View Full Version : Partners concerns

10-27-2006, 05:46 PM
I been reading a number of threads about and from partners and been thinking about some one other than myself. It seems dressing can be a little obsessive and I/we have problems seeing/understanding our parners who are sharing willingly or not our obsession. I was wondering if they struggle with "who am I?" "How will I be judged?" "What are the risks to me If someone finds out"

kittypw GG
10-27-2006, 08:09 PM
I can only speak for myself and I have all of the concerns you have stated. I think it is quite normal to wonder what others will think of you if the truth be told. After all crossdressing is not my personal dilema/agenda/fantasy. I did not go looking for a man who was interested in this. I was looking for a male partner to share my life with. I was ok with the crossdressing as it related to fantasy but when it became out of balance and took over every aspect of our lives then it tipped the scales of acceptance. I did not realise what I was committing to. I did not sign up for a life with a women. He got what he expected in me and has the comfort of knowing that I will be the same in 10 years as I am now provided that I have not had a serious injury to my brain or some health issue that prohibits me from doing the things that I do now. Do I have the same comfort in knowing that he will be the same??? Balance, respect for your spouse and their opinion and keeping your life in perspective are what keep partners in the acceptance arena. Just my :2c: though