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View Full Version : A Good sign or a sputter?

Nikki A.
10-09-2006, 08:17 PM
Wife and I went to the stores to look for jeans for my daughter(bad idea). We started at the Salvation Army She found a few things she liked we found 3 pairs of some like new jeans for the princess. While looking I came across a delightfully tacky dress that I said would be perfect for Halloween, but there is a no return policy wife said if you think you want it go and try it on. This is not my wife. So anyway I did but it did not fit so I left it there.
Later after lunch we stopped at K-Mart she shopped a little more and I helped her look for stuff. I came across some skirts reduced to $2.00, in my size, hinted and got nowhere. As we were getting ready to go I came out and asked can I buy one and she said ok.
We get home and of course my daughter hates everything that we bought her. Luckily for my wife one pair of jeans fits her fine, one is a bit tight for now and the other was a bit on the loose side. She offers me the loose pair and they fit just fine since they are stretch, matter of fact she says that they fit me better than my other jeans These are size 18 gloria Vanderbilts and I"ve been wearing size 22 Rider's.
I then tried on the skirt, she said that it was the right size and then offered me some of the other clothes that she is too small for.
Long story short after 19 years does this mean she is finally coming around or did I catch her on a good day. She even said that Halloween is coming and thats your day to do what you want?

10-09-2006, 08:22 PM
I think the key here is the part about Halloween coming. Make the most of it as it only comes once a year.

However, there is nothig that says you can't continue to buy and wear women's jeans. And after Halloween, well you can never tell, but test the waters carefully and see if they are still warm.

10-09-2006, 08:29 PM
I couldn't dress just once a year :D

Lori SC
10-09-2006, 08:49 PM
I hope things are getting better, but more likely you caught her on a good day. Based on my wife and others, they have good days and bad days as far as acceptance. It's not constant. It's always in flux.

10-09-2006, 08:56 PM
It's tacky advice but maybe you're asking the wrong person(s)?

10-09-2006, 08:58 PM
I think you had a very good day. I think it is hard for our wives to fully accept but because they love us they try. I would suggest that you don't push for more clothes in the very near future but be sure to thank her for your special day. As long as you are very appreciative I think she is trying to accept and support you in the way she can. Just don't push too hard. Have fun. The jeans sound very nice. Gloria Vanderbilts have that nice swan on the pocket. Simple but it says a lot.

Rachel Morley
10-09-2006, 09:01 PM
My feeling is that your wife is "somewhat accepting" and she wants to be nice to you.....especially at Halloween because she loves you. I say: never look a gift horse in the mouth!

Billie Jean
10-10-2006, 01:11 PM
I hope things are getting better, but more likely you caught her on a good day. Based on my wife and others, they have good days and bad days as far as acceptance. It's not constant. It's always in flux.Amen to that. When I was with my ex, sometimes she was very ok with and then other times not. She kept my secret as far as I know, but even if she didn't I getting to the point where I don't care as much what others might think as to what makes me comfortable. Go with it and enjoy the day for tommorow might find you back in the closet as far as your wife goes. Billie Jean

10-10-2006, 01:26 PM
I think you had a very good day. I think it is hard for our wives to fully accept but because they love us they try. I would suggest that you don't push for more clothes in the very near future but be sure to thank her for your special day. As long as you are very appreciative I think she is trying to accept and support you in the way she can. Just don't push too hard. Have fun. The jeans sound very nice. Gloria Vanderbilts have that nice swan on the pocket. Simple but it says a lot.

Whilst it may be hard for some wives to accept fully, it is not true of all wives. Mine and a number of others are fully accepting and go as far as to help us in all that we do en-femme.

I understand that your statement may not have meant to have been all encompassing, but how it was worded gives the impression that all wives accept under sufference.

Back to the topic, Searching, you may have caught your wife on a good day, I assume that she knows of your CD activities and that she does tolerate as long as its in the closet.

She even said that Halloween is coming and thats your day to do what you want?

Here may be the real answer, she has clearly said your day is coming. My advice would be to take the opportunity presented for halloween and play the rest by ear.

Vivian Best
10-10-2006, 02:03 PM
Long story short after 19 years does this mean she is finally coming around or did I catch her on a good day. She even said that Halloween is coming and thats your day to do what you want?

Sounds like the "witching hour" is coming for you to turn into Cinderella