View Full Version : Getting make over

11-10-2006, 05:06 PM
I called Sephora just to see what they would say if I asked for makeup help. I got more than I bargained for. I basically said, I have a question, I never worn makeup and wanted to start but have no idea what color work or where to begin, is that something you guys would be able to help me with? Oh yeah, sure no problem. ( I sensed a little nervousness but very polite and professional. ) Let me get your our color coordinator, hold on please.

The color coordinator gets on the phone and I basically told her the same thing, she was super friendly and said. We offer free makeup consultations, I can schedual you for. They take about an hour and we do them on Friday and Saturdays would you like to schedual an appointment? She also suggested I bring photos to give them an idea of what look I'm going for.

You know what though, I really don't know, I have no idea what "look" I'm going for. Any ideas here? Cause I really have no idea. I'm kind of in the middle right now. In the past I've always worn tropical wear such as hawaiian shirts, quicksilver and stuff like that. Although recently I've been wearing the waffle shirts under t-shirts with black jeans. And of course as winter is moving in, I've been wearing sweaters. So.... I just don't know. I could go for the punk, dunno how to do the tropical thing unless they are just liberal with bronzer. If it helps I'm 32 and fortunately look 24.

Of course the good news is Sephora was really helpful and inviting. Of course your milage may vary.

11-10-2006, 05:53 PM
Good for you to get a appointment. Now find some pics of women that you think look good. It's a start first get something cute that fits your age and learn how to do it. Then if you don't like the look you will have some ideal how you can change it. Something that you can put on and go to the mall shopping that doesn't stand out from the other GGs.

trannie T
11-10-2006, 06:03 PM
I've my makeup done twice at a beauty college, it's cheap, fun and the girls do a far better job than I can ever do. I just tell them that my face is a blank canvas and they can practice their artestry. The first time the girl went all the way with false lashes and glitter eyeliner, the second time I got a far more subdued look. Both times were terrific fun, the girls at the school enjoyed it, the other customers enjoyed watching, and I loved it,can't wait to do it again.

Kristen Marie
11-10-2006, 08:31 PM
Yesterday I treated myself to a 4 hour make-up/transformation session to celebrate Kristen finally dropping through another weight category.....woo hoo! I had abstained as motivation and she came through. (I love talking in the third person)

My request was to create a fresh new look for Kristen. I was getting in a rut. You gals have be such an inspiration to me that All I wanted to do was have fun, and look young and sassy! So many of you have great looks and smiling faces. This is been so encouraging.

It was my best day ever. If you want to read the story (and it's long), its posted on my blog at myspace (link included on my profile).

If you have never had one done, they are awesome. We tried out all kinds of looks and there will be nice pictures taken at the next one in December. I promise.