View Full Version : She said my leg was beatiful :)

01-06-2005, 03:23 PM
So, I had this ongoing saga about shaving my legs (STILL have terrible bumps!!) and presenting them to my GF who requested that we start into CD with me shaving... I was stressed and worried and you all calmed me but there was no comparing to the anxiety I felt all night when she finally came over...

I told her about the shaving bumps and explained that my red light bulb washes out the appearance of red and made me feel better about them. So I had a red light in the bedroom... I avoided showing her or talking about it all night. Finally, I snuck into bed at the end of the night and I was a wreck. We talked about it a bit and eventually I just yanked my leg out from under the blanket and held it up and said "so, there. That's my leg. It's shaven and smooth. If I don't get it out in the open we'll be up all night 'not talking' about it. So there, that's my leg."

Do you know what she said? Given that she's being very nice... and I'm afraid she's saying what she thinks I want to hear... she said - "and what a beautiful leg it is."

Not kidding or anything - more of an optimistic tone to her voice. But still!! Now, she didn't go crazy for it or anything but she did run her hands on my legs later when we were "busy"... and she said "it" was amazing...

maybe its going to be ok... I'm afraid of what she'd think about panties or thigh highs or, a whole outfit - but one step at a time.

KewTnCurvy GG
01-06-2005, 03:29 PM
Fabulous grrl! :) Happy for you both! I would trust what she says and what your gut says about what she says. It seems you feel she's being authentic. No reason to think she isn't:)


01-06-2005, 03:32 PM
...protecting myself just in case she's just being nice?


Paula A
01-06-2005, 03:45 PM
its great to hear that and it sounds like she likes the smoothness as well. many a long journey has been traveled by many small steps.

Those bumps,
When I first started I got those bad, looked like chicken pox, You have to let them heal and the hair will get like little wiskers. then shave again, I found that each time I shaved and let it heal my skin got more used to it, now I can go about every three days or less, depending on the sensativity of the area, Calves and out side of thighs I can do every day. I have also just learned that in those sensitve areas if I shave too soon they come back.


01-06-2005, 03:51 PM
You need to relax more Stephanie. I think if she ran her hand over your legs and said "amazing" you can pretty well figure she liked it. And the smooth feel was something new to her too, but she liked it.

Take her for her word, instead of thinking she's just being nice. Trust me, she probably wouldn't like it if you commented "Oh, your just being nice."

01-06-2005, 04:21 PM
Well she didn't say the legs were amazing... more the sex, really. But I did ask "even with my legs like this" and she said "yes."

You're right, Donna - I should just relax a bit... and take paula's advice on the legs - if those are your legs, hun, I'd rub an ashtray on mine if you recommended it! ;)

01-06-2005, 08:11 PM
Stephanie have you ever considered waxing?no rash and lasts for 4-6 weeks

01-06-2005, 08:24 PM
I couldn't let someone else do it... what about self waxing?

01-07-2005, 01:03 AM
Oh yea,I have been doing myself for years.I also do my wife,sister-in-law.Even do under-arms.believe me you will fall in love with. ;)

Tristen Cox
01-07-2005, 05:20 AM
Great progress! Sounds to me like it's going well enough to say she may accept this, but one thing at a time give it a chance to grow (no pun intended). She may take it better a little at a time giving things a while to set in her mind. I hope it goes 'smoothly' for you.(couldn't resist that one) You go girl! Enjoy :)

Love & hugs

01-07-2005, 05:25 AM
hey girl, first of all im very impressed with you taking it that far. With my girl thats where i am considering going. But as of now i am still trying to get the courage. I just wanted you to know that what you did has served as an inspiration to me. I mean afterall, we all only live once right?


01-07-2005, 10:24 PM
Racquel... what brand do you recommend? There are so many and they all seem like junk....

CuriousXDresser... I am so joyed to think I may have inspired you in some way! So many here have done it for me. I'll tell you - it's not easy! There's no right way... mine was very tearful and it's still hard but once you "break the seal" the rest is gravy :)

Sweet Susan
01-07-2005, 11:55 PM
I'm confused. Is it a beautiful leg or beautiful legs? Don't they come in pairs?

01-08-2005, 12:45 AM
The only one I found to be good (and I tried a lot) is PERSIAN COLD WAX
this is what the box says
The easiest most effective way to remove unwanted hair
*no heating necessary
*easily spreadable for instant use
*safe,fast,and simple to use anytime,anywhere
*ingredients:sucrose,honey,citrus extracts,gum arabic,water
*removes hair by the roots and discourages new growth
*leaves skin beautifully smooth for weeks
*complete instructions and depilatory strips enclosed
*in the market since 1970
made by cold private mfg.inc
p.o.box 86987,north vancouver b.c. canada.v7l 4p6
Mind you that I warm it in the micrwave for 10 seconds,and wash the strips to re-use.

01-08-2005, 11:08 AM
For what it's worth, more and more heterosexual men, especially young men in their teens and twenties, are shaving their legs these days. Lots of gay men are doing it, as are metrosexuals, bodybuilders and athletes. I think it's all part of a trend toward androgeny as the distinctions between the sexes blur.

01-08-2005, 12:56 PM
I'm confused. Is it a beautiful leg or beautiful legs? Don't they come in pairs?

At the time, I had only exposed one leg from beneath the blanket... "this... is my leg."

Persian Cold Wax, eh?... I'll look for it.

01-09-2005, 03:53 PM
Update. Not that it's a big deal but it's my current saga so I'm sharing FFFFFBBBBBBTTTTTTPPPPP!! ;)

She brought me an Intuition razor for my legs! What a gift - I was elated. AND!! If you haven't tried that razor - BUY IT! WOW.

Julie York
01-09-2005, 04:02 PM
I'm confused. Is it a beautiful leg or beautiful legs? Don't they come in pairs?

I have been following this myself Susan. :) If she loved the first leg she is going to go wild with two done!!

Just kidding. Good luck to you Stephanie, and very brave of you. Glad it went o.k.

(I need a real GG friend. I think it's the only way I will ever get the back of my legs done right without pulling a muscle.)

Melissa A.
01-09-2005, 04:19 PM
Stephanie, What a great story. What an understanding gal. You seem to have an understanding not to push too much, too fast. Smart girl. Could be the start of something beautiful for the two of you. All my best wishes.

I guess everyone's skin is different, but I have never had aproblem with shaving. And even though my legs were once very hairy (they never will be again!) it grows back very slowly. I do use a lotion called All about legs which claims to retard growth. Guess it must work...

My chest and stomach hair grow back quickly, though. Which my girlfriend hates, even though she likes cd.

Good luck with everything,Stephanie!


Melissa :)