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View Full Version : Shaving - A Love Hate Situation

Donna Louise
01-09-2005, 02:56 PM

I have a complaint, one GG's might not understand. I hate shaving my face everyday. Sometimes twice a day. What a pain in the a** it is. Although I was blessed with not being really hairy, I was cursed in my own way. My natural hair was light blonde. Now mostly gray :(

With that said, I am not a good candidate for lazer hair removal. So I am pretty much stuck with the situation.

Oh My, believe me I love to shave my legs and keep them that way. Summer or winter. I love summer, I throw on a pair of girly jean shorts, you know the not too short but short enough kind, some ankle socks and off I go. ;)

I ask you can anything feel better then freshly shaven legs, a silky skirt and a little breeze? Oh be still my pounding heart. I get so excited when I just think about it.

God how I love to shave them and put a light lotion on. It feels so good.

Yes, the chest too, I have to shave there but once again I am not really hairy but still it looks so much better. One thing I hate is to nick a nipple - :eek: Thank God I don"t have back hair. That would drive me nuts.

The neither regions - well I won't go there. Lets just say I tried it a couple times and boy is it prickly! Can you say beard trimmer?

Sisters, I know that you all know exactly what I mean. As I said this is a very, very Love Hate Relationship with Hair!

Enough said.

Donna Louise

01-09-2005, 03:09 PM
Oh Donna I know where you are comming from. Wish I didnt have to do the face thing either. Does laser hair removal work that good? Isn't it very expensive? LOL Wilma

01-09-2005, 03:21 PM
I think none of us would disagree about the whole hair thing... *sigh* I love shaving my legs, but hate shaving my face... why is it so different?!


01-09-2005, 03:32 PM
I'm the same way. I've been given the "go ahead" on shaving anything I want... after a year long purge I have a beard that, if I do say so, looks great for a guy but it constantly makes me feel "burly" instead of girly ;) I'm going to shave my face today but I've been putting it off because I so hate the upkeep on it and I feel so much uglier when it's scruffy. I'd rather have an all out beard than ugly scruff... and I'd much rather spend all that time shaving my legs!

Then there's the chest and stomach area... never done it but I've been given the green light... what's that like?

01-09-2005, 04:36 PM
..... Then there's the chest and stomach area... never done it but I've been given the green light... what's that like?

Steph: It's great, go ahead and shave the lot off, you won't ever regret it.


01-09-2005, 07:28 PM
Shocking, Steph.. I did it last month and it was a little shocking seeing all that white skin. Also, when taking a shower it felt a lot different, like the water running down teflon. But feeling nylon on the bare skin is great.

Stephanie Brooks
01-09-2005, 11:47 PM
At present I have a full beard and mustache. I still shave every day, and do a trim once a week. However, The Purge just ended two days ago, and the facial hair is soon to follow.

Shaving the mustache is like shaving wire. It is tough and bristly. Yes I hate shaving my face.

While I love having shaved legs, I hate taking the time to do it. For me, it's a solid 20 minute investment every day. While I have skipped the occasional day, doing so risks ingrown hairs. Ugh!

I do the underarms when I'm wearing something sleeveless. ;) With a bit of care, that goes quickly. First time I use the beard trimmer; for maintenance, daily shaving works fine.

I've never done my chest, though I've trimmed the upper part of my chest with a beard trimmer. One of my now departed dresses had a somewhat low neckline. Although I don't have a forest on my chest, it's still too much for a woman. The beard trimmer works fine for me.

01-10-2005, 12:47 AM
I hate shaving my face, always have. Even when I do, it still looks crumby. I swear I have a five o'clock shadow like 5 min after shaving. Its the one thing besides having a low voice that stops me venturing out.
Anyway, the legs don't bug me at all to shave, and the chest takes some uptake, but that little tummy of mine hates being shaved, naired, or glared at. It gets all bumpy and cranky. I let it grow a little and I am going to wax the little suckers tommorrow.


01-10-2005, 01:27 AM
Shaving is one of the few parts of crossdressing that brings me the most anxiety - primarily over my body in general (not just hair I mean). :( I'll tell you I'm tempted to start hormone replacement therapy every time I shave because it irritates me so much. :o
Someday, perhaps.

Paula UK
01-10-2005, 07:43 AM
just shaved top-to-toe and i love it!!!!!! trouble is just laddered my favourite stockings whilst putting them on..........THAT F£$%S ME OFF SO MUCH!!:mad:

paula x

01-10-2005, 07:52 AM
For me shaving truely sucks. I just hate it. That is why I am planning to get everything removed by laser as soon as possible. That way I don't have to worry about it any more. I love the feel of smooth skin especially under a pair of stockings or a silky nighty.


Maddie Knight
01-10-2005, 02:15 PM
i hate shaving my face my skin gets realy dry. i don't dress every day so i let my stubble grow for a day or two, it gives my skin time to recover and feals cleaner when i do shave. but don't forget that moisturiser !

Tristen Cox
01-10-2005, 02:30 PM
I love shaven legs. Oh what a feeling it is! Soft and smooth and a nice dress to remind me they are there. I feel so very girly almost giddy with delight. I always use lotion after or I'd be itching for hours. (working on the wax thing but that's another story). As relaxing and fulfilling as leg and chest shaving can be, I've hated constantly having to do my face. The hair grows back in half a day so it really has to be maintained. Oh well, maybe soon I can go for lazer and keep that routine going. But for now I will have to suffer like anyone else :o

Love & hugs

Gail Evans
01-10-2005, 02:55 PM
Have my back and chest waxed every two weeks - the best, face is still a hate subject

01-10-2005, 03:50 PM
Some of you girls actually enjoy shaving your legs.

