View Full Version : Liberating my life

10-15-2006, 11:29 AM
Hi All,

Following yesterday's succesful trip to the mailbox (and thanks for the encouragement and good wishes), I now find that my attitude has changed in and around my own house. I used to be very concerned about appearing at windows while dressed just in case a neighbour or passer-by saw me. No more! I opened my bedroom curtains while dressed this morning and have stood in my front room ironing for all the world to see.

I seem to have the view today that it's my life and my home and I'll do what I please while I'm here. I have no wish to cause anyone else any kind of embarrassment or distress but I'm not indecently dressed (or undressed) so why not carry on my life in this way - and all because I posted a letter!

My encouragement to all of you, take a little step - you have no idea what it will lead to!


10-15-2006, 11:36 AM
Emma good for you and it's very true it is your life and your home, sounds to me you are getting very confident.

Kate Simmons
10-15-2006, 11:59 AM
I know where they will lead to because I'm there already. Good for you Em. As I said you are the one who needs to be convinced mostly and it looks like you are. I'm very happy that you are comfortable being yourself.:love: Ericka

10-15-2006, 12:05 PM
im lookin for the courage to to out dressed also good to hear u r going over that hurdle sweety

Emma England
10-16-2006, 08:46 AM
My encouragement to all of you, take a little step - you have no idea what it will lead to!


Well done about posting your letter. No one takes any notice right?

Just remember what they said on the moon - one small step, one giant leap.

Next step would be to buy some stamps in a post office?

10-16-2006, 12:10 PM
All it takes is baby steps and the next thing you know you will be sitting having diiner at a nice resterant and shopping en-femme, all by yourself.
Huggs, Shelly.

10-16-2006, 12:15 PM
I so know what you are saying! I am going down that road as well.

Best wishes, Beth