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View Full Version : Problem for shopping with my wife

10-02-2006, 08:56 AM
I was wondering if any of you had that problem while shopping with your wife.
Since i told my wife i was crossdressing she dont want to go shopping with me anymore( i always been a shopping freak ) cause she always think that i see myself more then her in the cloth she shop. When i see something nice and i touch it she think that i want to buy it for myself.
If that happen to you how did you solve this problem?

(sorry my english is not perfect cause i am the french canadian
of this board lollll)

Karren H
10-02-2006, 09:06 AM
She did for a while, maybe a month or two after I told her. But now she's ok and I fallow her around in all the womens clothing departments!! :D. Getting ideas!! Lol.

But she still is sensative, like Friday! She went out shopping for herself, all day. And when I asked her what she bought she said "None of your business, they were for me". Soooooooooooooo.... I just let it drop! That time of the month I think!! But she did get a nice jacket that might fit me (may be too big)!!

Love Karren

10-02-2006, 09:41 AM
My wife liked me to go shopping with her, except for lingerie! She knew I loved to wear panties, so she did not like me to follow her into that department. She said I wore prettier ones than she did, and was not happy with that. But most of the rest of her clothes were what I picked out! Go figure!

More Girl than man!

10-02-2006, 10:04 AM
Not much of a problem. She hates shopping for clothes, and our tastes or vastly different, so we usually separate in the store. Sometimes we meet up in the shoe department, the one area where we are getting closer.

10-02-2006, 10:28 AM
for me it was a bit different, before coming out to my wife i was always apprehensive about going into the ladies department especialy the lingerie as i felt i would stand and stare at the clothes for too long and be thaught a pervert. but, since coming out to her, shopping is something we enjoy as a couple and is fun for the both of us. though, i can't wait to get out of this small redneck town that way we'll get less weird looks when she says something like "hun, i think this is cute would you wear it, if we got it?" or i say something like "this is so cute, i want it", in small towns it seems 'everyone' wants to know your business, other than the gawkers it's a great experience to be shopping with my wife...

10-02-2006, 10:36 AM

On the contrary for me ..we both love to shop for tops skirts , bras and jewelry.
It 's always grand time !


10-02-2006, 11:25 AM
We shop togther for her. I shop for me, unless it's a special occasion. We did go out to buy me a nightgown for my birthday. We went through every rack to find what I wanted. When we went to check out, the SA said "This is so pretty, who is it for?" My wife pipes up and says "It's for his aunt."

We weren't expecting the polite inquisition, but all was ok.


Lourie James
10-02-2006, 03:16 PM
Today my wife and went shopping. We went to get some toy for our grandkids for Christmas. then we went to Avanue and she got me my birthday present. and then JC Pennys for more shopping we each got new panties and some pretty new skirts. I would say we have fun shopping with each other.

10-02-2006, 03:19 PM
My wife and I love to go shopping, We will get lingerie for both of us. She is not ready to be buying me dresses yet. But maybe someday, you never can tell.

10-02-2006, 06:49 PM
No shopping problems here. Unless its because we go out together and buy too much.

Tracy Lynn
10-02-2006, 11:15 PM
My wife and I love to shop. Last week we were on vacation and went shopping alot.We always help each other picking out clothes.

Jodi Lynn
10-02-2006, 11:54 PM
I think I have said before that when my wife found out she didn't want me to go anywherer near a store. Now she sends me out to but her a bra and panties.

10-21-2006, 05:33 AM
we often go shopping together and buy nice clothes, my wife will help me and i will help her. its so long now that its so natural but she is wary of bumping into someone she knows whilst helping me look at size 18 lingerie(she is a 10) but we just enjoy it x

10-21-2006, 07:31 AM
We shop together all the time. I pick out her clothes and she picks out mine. Fun times.:2c:

10-21-2006, 08:27 AM
My wife used to go shopping with me and for me, not much mind you but at least she would go. Now it is out of site out of mind for her with my cross dressing. I am even hesitant now just to ask her what she thinks of something in an advertisement. She has not see me fully dressed, except in pictures, the pictures are what did her in, and to answer your questions now they were fully clothed and I thought they were flattering. She has stopped doing anything that even remotely could be construed as assisting, helping, encouraging my cross dressing.

10-21-2006, 09:30 AM
This past Saturday (10/14) wife and I went shopping (for her) at the Vanity Fair Outlet store in N Dartmouth Mass. She needed some new PJs and since she likes V.F. we decided to go there (better price$).
Now I've been wearing V.F. PJ bottoms for about three years with a nylon "T" shirt to match color. This time I figured I'd be a bit braver. We picked out about four sets for her and about three nightgowns, all in her size. I then swallowed hard and proceeded to pick out similar colors in both the PJ style and nightgown style for me. She asked what I was doing and I said that we had to match colors while we were in bed. That got a bit of a smile from her, so I figured I'd "push the issue" a bit more and picked out matching color panties to go with the night wear. No objection or rejection at my actions. Her only comment was that the nightgowns had a bit of lace on the top, that seemed to be a bit too much for me. I countered that statement by buying a full length front zipper robe in light blue.
Now I have to say that I also bought her a bunch of winter tops and pants. We kinda picked them out together and I paid for all of it. (My "plastic" was wounded badly)
Since Last Saturday I've worn the PJs complete with the tops and one of the night gowns with no bad reaction from her. Small steps to complete CD.

Joy Carter
10-21-2006, 10:05 AM
A that would be a NO!:(

10-21-2006, 11:47 AM
Well, this has not been a problem for us. Actually, our shopping together was, I daresay, one of the biggest steps forward in terms of Helene understanding exactly how un-momentous my being a crossdresser is. (She occasionally posts here and can feel free to contradict me!)

I love shopping with her for her clothing, and so I don't think she's always worrying "is he just looking for himself?" Also, we have completely different body shapes and coloring, so it's usually pretty clear whom I am looking for. I also do my best not to dissemble about this. If I really want to look for myself, I make that clear.

The upshot is, with a little honest communication - and of course assuming that you actually DO want to shop for your wife and not yourself - this might be a good activity to de-mystify some of the aspects of crossdressing.


10-22-2006, 05:58 AM
i agree with our new freind moe- but if that still doesn't work buy one each :-)