View Full Version : A past life???

10-30-2006, 02:56 PM
i think i have been taken advantage of but never the less it is mildly unsettling but definitely intriguing. My Wife (and Mistress) and i went to a quiet gathering of adults in our neighborhood over the weekend. A Halloween party without the costumes. Unknown to all of us our host and hostess had invited a friend who was, as She explained to us, a clairvoyant and seer. She would that evening reveal to us our past lives and connect them to our present. Amused we all agreed to participate and later, after several glasses of an intoxicating punch we all sat down spin-the-bottle fashion and so began the revelations. We had amongst us at the time a former Russian revolutionary, a Viennese baker, a wine steward to Henry the 8th (didn't know i ran in such elite circles). When my turn came She was very solemn and authoritative pronouncing, that in my first life i had been an adultress and killed during the Spanish Inquisition by the use of the Iron Maiden, in my second life i had been a prostitute in White Chapel and likely killed by Jack the Ripper and during the civil war i had been an indentured slave girl working in a sail makers shop in Charleston.

She then stated that my inability to project authority and my submissive nature were a culmination of the lives i had led. i'm sure i blushed but all the others laughed out loud.

On the way back home Mistress was quite amused by my discomfort and said since i already had the experience that i should earn a few extra dollars turning tricks. LOL(not)

i'm sure i was set up but then again......i wonder

Kate Simmons
10-30-2006, 07:43 PM
I dunno, Hon. Maybe you have to turn things around a little. I was a female warrior in the past. I was also married and had children. I had no problem whatsoever hugging my husband and kissing my children one minute and lopping the head off an enemy in the next. This is part of the reason I was born a male this time, so I could learn temperment and humility. You can't fight inherent inclinations, however, and my feelings are resurging more and more these days. I feel some kind of confrontation is brewing. I'd certainly hate to be on the "receiving end" of myself. You have to really search your feelings to see if the seer was for real. I know my memories are!:happy: Ericka/Rich

trannie T
10-30-2006, 08:05 PM
It's all a crock. The only thing a clairvoyant sees is a way into your wallet. She may have seen you getting uncomfortable and played to your anxieties.