View Full Version : Great shopping experience

11-07-2006, 05:06 AM
I was in town with my so the other day and as it is her bithday soon i said that iwould leave her and go shopping myself, well this just played into my own plans of visiting a new shop that i had heard of that caters for cds, as i am not at the stage of going out en-femme i was in drad with my usual femme underclothes on. i was looking for a pair of shoes intially, but what a time i had with the sa, she brought a variaty of shoes and i felt absolutly at ease to try them on, i did manage to buy a pair and then we got to talking about cd,ing and before long we had skirts and tops out for me to try on, what a great feeling being in shop and trying on femme, the sa them brought this bee-u-tifulll pink off-the shoulder dress that fitted like a glove, i just had to have it, i then needed a jacket to match the dress so low and behold iwe managed to get one, this is costing me money, having decided that i had bought enough i started to leave the shop very pleased and then i ask if they could source a pair of boots that would fit my veyr skinny legs as i have had trouble getting any, just like she was expecting me to come into her shop today a pair of knee length boots were produced, i shall go to the ball as the fitted like a glass slipper. i spent a total of £100 buying 5 items and she put in a nice top for free. on a high i then went to my favourite makeup store where the sa knows i am a cd and she to had loads of bargain, another £75, well when a girl treats herself, oh and by-the-way i did not manage to get my so anything, well that just means another shopping trip into all the femme stores. sorry it is a lot but this was my first trip when i could openly try on in store and really feel great. the store is in glasgow and if anybody wants info just e-mail me

Brianna Lovely
11-07-2006, 05:19 AM
What a wonderful shopping trip, sounds like you had lots of fun.
Next trip out, you better get your SO's gifts first, giggle.

11-07-2006, 05:20 AM
I normally steer clear of so-called CD or CD-friendly stores, but it sounds like you had a ball.

11-07-2006, 05:55 AM
Sounds like a wonderful trip.

Tina Dixon
11-07-2006, 05:58 AM
The CD stores are a great place to go, makes you feel right at home, you may pay a bit more but it's a small price to pay for piece of mind.

Emma England
11-07-2006, 08:57 AM
Sounds like you had a great time!!

Most stores are cd friendly.

You will probably end up being a regular customer at that store.

One bit of advice - please put paragraphs in your post, as it was difficult to read.

11-08-2006, 05:21 PM
i had a great time once in ann summers very similar to yours but as we all know it sells womens and mens clothing so imagine the SA face when i asked if they had this beautifull black and purple leather body suit with big thick suspenders straps to fit me,as we were the only ones ib the shop she was really helpfull but could not let me try it on (health and safety etc)but if it did not fit she would swap it for another one the next day at 2 as she would be on her own again.It fitted perfectly,just thinking about going back to the shop wearing it under my clothes just to see if she would like to see it on what do people think?

tekla west
11-08-2006, 05:31 PM
I'm still a Macy's / Goodwill girl. One extreame or the other.