View Full Version : crossdressing and cultures

10-02-2006, 04:04 PM
I have noticed a lot of CD's from Brittan and Canada visit this site,as do Americans.
Does any one know if CDing is accepted in other cultures,I have noticed in Thailand and Brazil it seems to be socially acceptable.
Any good input?

10-02-2006, 04:06 PM
Don't forget India....Very acceptable there too.

10-02-2006, 04:20 PM
don't quite know the answer to that one, but this site is 3 hours behind me which would put them out in the Pacific somewhere.... hmmmmm could it be this site is from Atlantis???????:heehee:

10-02-2006, 04:29 PM
don't quite know the answer to that one, but this site is 3 hours behind me which would put them out in the Pacific somewhere.... hmmmmm could it be this site is from Atlantis???????:heehee:

Atlantis was in the Atlantic:doh: an ancient continent called Mu was in the Pacific:roflmao:

10-02-2006, 04:36 PM
you mean to tell me when California sinks inti the Pacific, Atlantis will not rise ! I have been misled all these years..... so much for the myths of the lost continent........:sad:

10-02-2006, 04:50 PM
It was called Lemuria, MU for short.

One can look at the sea floor on maps and not find any evidence for it at all. So I suspect it is just a myth. Atlantis has at least some evidence for it.

Jasmine Ellis
10-02-2006, 04:52 PM
I think theres a lot of places that dose but you got to be careful still no matter where you are

10-02-2006, 04:54 PM
I have noticed a lot of CD's from Brittan and Canada visit this site,as do Americans.
Does any one know if CDing is accepted in other cultures,I have noticed in Thailand and Brazil it seems to be socially acceptable.
Any good input?

In Iran if you are gay you are killed but if you are a TS thay will pay for all the surgerys.


10-02-2006, 05:14 PM
Transvesites are found in many cultures, sometimes encouraged as well as just accepted. In Polynesian countries boys are often raised as girls if there is no girl in the family. In Indonesia many of the religious figures are transvestites (or CDers if you will). In the San Blas Islands of Panama you will find native TVs doing the woman's job of making molas and doing a better job of it than most of the women. Then of course there is Sydney Australia running a close second behind San Francisco. Found TV street walkers galore in France.

But be careful in most Latin American and muslim countries where there is a lot less tolerance as noted above.


10-02-2006, 06:30 PM
Just saw a program on this on Discovery. (It's amazing what you see working the night shift). In Parts of India transvestites are revered as some kind of mystics, and I believe in some African cultures a swell. If I remember correctly also among the American Indians transvestism was an acceptable practice.

10-02-2006, 07:40 PM
It was called Lemuria, MU for short.

One can look at the sea floor on maps and not find any evidence for it at all. So I suspect it is just a myth. Atlantis has at least some evidence for it.

I had no idea it was called Lemuria,must be where Lemurs come from.

Kate Simmons
10-02-2006, 07:49 PM
I dunno but when I was in Viet Nam, my Vietnamese girl friend loved dressing me up in gals clothes. She said some of her male relatives did it also, so I guess it was accepted over there. Ericka/Rich

10-02-2006, 08:49 PM
When I went on a business trip to Thailand I noticed that the night life is very accepting of the post and during-ops type of persons. In fact they were all over the place, but displayed themselves mostly as prostitutes for the men folk that were there on vacation or so called "business trips"...not to beconfused with my own of course...not sure about CD types though

Rachel Morley
10-02-2006, 09:07 PM
Transvesites are found in many cultures, sometimes encouraged as well as just accepted. In Polynesian countries boys are often raised as girls if there is no girl in the family.
Hi Susie,

I found your comment about boys being raised as girl's in Polynesian countries very interesting so I googled "Polynesian countries boys raised as girls" and found two facinating articles about family life in Samoa. Amazing!


10-02-2006, 10:03 PM
you mean to tell me when California sinks inti the Pacific, Atlantis will not rise ! I have been misled all these years..... so much for the myths of the lost continent........:sad:

Before Calf goes into the ocean, it will be sent through the stargate to be with Atlantis.

Kate Simmons
10-03-2006, 04:20 AM
Before Calf goes into the ocean, it will be sent through the stargate to be with Atlantis.Hmm, I know something of this but the time isn't right yet. "Atlantis" is merely part of a bigger piece of land that has to be put back together sometime soon.:happy: Rich

Helen MC
10-03-2006, 06:07 AM
Yes the Siamese has the Katoi and the Indians have the Hijira (sp?) and I think the Native Americans had the Beardache, all of whom are biological males who live and dress as women and are accepted as such and indeed respected.

I would seem that its is mainly Judeo-Christian-Islamic societies that are hostile to Cross-Dressers compared to other Cultures.

10-03-2006, 08:56 AM
In a little corner of Mexico.........


I'm way short of airmiles though.

Melanie R
10-03-2006, 12:44 PM
One of the most exciting times in Melanie's life was when I and wife together with 12 other CD's and wives were in Tahiti for a week in 1998 on one of our cruises. The natives knew we were coming and brought their children to meet us in Papeete, Tahiti where our ship was in dock for 24 hours. We found all the people very accepting of our group almost to the point of seeing our girls as diety. The full time TG's living in Tahiti we met were beautiful. If any of you have an opportunity, visit Tahiti enfemme for the experience of a lifetime.



