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View Full Version : New G/F accepts my dressing

10-28-2006, 11:03 AM
Well I haven't posted in a while lots been going on. I just told my new g/f about my dressing and she accepts it. She has been wonderful. She even wants to take me shopping and wants to shave my legs to see me in a dress. But she wants to take her time being introduced to Lacey. For now she is asking lots of questions and is researching stuff on her own to better understand me. Things are going great. Finally someone who accepts me for me. Huggs, Lacey:hugs:

10-28-2006, 11:05 AM
Lacey, I'm happy for you, honesty pays. Looks like you have a keeper.

10-28-2006, 11:09 AM
Nice to hear, do let her take her time with Lacey you could suggest she join here where she would get a lot of info and she could join the GG forum and chat to other GGs

10-28-2006, 12:03 PM
My wife has been very supportive since I told her in 2005. She helps me with clothes makeup and shoes. I really love her for being my friend and special person in my life. It makes it much more fun when u have someone to share with. We r doing it up for the Hollween trickters tonight.

10-28-2006, 12:32 PM
good for you ,best of luck

Amy Hepker
10-28-2006, 12:43 PM
Hi, Great, I wish everyone was accepted. Please becareful and take it at her speed. If she feels you are pushing it could get ugly. Do as she asks and awnser her truthfully. If she hears something you feel strong about, but she hates then, it may not be right. I will pray that everything goes well for you as it really helps when the SO really does care enough to want you to share your other side with her. I hope you have many good times and many many great years together.

10-28-2006, 01:03 PM
You are lucky. I think my last girlfriend suspected my fetish (i wasn't ready to come out) and she left. :hugs:

10-28-2006, 01:28 PM
Lacey, I'm happy for you, honesty pays. Looks like you have a keeper.

Yes , she's a keeper. And I wanted to be totally honest with her before the relationship progressed any further. It's the fair thing to do for her. She deserves the truth and I think we have become closer b/c of it. thanks for the comment, Lacey.

10-28-2006, 01:32 PM
Nice to hear, do let her take her time with Lacey you could suggest she join here where she would get a lot of info and she could join the GG forum and chat to other GGs

Thanks , Sandra. I'll be sure to mention this to her. But I was surprised to find out she actually knows some crossdressers and likes a club in inkster, MI that accepts crossdressers so we may go when she is ready. I'm just lucky to have her and will take it her pace. Huggs, Lacey.

10-28-2006, 01:36 PM
My wife has been very supportive since I told her in 2005. She helps me with clothes makeup and shoes. I really love her for being my friend and special person in my life. It makes it much more fun when u have someone to share with. We r doing it up for the Hollween trickters tonight.

My G/F is very supportive so far and asks lots of questions. The other day we spent two hours just talking about my taste in clothes and want she wants to buy with me. And she may even have clothes I can wear so things are going great and taking it her pace. Thanks, Lacey.

10-28-2006, 01:37 PM
good for you ,best of luck

Thanks, Erica. It means alot that you commented. Huggs, Lacey.

10-28-2006, 01:42 PM
Hi, Great, I wish everyone was accepted. Please becareful and take it at her speed. If she feels you are pushing it could get ugly. Do as she asks and awnser her truthfully. If she hears something you feel strong about, but she hates then, it may not be right. I will pray that everything goes well for you as it really helps when the SO really does care enough to want you to share your other side with her. I hope you have many good times and many many great years together.

So far so good. I'm just loving that she is so understanding. She said she might not always be understanding of things we talk about, but she promised to talk them out with me. How awesome is that? She has asked alot of questions and I answered them totally honest. I thought she deserved to know all of me and she appreciated my honesty. So she said she has to update my wardrobe b/c I am fashionally challenged. LOL. thanks, Lacey.

10-28-2006, 01:47 PM
You are lucky. I think my last girlfriend suspected my fetish (i wasn't ready to come out) and she left. :hugs:

Sorry that happened to you. I have told every girl/ woman I have dated for an extended time. All but one accepted it. the one that didn't tried to spread the rumor but with the help of my sister we squashed it. My sister was the first girl I told and she has always accepted it. :hugs: Huggs Lacey.

10-28-2006, 04:55 PM
Im not out and My ex GF didnt like the thought of it. I joked about it with her and she hated it. But sh left me for other resons and my new GF likes me crossdressing. She is understanding and she likes to be the man when it comes to us. So think that we are lucky. I'm happy for you and hope you have just as good as luck as i do with this gf.

10-28-2006, 05:15 PM
Congrats! Isn't life beautiful when it all works out? All we need do is be patient and let life take the course it was meant to take.

Jasmine Ellis
10-28-2006, 05:19 PM
well done for telling her don't forget to tell us how it went shopping with her, and go and have fun