One of these days I'm going to put my back out shaving the backs.

I detest shaving anything but love smooth legs. ergo, the job has to be done.

Bobbie Lee
01-24-2005, 04:05 PM

I have a complaint, one GG's might not understand. I hate shaving my face everyday. Sometimes twice a day. What a pain in the a** it is. Although I was blessed with not being really hairy, I was cursed in my own way. My natural hair was light blonde. Now mostly gray :(

With that said, I am not a good candidate for lazer hair removal. So I am pretty much stuck with the situation.

Oh My, believe me I love to shave my legs and keep them that way. Summer or winter. I love summer, I throw on a pair of girly jean shorts, you know the not too short but short enough kind, some ankle socks and off I go. ;)

I ask you can anything feel better then freshly shaven legs, a silky skirt and a little breeze? Oh be still my pounding heart. I get so excited when I just think about it.

God how I love to shave them and put a light lotion on. It feels so good.

Yes, the chest too, I have to shave there but once again I am not really hairy but still it looks so much better. One thing I hate is to nick a nipple - :eek: Thank God I don"t have back hair. That would drive me nuts.

The neither regions - well I won't go there. Lets just say I tried it a couple times and boy is it prickly! Can you say beard trimmer?

Sisters, I know that you all know exactly what I mean. As I said this is a very, very Love Hate Relationship with Hair!

Enough said.

Donna Louise
I wish I had your hair, mine is thick as can be. Back, legs, chest you name it, wondering if anyone knows of anyway to get rid of it over a long period of time, say months or a year so it it is not evidnet that it was done?

01-24-2005, 07:13 PM
Yes Donna I know what you mean I too have to shave 2 or 3 times a day if I want to go out or be EN FEMME all day what a Pain in the keester. My$.02 worth :cool:

01-24-2005, 07:21 PM
Shaving is definately interesting, especially in areas other than your face and neck. :) just recently shaved my lages and the lower part of my arms (it is definately a smooth sensation when it's completed, though if you get into moview like I do - really emotionally, then you notice the stubble stand up on your legs, a bit unconfortable at firt, but you get used to it :)). I used a triple blade at first, the went after the 'stragglers' with a single bladed BIC disposable.

I'll get to teh stomach and chest in the next couple of weekends. I do remember one time I shaved all my hair off of every part of my body (except for the head of course - but where I have short hair, it may not have mattered much :)). Then put on the satin sheets and dressed up in a satin bra, panties and long night dress. I will say that this was AMAZING!!! I never had such of a (a-hem) expirience before - true pampering at it's best!

But I will agree, it is definately a long and hard struggle to keep the hair off - was thinking about one of those hair removal clinics, but to do almost the whole body may cost a 'pretty penny', that's for sure! :)

01-24-2005, 08:14 PM
Yes, it's true girls, shaving does suck! I was cursed with a lot of body hair-uh, I mean a lot. For a crossdresser, this was a very cruel trick of nature. I struggled with the issue for years and years and as my cding became more comprehensive and I became more experienced, it drove me crazy. About a year and a half ago I guess, I started shaving just my hirsute chest. This created a rather bizarre look (feel free to laugh along here...) that simply would not do. After about a week like this I said, "**** it! I've put up with this crap for the last time in my life" I started shaving girls, and listen, I didn't stop until the only hair on my body was my lower arms and what little is left on my head. Oh it was amazing! It felt so good to finally be free of it. Oh, there was still the little issue of my hairy back. I could only reach so much so my dear wife has been drafted into regular back-cuts and shaves! What a trooper! I shave underarms, chest, heck, even my toes and I do love how it feels. A few extra minutes in the shower with Aveeno and I do declare it's worth every one of them. I don't see how I could ever go back now, although, truthfully, my wife will still say wistfully, she'd like the old hairy me again. Sorry doll, it can't happen! Take care girls, Olivia.

01-24-2005, 08:31 PM
Well I guess I might be a little more "obsessed" with hair removal. I started laser hair removal on my underarms and legs a few years ago and what a feeling. I now have little or no hair under my arms and very little on my legs. Just need a quick 3 minute touch up with the electric shaver on my legs ever other day (not needed but I like to be smooth).

I just think of LHR as my insurance against having body hair.


01-24-2005, 10:14 PM
when it comes to shaving my face, I can't stand it. I reciently moved to electric so its less of a issue and also not as many nicks. My facial hair grows in at very steep angle which makes shaving against the grain impossible (unless I want a thousand shaving nicks) and shaving with the grain just doesn't cut it close. With an electric I can finally shave against the grain but do have to be careful because I can still get cut.

Currently typing with with fresh shaved legs and a two day old facial growth... thats life.


01-25-2005, 12:05 AM

You may want to consider the One-Touch Home Electrolysis set. It really works and is not so difficult to use and is cheap to buy. The main drawback is that if you are doing it yourself then it will take time - a lot of time. Once you have practised a bit you can probably average about 1 hair a minute.

Now if you were to set aside 30 minutes each day then you could remove 900 hairs in a month. After 6 months thats 5,400 hairs which is probably enough to clear your beard. There will be some secondary growth so in reality, if used daily, it would take an entire year to complete. I know that sounds a long time but think of this - if you had done it last year then you would already be enjoying the beauty of a hairless face now!

I never have to pluck my eyebrows anymore as they are permanently neat and I have reduced my overall beard cover significantly. Since CDing is a lifelong passion, then I think this is something all CDers should seriously think about.