10-03-2006, 01:33 PM
From what I've read and surmised we (cder's) have exisisted since the dawn of humankind. We have always been here and will contiune to exsist forever.

We are the center of ceremonial life for many old and traditional cultures and are considered mystics by some, healers by others. We are sometimes called "go betweens" becasue of our unique perspective and learnings about gender. We are revered for our wisdom and courage.

Since colonization we have been forced into our closets where have remained for hundreds of years. We are just now beginning to come out in large numbers. The world is getting to know us and see us in all of our wonderful and diverse glory.

What if we were all mystics and healers? and that is the true reason for our corssdressing.

Love to hear your comments

10-03-2006, 03:11 PM
But be careful in most Latin American and muslim countries where there is a lot less tolerance as noted above.

Actually, better be more careful about following advice from non-locals.

In most of South America, cding is a routine thing. In Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia and Venezuela it does not surprise anybody, except in tiny villages or rural areas -but that's not different from cding in a remote Utah town to see what happens. Right now there is a media debate about a teenager tv living in a small provincial town in Argentina, and planning to have SRS as soon as he (she) is of legal age: the question is whether she should be allowed to take hormones (while being underage) or not. So you see, nobody is throwing stones at her.

The exception could be Chile, a very conservative country where anything off the "socially accepted average" creates a stir. But I'm not saying you would experience violence, it would be more of a social outcast situation, like trying to live as a cd in Victorian England.

10-03-2006, 03:19 PM
Hmm, I know something of this but the time isn't right yet. "Atlantis" is merely part of a bigger piece of land that has to be put back together sometime soon.:happy: Rich

okay Rich, spit it out.... tell me Atlantis is going to hook up with New York or betteryet..... all the New England states:straightface:

Christina Nicole
10-03-2006, 05:33 PM
Yes the Siamese has the Katoi and the Indians have the Hijira (sp?) and I think the Native Americans had the Beardache, all of whom are biological males who live and dress as women and are accepted as such and indeed respected.

I would seem that its is mainly Judeo-Christian-Islamic societies that are hostile to Cross-Dressers compared to other Cultures.

Talk about rose colored glasses! Do some research before posting to avoid sounding unknowing. Not everything western is evil and everything eastern is good. Modernism isn't inherently a worse condition than primitivism.

The Hijras in India are respected only as far as their so-called mystical powers for blessings can be received by upper castes. They're lower caste, so they have no education and no jobs. They're only earnings from from what small amount people provide them for their fertility blessings. They are generally ridiculed and abused for their emasculated condition. Many act as male prostitutes, as they can't get a job.

If that sounds like a good deal for TGs, you're welcome to it. I greatly prefer the west.

Christina Nicole

GG Vanya
10-03-2006, 07:12 PM
Hi Susie,

I found your comment about boys being raised as girl's in Polynesian countries very interesting so I googled "Polynesian countries boys raised as girls" and found two facinating articles about family life in Samoa. Amazing!


Admittedly, I didn't check both links as the first one was too depressing. Sure, they're accepted in Samoa, as sex objects and floor shows, at least if the "slant" of that first site is typical.

10-03-2006, 10:41 PM
Just saw a program on this on Discovery. (It's amazing what you see working the night shift). In Parts of India transvestites are revered as some kind of mystics, and I believe in some African cultures a swell. If I remember correctly also among the American Indians transvestism was an acceptable practice.

It's true that many Native American tribes accept transvestism as normal. I'm part Native American (Choctaw) and I am currently investigating my ancestors. I wonder if any of my kin were transvestites and am I the fulfillment of some prophecy.


10-04-2006, 10:21 AM
It's true that many Native American tribes accept transvestism as normal. I'm part Native American (Choctaw) and I am currently investigating my ancestors. I wonder if any of my kin were transvestites and am I the fulfillment of some prophecy.


I have no doubt that you are following in the footsteps of one of your ancestors. Follow them with an open heart and optimistic attitude.


GG Vanya
10-04-2006, 11:12 AM
I can't help but chuckle about these two posts. I'm part Cherokee. So, in this context, was one of my ancestors married to a "two spirit"? Is this why I'm so "OK" with Trudi?

Meh, matters not to me. I'm in love with a fascinating person who loves me in return. We are happy and that is enough. :love:

10-06-2006, 11:08 AM
Transylvania, especially during a full moon

10-06-2006, 04:25 PM
One thing i've noticed while reading up on the Beardache and Fa'afafine is that the men who love them aren't considered gay, because for all intents and purposes, the TG person is simply seen as a woman.

A lesson we of western cultures should learn.

10-06-2006, 04:46 PM
In the traditional Napolitan culture a group of men called Femminielli were dressed as women. I saw a documentary sometimes ago, but I can't remember the tittle.

It seem to have originated from the historical period when actors playing female roles were often men dressed as women. I don't really have the time to look more into that subject.

One thing I have noticed when visiting Italy is that "Trans" magazines are far more visible on open news stands, even those right in the streets, than in other European countries. Granted these magazines aren't really providing a very positive picture of transvestites, mainly portrayed in porn situations. But yet it is a very different attitude than say in France or even in Holland where there use to be a very tollerant attitude towards sexuality.