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View Full Version : Comfortably Read

Sophia Rearen
10-28-2006, 01:01 PM
"Are you comfortable?" the cute 24 year old bartender asks as she passes by my barstool. I'm engrossed in a conversation with a gg friend of mine. I'm enfemme ( pictures here http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43306 ) and intensely having a girls chat. She's doing most of the talking. I'm sitting as feminine as I can and the bartender reads me. "Are you comfortable?" I say, "I'm sorry what did you say?" She repeats and I ask "why did you ask me that?" She said, "you look very comfortable sitting there and I was just curious to see if you were". I say, "yes, I am very comfortable and I too just noticed how comfortable I had become". She said "you may want to start doing this full time". I was definitely read by the bartender/therapist. Funny this comes exactly one week after my last outing and I wrote how liberating it can be to be dressed as one feels about ones self.

Kaitlyn Michele
10-28-2006, 02:11 PM

interesting thought and it resonates with me...

being "read" vs "passing"...i really think many of us get "read" much more than we think if we consider passing as being viewed as a gg...

maybe its just me...but thats my opionion...the thing is ...most people just say oh there goes a tg woman and on they go...its part of life...we exist..so if you look and act like a woman you will be mostly treated as such

so i think if you're making the effort you get what you want out of it after you get over the fear part...its an inch by inch battle, because its no fun to be made fun of or worse but if you feel on the inside that you are what you look like then its the other persons problem...

i'd love to have the kind of conversation you had with that bartender...the ones i've had have been more that women will tell me i look really great or my outfit is nice and i take that as a complimentary way of them making me more comfortable..but not that i passed in any way...altho i'm sure in some cases i've passed, i bet those times are the ones where i'm NOT approached..

i love when i'm walking thru the mall and people are not even looking at me...thats passing!!

10-28-2006, 02:37 PM
"You may want to start doing this fulltime." Sophia, that sentence says a lot in itself. If a GG can say that to one of us, then our being must be really apparent. Thanks for sharing that story.

10-28-2006, 03:30 PM
See? There is really no issue with being "read" as genetically male - if what you described isn't properly characterized as "passing" then I don't really know the value of the concept. Good for you. And you are right - liberating is exactly the correct word!!!!

I love reading posts like this: it's an infinitely more empowering and positive message as to how we can interact as CDs with the world.


Sophia Rearen
10-28-2006, 04:06 PM
I'm glad this is being well received, thanks. A funny story earlier in the evening. We had just settled in and I said to my gg friend, "I remember when I had a body like that", regarding the bartender. A few minutes later, the bartender came over and I said, "I was just telling my friend, that I remember when I had a body like yours". She said, I look great and that she wasn't sure how to take my comment. We shared a good laugh. I told her she looked great. Then, she asked me the question, "how old do you think I am?". My reply, "Oh, boy, I don't want to do this, but, I say 24?" "Close, I'm 22", she says. I tell her she shows more confidence and stature for her age and that's a good thing. :happy:

10-28-2006, 04:24 PM
I realy love stories like yours. thanks for sharing.

10-28-2006, 04:55 PM
Sophia, this just shows that it's perfectly fine to be genetically male but present ourselves as female, or rather, in a feminine mode. I've started reading some scholarly stuff on crossdressing, and culturally Western society is soooooo backward. In some societies, we'd be granted special status and be in high regard.

10-28-2006, 05:14 PM
Hi Sophia
being read has never giving me any problems. i think people today are OK with what we do. it's funny in a way while i was getting my hair done i got talking to this woman. she calls herself don well i said Donna she said no don. i said OK sorry don she said OK and then said to me did you know from an Early age that you wanted to be a woman !!. you seem quite comfortable sitting there have you been doing this long... crap she read me but we talked for a while and she said i looked relay good and she said i look forward to meeting you again.. so to be honest with you girls i assume i would have a very hard time out there living as a woman but in fact nothing as happened at all .. has any one else had the same experience ?