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10-16-2006, 04:12 PM
Do any of you feel societies reaction to CD's is because they feel what we do directly affects them,when in fact it does not?

I wasn't sure how to word this question.:doh:

10-16-2006, 04:26 PM
we affect society by what we do to ourselves and not what we do to them. We as a unified group of people are different than the norm simply because we choose to express a desire or feeling that is different from their view of what is normal. we are a product of our enviorment and as we are taught so do we teach..... what makes us different, " WE DO NOT TEACH THE SAME AS THEM"..........:clap: :clap:

10-16-2006, 04:27 PM
I think react they way they do is because it is ingrained that there are certain Norms and constatnts,and anything which goes against them is wrong, or abnormal at the least. It from centuries of cultural and religious indoctrination.

10-16-2006, 05:26 PM
Do any of you feel societies reaction to CD's is because they feel what we do directly affects them,when in fact it does not?

I wasn't sure how to word this question.:doh:

:2c: Society is all too aware of the differences within itself. What it cannot tolerate is a deviation from the "Norm".

I believe that the only way to change society's view is to educate, however, you will always get the bigot, who just does not like anything different from them.

10-16-2006, 05:39 PM
It may sound "simplistic" but I think most of society thinks we are GAY.----and the problem really is how society deals with homosexuals.

Its really a conflict between society and another group(gay)---and WE are caught in the middle. The aspects of OUR interactions with "society" are "distorted" and confused because of the "gay" associations that are imposed upon us.

Its not that I have any animosity towards Gay folks, More power to 'em, but its the IGNORANCE of society that pisses me off---putting me in a group I do not belong to and then having to fight other people's battles.


10-16-2006, 05:48 PM
It may sound "simplistic" but I think most of society thinks we are GAY.----and the problem really is how society deals with homosexuals.

Its really a conflict between society and another group(gay)---and WE are caught in the middle. The aspects of OUR interactions with "society" are "distorted" and confused because of the "gay" associations that are imposed upon us.

Its not that I have any animosity towards Gay folks, More power to 'em, but its the IGNORANCE of society that pisses me off---putting me in a group I do not belong to and then having to fight other people's battles.


:iagree: What she said!

10-16-2006, 08:03 PM
I agree with that, too, except I used to be friends with a very nice gay man who actually talked to me once (not knowing I dressed) about all the damned crossdressers at his favorite bar. He said they were wanna-bes who didn't know they were gay.

So the bias against us stems into the gay community as well.

My theory is that we represent a line - a line that people like us, good or bad, use as a divider between 'us and them.' We seem wishy washy and weird because we're stuck somewhere that is a given to them. They assume there is something wrong with us because something'd have to be wrong with them not to understand that line.

I think we're like the gay community used to be. We're not understood so we're feared. Unfortunately, the information they do receive is negative: bankrobber's in drag, cracked out cd's on cop shows, and so on. And, even to me, it's funny when Bart Simpson puts on a dress. So we're perceived as wrongdoers in clown suits.

On a social level, I feel we may eventually progress to socially accepted but only because of society's need to feel good about the fact that they accept everyone.

*sigh* I'm a pessimist.