fits with your female persona.) then shoes and skirt,
Leg shaving is fine if you want to, why not just wear two or three pairs of tights. It is usually enough to cover the hairs if you want to keep them or cannot be bothered to put up with th wshaving routine.

Enjoy being here there is so much new to read every day.

09-30-2006, 04:30 PM
You may never want a female name...You may decide wigs and makeup arent for you....You may decide to come totally out of the cloest or you may decide to stay totally in. You may dress for sexual reasons, stress relief, because its fun, to disguise yourself, to feel attractive......Everyone has different reasons for being here. Welcome to our world and Enjoy yourself.

Barb Valentine
09-30-2006, 05:04 PM
Hi Stockings
Isn't nice to know that your not alone
Their a lot of us out there that feel the same way

Jasmine Ellis
09-30-2006, 05:05 PM
welcome to the family its great isn't it

09-30-2006, 05:13 PM
even for those of us that started as children i believe in the teen years we got a 'rize' out of dressing, i know i did, when i put on the sexy panties and stuff it was arousing, but i didn't get the same effect when wearing cotton regular panties...

Karren H
09-30-2006, 05:20 PM
Sounds like your on your way!!! Have fun!

Love Karren