View Full Version : My Rant and Soapbox

10-20-2006, 07:32 AM
I have been on this board for sometime but I do not post a lot. I do read a lot of the threads. I find most threads to be enlightening, thoughtful and even entertaining. Now for my rant! I do not mean to pick on anyone and most of all not to judge anyone or question their intentions. Where do some many people get there judgments from? Just who do some of these people think they are? Yes, I know it is not right to be unfaithful to someone, regardless of if it is a wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover or whoever! People are taking the time to write out their feelings and do not need to be pushed back into the closet. It really struck a nerve with one thread I read about someone meeting a friend enfemme, there was not talk of anything sexual but remarks are made about how awful that person was to meet someone without spouses knowledge. Just what gives you the right… oh yes your Humble Opinion and your 2 cents… For a lot of us, this place is a place to share with others. I value people’s remarks and when people are truly trying to give guidance or share there own experiences. I truly like having GGs share their thoughts on some issues. Yes, I am very much in the closet and may stay there. It is a long story for me and not sure I am going to change. That is my choice and I have no one to fault but myself. I would love to be brave and go out more but not sure I want that. I really do not know what I want but that is one reason I am here. I see there are others that are like me and others not like me!

Another rant… People, when you write a thread read what you are writing! Sometimes I do not have a clue of what you are writing about. I am not a grammar expert but I do have spell check. There is not a race to get your thread out there. Take some pride in what you write, you meaning gets lost when you do not take the time to read what you write!

Okay.. I am ready for the rants at me!!!

10-20-2006, 07:44 AM
I couldn't agree more with you Kathy. I'm fairly new to this site and was quite surprised at the holier than thou responses to posts I've seen here. I find it odd that there are men in dresses writing on how one should behave. It's almost funny.


10-20-2006, 07:47 AM
I will just add one short reponse here - support doesn't always mean to unconditionally agree with whatever that person is posting ;) Sometimes, the best support is to point out where the poster might not be entirely right :)

Karren H
10-20-2006, 07:49 AM
Nice rant Kathy.....and I admit that I get judgemental...too much... But I usually qualify my statements with "in my opinion". And sometimes, like yesterday, I've read what I wrote and it sounded too hurtfulish...so I went back and deleted it... Maybe I don't go back and delete enough...

But on the other hand (besides 5 fingers :) ) if no one were to experss their opinions then this would become a great mutual admiration society...In My Opinion..... Hehe

Love Karren

10-20-2006, 08:27 AM
absolutly correct honey---there do seem to be a number of people out there who want to pass judgement on others----can't really figure out why---my philosophy is live and let live---- some people are married with understanding wives, others married with non understanding wives, still others married with wives who don't know and last of all some aren't married at all. I always get irked when others try to tell people whose wives don't know that they should tell them---my response would be only if you want to pay their alimony--the relationship between spouses is nobodies business but the spouses and unless I was married to your wife I have no business telling you what to do in your relationship particularly if you didn't seek my advice. as far as grammar and spelling go---well obviously they are the victims of our educational system

10-20-2006, 08:30 AM
Not a rant in reply, but an observation. It appears that the only concrete matter to which you have raised an objection is the readiness of some of our members to come down hard on people who appear to be violating a monogamous commitment. People here do sometimes assume an impropriety where none is acknowledged (or even implied). In those instances your criticsm is fair: it's quite nasty to baselessly accuse someone of infidelity.

On the other hand, in circumstances where the poster is either expressly acknowleding being unfaithful - or where the poster's known background makes that evident - I do not think it unfair for people to express their disapproval. Even, that is, when the terms used are strong or hurtful.

Forums have general tones and usually adopt a consensus of attitude through self-selection. This forum is largely comprised of monogamous people -- at least among the regular posters. There are scores of CD/TS/TG web sites that do not care about a person's infidelities, and for all I know some that even encourage them. To the extent that a person is looking for absolution (or worse yet, validation) of their adultery, cheating or extramarital indiscretions, they probably will not find it here. I do not think this forum needs to apologize for that.

Make no mistake about it, in other words: if you want support and encouragement as a crossdresser, you will find it here. For infidelity? You will not. Unable to emotionally disentangle the two? You will probably have your feelings hurt and may misinterpret criticism of the one as a lack of support for the other.

As far as your second rant, I couldn't agree more. People who do not take the time to at least attempt to correct their spelling and express themselves clearly have, in my view, forfeited the right to receive constructive answers to their posts.


Angela Burke
10-20-2006, 08:59 AM
I couldn't give a monkeys if someones post isn't grammaticaly correct or there are spelling errors. I'm far more interested in the content.
I go to an art gallery to look at the paintings not the frames, nice though some of them may be.
I just hope you haven't put anyone off from posting from fear of not being able to meet your exacting standards.
A final thought.
Do you know how prevalent dyslexia is amongst the population?

Tamara Croft
10-20-2006, 09:06 AM
Wow, you've not been back five minutes and you're off on a tangent again. This forum is for support, this forum isn't school and members aren't legally bound to spell check anything just because you can't read it. Quite simply, I find the tone of your post rather offensive. This thread is done, if you don't like how this forum is run, find another one.

Feel free to PM if you aren't happy with the closure of this thread, but I can see you've already pissed off a few people.