View Full Version : submissive

10-31-2006, 11:42 AM

I have a wonderful relationship with my lover, many times I am able to let go of enough crap that I begin to feel like I’m in a place where I’m more in touch with my feminine side and I don’t see it at all as submissive. I see it as the balance to where my lover is at. So I ask. Why are we so quick to label what we think of as a feminine role, submissive? How many out there see the female role as submissive to the male.:mad: OH!!!!! And GG’s please feel free to beat us about the head soundly if we deserve it. Or…. Give us your prospective of the feminine here:D

10-31-2006, 02:20 PM
I see it as the yin and yang of people - regardless of gender. Some people give and others take. Some service and others are serviced. Some are leaders and others are followers - you get the idea. And some take turns with all of it . . . it all depends on where you fit in with your partner. I don't see the submissive role in a relationship or in a sexual situation as being that of a female necessarily.

And, just as an aside, when I read threads about male CDs deferring their dressing habits to their partners' wishes (and I'm NOT saying this is a bad thing), I have to wonder who the submissive one in that relationship is. :devil:

10-31-2006, 02:59 PM
I look at it when two are making love it is not one taking and the other giving but both are giving to each other if they are doing it right. That way both are enjoying the full pleasures of there love making.

10-31-2006, 03:05 PM
Capt Lex hit it - I've been with women that were submissive, some that always wanted to be in control (dominant) and some that swung in the breeze.

It takes all types. I think I'm fairly submissive but until now I've felt that I have to pretend to be dominate or else someone might guess my dirty little secret. No more of that shite, I need to find me a fem-dom! :)


10-31-2006, 07:10 PM
Male/female does not equal dominent/submissive...

I happen to be submissive.

And anyway, if dom/sub is a somewhat sexual fetish/fantasy, there is leading evidence in the psychology community to say that bad experiences are repressed and turned into something pleasurable... sexual. With this in mind, submissiveness could be the result of many factors: humiliation earlier in life, feelings of emotional insignificance/downtrodden etc.

It's always the psychological, innit!!

Anyway, I think Dom/sub is a personality trait. Both I, male, and a female friend of mine, are submissive. I know women who are dominent in most senses... so it's not a gender thing - just a stereotype in gender.

Kate Simmons
10-31-2006, 07:31 PM
Beats me, Hon. I'm anything but "submissive" when I'm Ericka. Everyone pretty much knows where they stand with me and I'm not bashful about making my feelings known. I'm definately no "shrinking violet" if that's what you mean. I can arm wrestle and drink the best of 'em under the table. Seems that Ericka is where all my spunk comes from.:happy: Ericka/Rich

Dee Model
10-31-2006, 07:43 PM
I dunno, i mean it seems to be that sexually, women have all the power. It is the female that decides how far things will go, if, indeed, anywhere.
The male is fundamentally an opportunist. We don't necessarily have the luxury of choice. No, make no mistake, it's the females who rule the world. The femmes, we just try to get by. I (like many CDs, I fear) face an existential dicotomy...that of being a masculine "force", as it were, on the one hand, whilst simultaneuously maintaining within us the capacity to express our feminine side.

I feel sub when dressed and dom when not. Two halves of the same coin, yeah, whatever.

Just gotta find a way of dealing with it that's all. To me that means quashing my natural, and self-destructive, introspection. We are all a bundle of insecurities and personal and private neurosis. The essential contradiction i feel with in myself...i just refuse point blank to give it the time of day anymore. Just. Stop.

I accept that this is the way i'm built genetically, or whatever, and that i ain't a gonnna change.

That much is fact and there ain't too many of them about.

10-31-2006, 09:37 PM
it is what we are taught.... in the USA as young children we are taught that the man is the head of the household, the provider, the protecter, etc.
The woman the the other hand is his counter part and supports the household with compassion and understanding, the raising of the children, the organizer of life so to say....
In other countries, who knows unless they chirp in.... but this question will have many results and many answers. we take what is inside and grow from there. In the crossroads of life, we have choices, our life style is a choice.
A name is nothing without action, and action, or what we do is what " DEFINES WHO WE ARE"..

11-01-2006, 04:59 AM
Who indeed found the tree of knowledge it was Eve not Adam and eve was made from adams rib not his foot and or anything lesser so the female is suppose to always be right by his side to support him not be under him in any way whatsoever you do know this right.

OH well

Jay Suzy!

11-01-2006, 09:30 AM
I love aggressive, take charge women. Domineering--there is an endless supply. It helps if they appreciate CD. In addition to CD I have many kinky fantasies. I will get back as soon as I finish my chores.

11-01-2006, 12:07 PM
I am a dom in both gender roles :chained: :dom: Hehe

11-03-2006, 11:25 AM
I like to be forced and compelled for CD by female (friend or wife). I very much enjoy when my wife puts on bra on my body

11-03-2006, 11:35 AM
As you can see by My avatar I am feminine---but do you think I look submissive?---I don't think so:dom:

11-03-2006, 11:43 AM
well, every relationship has both sides, and being always one way (dominant or submissive) isn't really healthy - it's assigning unequal roles. So we can initiate, or encourage our partner to initiate - take the lead, or step back. Both can be good / fun. I enjoy when my wife gets aggressive with me, and she enjoys me taking charge. And as others have said, being feminine is no synonym for being submissive!

Karren H
11-03-2006, 03:04 PM
Who ever said females were submissive? Don't tell my wife that....shell kick your ass!! Hehehe. I have first hand knowledge of that for sure!! :)

Love Karren

11-03-2006, 06:55 PM
...both are giving to each other if they are doing it right...

Bang on!